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Created October 8, 2014 09:30
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transducers with wrap
(defprotocol IReducing
"A value protocol for augmented reducing functions."
"Returns default initial unwrapped value."
"Returns final wrapped result, and performs flushing or cleaning
of internal state. Returned wrap should have cleaned state,
so that eventual subsequent calls to -finish will perform
Input may be reduced, which signals that
finalization of early terminated reduction should be performed.
Implementation must return reduced object at when `wrap` is reduced."
[this wrap])
"Returns wrapped result `ret`. Initializes reducing state."
[this ret])
"Returns unwrapped result `ret`."
[this wrap])
"Returns new wrapped result based on applying given input values
to the `wrap`."
[this wrap, val]
[this wrap, val, val2]
[this wrap, val, val2, val3]
[this wrap, val, val2, val3, val4]
[this wrap, val, val2, val3, val4, more]))
(defn ^:private unwrap-advance
[r wrap]
(if (reduced? wrap)
(reduced (-unwrap r @wrap))
(-unwrap r wrap)))
(defn ^:private reducing-function
"Returns a reducing function created from augmented reducing
function `r`."
([wrap val] (-step r wrap val))
([wrap val val2] (-step r wrap val val2))
([wrap val val2 val3] (-step r wrap val val2 val3))
([wrap val val2 val3 val4]
(-step r wrap val val2 val3 val4))
([wrap val val2 val3 val4 & more]
(-step r wrap val val2 val3 val4 more))))
(defn ^:private reduce-augmented*
"Returns a result of the reduction of `coll` with `reduce-fn`
function taking [coll reducef init] in that order, and with the
augmented reducing function `r` and with initial value `init`,
which defaults to (-init r). May return reduced object."
([coll, reduce-fn, r]
(reduce-augmented* coll reduce-fn r (-init r)))
([coll, reduce-fn, r, init]
(->> (reduce-fn coll (reducing-function r) (-wrap r init))
(-finish r)
(unwrap-advance r))))
(defn strip-reduced
"Returns a referenced object if `x` is reduced, otherwise returns
(if (reduced? x) @x x))
(defn ^:private reduce*
[coll, reducef, init]
(if (nil? coll) init (reduce reducef init coll)))
(defn reduce-augmented
"Returns a result of the reduction of `coll` with the augmented
reducing function `r` and with initial value `init`, which
defaults to (-init r)."
([r, coll]
(strip-reduced (reduce-augmented* coll reduce* r (-init r))))
([r, init, coll]
(strip-reduced (reduce-augmented* coll reduce* r init))))
(deftype BareReducing
"An augmented reducing type which uses `reducef` for reducing
steps and for an initial value."
(-init [this] (reducef))
(-finish [this wrap] wrap)
(-wrap [this ret] ret)
(-unwrap [this wrap] wrap)
(-step [this wrap val] (reducef wrap val))
(-step [this wrap val val2] (reducef wrap val val2))
(-step [this wrap val val2 val3] (reducef wrap val val2 val3))
(-step [this wrap val val2 val3 val4]
(reducef wrap val val2 val3 val4))
(-step [this wrap val val2 val3 val4 more]
(apply reducef wrap val val2 val3 val4 more)))
(deftype Reducing
"An augmented reducing type which uses `reducef` for reducing
steps and `init` for an initial value."
[reducef, init]
(-init [this] init)
(-finish [this wrap] wrap)
(-wrap [this ret] ret)
(-unwrap [this wrap] wrap)
(-step [this wrap val] (reducef wrap val))
(-step [this wrap val val2] (reducef wrap val val2))
(-step [this wrap val val2 val3] (reducef wrap val val2 val3))
(-step [this wrap val val2 val3 val4]
(reducef wrap val val2 val3 val4))
(-step [this wrap val val2 val3 val4 more]
(apply reducef wrap val val2 val3 val4 more)))
(defn reducing
"Returns an augmented reducing function which uses `reducef` for
reducing steps and `init` for an initial value, without fold
support. Uses (reducef) as an initial value if `init` is not
(->BareReducing reducef))
([reducef, init]
(->Reducing reducef init)))
(defn transduce
"Returns a result of the reduction of `coll` with reducing function `reducef`
and initial value `init`, which defaults to (reducef) if not provided,
and transducer `xform`."
([xform, reducef, coll]
(reduce-augmented (xform (reducing reducef)) coll))
([xform, reducef, init, coll]
(reduce-augmented (xform (reducing reducef init)) coll)))
;; take
(deftype IntWrap [i ret])
(defn ^:private int-advance
[ret i]
(if (reduced? ret)
(reduced (->IntWrap i @ret))
(->IntWrap i ret))
(defn ^:private reduced-int-advance
[ret i]
(if (reduced? ret)
(reduced (->IntWrap i @ret))
(reduced (->IntWrap i ret))))
(deftype TakeReducing
"Reducing type for take."
[r n]
(-init [this] (-init r))
(-finish [this wrap]
(->> (if (reduced? wrap)
(reduced (.-ret ^IntWrap @wrap))
(.-ret ^IntWrap wrap))
(-finish r)
(->IntWrap nil)))
(-wrap [this ret] (->IntWrap (dec n) (-wrap r ret)))
(-unwrap [this wrap]
(-unwrap r (.-ret ^IntWrap wrap)))
(-step [this wrap val]
(let [ret (.-ret ^IntWrap wrap)
i (.-i ^IntWrap wrap)]
(if (zero? i)
(reduced-int-advance (-step r ret val) i)
(int-advance (-step r ret val) (dec i))))))
(defn take
"A transducer that passes at most `n` step values."
(fn [r] (->TakeReducing r n)))
([n coll]
;; ... elided
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