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Created February 14, 2017 09:42
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# This script is used to compile Tensorflow Serving protobuf definition into Python
# The generated definitions in Python are stored in the tensorflow_serving_apis folder
# Usage:
# ./ 333325e413e9680d67ae90196fa123f5271fcf615
: ${1?”Error. Please provide the Tensorflow Serving git commit hash/branch name. Usage: ./ my_awesome_branch “}
script_dir=”$( cd “$( dirname “${BASH_SOURCE[0]}” )” && pwd )”
ts_git_revision=$1 #branch/release or commit hash
local_ts_api_dir=”${script_dir}/tensorflow_serving_apis/” #directory that stores the compiled python proto definition
rm -rf build
mkdir build && cd build
# Check out the Tensor Serving for the revision required
git clone — recurse-submodules
cd “${script_dir}/build/serving” && git checkout ${ts_git_revision}
# Organize the directory to match the proto imports expected
mv tensorflow tensorflow_base && mv tensorflow_base/tensorflow tensorflow
echo “Checked out Tensorflow Serving revision: ${ts_git_revision}”
# Copy the Protobuf definitions from TS Serving APIs
cp tensorflow_serving/apis/*.py “${local_ts_api_dir}/tensorflow_serving/apis/”
# Download Protobuf Compiler
# Note this assume that you are running the script from Mac. Change the download path for the protobuf if you’re on different operating system
PROTOBUF_VERSION=$(grep ‘set(PROTOBUF_URL’ “${script_dir}/build/serving/tensorflow/contrib/cmake/external/protobuf.cmake” | grep -oE ‘v[0–9.]+’)
echo “Downloading Protobuf version: ${PROTOBUF_VERSION}”
unzip “protoc-${PROTOBUF_VERSION#”v”}”
echo “Compiling the Protobuf definition”
bin/protoc — proto_path=”${script_dir}/build/serving” — python_out=${local_ts_api_dir} “${script_dir}/build/serving/tensorflow_serving/apis/model.proto”
bin/protoc — proto_path=”${script_dir}/build/serving” — python_out=${local_ts_api_dir} “${script_dir}/build/serving/tensorflow_serving/apis/predict.proto”
bin/protoc — proto_path=”${script_dir}/build/serving” — python_out=${local_ts_api_dir} “${script_dir}/build/serving/tensorflow_serving/apis/prediction_service.proto”
touch ${script_dir}/build/serving/
touch ${script_dir}/build/serving/tensorflow_serving/
touch ${script_dir}/build/serving/tensorflow_serving/apis/
cp ${local_ts_api_dir}/*.py ${script_dir}/build/serving/tensorflow_serving/apis/
echo “All done. Check this directory for the compiled python definitions: ${local_ts_api_dir}”
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