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Created November 19, 2009 17:05
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Save waffle2k/238902 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Little application to retrieve the certficate from a remote
# system, and check the expiry date of that cert against the
# time of the local system.
# Author: pblair(at)tucows(dot)com
# Last Modified: Tue Sep 1 10:19:20 EDT 2009
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use IPC::Open2;
use IPC::Open3;
use Time::Local;
## Global Variables
my $verbose = 0;
### Set the help applications
my $DATE = `which date`; chomp( $DATE );
my $SSL = `which openssl`; chomp( $SSL );
### Functions
# This routine currently only works for HTTP retrieval.
sub getcert( $$ ){
my ($host,$port) = @_;
my $command = "$SSL s_client -connect ${host}:${port} 2>&1";
print "Calling [$command]\n" if $verbose;
my $pid = open2(\*RDR, \*WTR, $command );
print WTR "get /\r\n";
my $ssltxt = do{ local $/; <RDR>; };
my $cert = $1 if( $ssltxt =~ /(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*-----END CERTIFICATE-----)/gsm);
return $cert
sub certExpiry( $ ){
my ($crt) = @_;
print "Calculating cert expiry\n" if $verbose;
my $pid = open2(\*RDR, \*WTR, "${SSL} x509 -enddate");
print WTR "$crt\n";
my $txt = do { local $/; <RDR>; };
my $expires = $1 if ( $txt =~ /notAfter=(.*)/ );
# Example: notAfter=Apr 18 13:55:24 2010 GMT
if( $expires =~ /(\S+?)\s+(\d+?)\s+\S+\s+(\d+?)\s+/ ){
my ($m,$d,$y) = ($1,$2,$3);
# Convert month to numeric
$m = 0 if( $m =~ /Jan/i );
$m = 1 if( $m =~ /Feb/i );
$m = 2 if( $m =~ /Mar/i );
$m = 3 if( $m =~ /Apr/i );
$m = 4 if( $m =~ /May/i );
$m = 5 if( $m =~ /Jun/i );
$m = 6 if( $m =~ /Jul/i );
$m = 7 if( $m =~ /Aug/i );
$m = 8 if( $m =~ /Sep/i );
$m = 9 if( $m =~ /Oct/i );
$m = 10 if( $m =~ /Nov/i );
$m = 11 if( $m =~ /Dec/i );
my $time = timegm( 0, 0, 0, $d, $m, $y );
return( $time,$expires );
return( 0,0 );
### MAIN
my %options;
my ($host,$port);
my @work;
$verbose = 1 if defined $options{v};
die("You must supply a host:port with -h\n") unless( defined $options{h} || defined $options{f} );
if( defined $options{h} ){
if( $options{h} =~ /(\S+?):(\d+)/ ){
($host,$port) = ($1,$2);
push( @work, [ $host, $port ]);
elsif( $options{h} =~ /^(\S+)$/ ){
$host = $1;
push( @work, [ $host, 443 ] );
elsif( defined $options{f} ){
open FD, "<$options{f}";
while( <FD> ){
print "Reading [$_]\n" if $verbose;
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s+/;
if( /(\S+?):(\d+)/ ){
($host,$port) = ($1,$2);
push( @work, [ $host, $port ] );
elsif( /\.crt/i ){
# We want to look up a cert file!
push( @work, [ $_, undef ] );
elsif( /^(\S+)$/ ){
$host = $1;
push( @work, [ $host, 443 ] );
my (@resDelta, @resName, @resExp );
for( @work ){
my ($host,$port) = @$_;
my $cert = '';
if( $host =~ /\.crt/i ){
# Chances are that we're looking
# for a file
open FD, "<$host";
my $ssltxt = do { local $/; <FD>; };
print "Extracting cert from [$host]\n" if $verbose;
$cert = $1 if( $ssltxt =~ /(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*-----END CERTIFICATE-----)/gsm);
else {
print "Getting cert from [$host:$port]\n" if $verbose;
$cert = getcert( $host, $port );
print $cert . "\n" if $options{c};
next if( $cert eq '' );
# Get the expiration date
my ($expiry,$txtexpiry) = certExpiry( $cert );
print "Cert expires on: $expiry\n" if $options{e};
# Get how many days until expiration
my $now = time();
my $delta = $expiry - $now;
$delta /= ( 60 * 60 * 24 );
$delta = sprintf "%d", $delta;
printf "Cert expires in %d days\n", $delta if $options{d};
my $name = "$host:$port";
push( @resName, $name );
push( @resDelta, $delta );
push( @resExp, $txtexpiry );
if( $options{r} ){
format STDOUT =
Name | Expires | Days Left
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< | @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< | @>>>>>>>>>> ~~
shift( @resName ), shift( @resExp ), shift( @resDelta )
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