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Last active December 17, 2015 04:39
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  • Save wakaba/5552509 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wakaba/5552509 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ugomemo / ugoletter data.
Save your own ugomemo movies and ugoletters. requires your API access token. requires your Hatena OAuth consumer token & secret
with the "read_private" scop enabled.
See <> and
<> for more
information on APIs.
use strict;
use warnings;
use OAuth::Lite::Consumer;
use URI::Escape;
use Web::UserAgent::Functions;
use JSON::Functions::XS qw(json_bytes2perl);
use Encode;
sub save_letters ($);
sub usage () { die "Usage: $0 consumer-key consumer-secret\n" }
my $consumer_key = shift or usage;
my $consumer_secret = shift or usage;
my $scopes = 'read_private';
my $consumer = OAuth::Lite::Consumer->new(
consumer_key => $consumer_key,
consumer_secret => $consumer_secret,
site => q{},
request_token_path => q{/oauth/initiate},
access_token_path => q{/oauth/token},
authorize_path => q{},
my $request_token = $consumer->get_request_token(
callback_url => q{http://localhost/callback},
scope => $scopes,
) or die $consumer->errstr;
my $url = $consumer->url_to_authorize(token => $request_token);
print STDERR "Open <", $url, "> in your browser, accept the application, and then input redirected URL: ";
while (1) {
my $redirected = <STDIN>;
if ($redirected =~ /\boauth_verifier=([^&;\s]+)/) {
my $verifier = uri_unescape $1;
my $access_token = $consumer->get_access_token(
token => $request_token,
verifier => $verifier,
) or die $consumer->errstr;
save_letters ([$consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
$access_token->token, $access_token->secret]);
sub save ($$) {
my ($oauth, $url) = @_;
my $file_name = $url;
$file_name =~ s/\?.*$//s;
$file_name =~ /([0-9A-Za-z_.-]+)$/;
$file_name = $1;
if ($url =~ /reftime=(?:%2B|-)([0-9]+)/) {
$file_name .= '.' . $1;
print "<$url> => $file_name...\n";
my %param;
if ($url =~ s{\?(.*)$}{}) {
%param = map { uri_unescape $_ } map { split /=/, $_, 2 } split /&/, $1;
my (undef, $res) = http_get
url => $url, oauth => $oauth, params => \%param,
timeout => 600;
open my $file, '>', $file_name or die "$0: $file_name: $!";
print $file $res->content;
defined wantarray ? json_bytes2perl $res->content : undef;
sub save_text ($$) {
open my $file, '>', $_[1] or die "$0: $_[1]: $!";
print $file encode 'utf-8', $_[0];
sub save_letters ($) {
my $oauth = shift;
my $next_url = q<>;
while (1) {
my $json = save $oauth, $next_url;
last unless @{$json->{items}};
for (@{$json->{items}}) {
if ($_->{body_movie_info}) {
save undef, $_->{body_movie_info}->{flv_url};
save undef, $_->{body_movie_info}->{animation_gif_url};
save undef, $_->{body_movie_info}->{ppm_url};
} else {
save_text $_->{body_as_html} => $_->{mid} . '.html';
$next_url = $json->{older_url};
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2013 Wakaba <>.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Web::UserAgent::Functions qw(http_get);
use JSON::Functions::XS qw(json_bytes2perl);
my $dsi_id = shift;
my $token = shift or die "Usage: $0 dsi_id token";
sub save ($) {
my $url = shift;
if ($url =~ m{^/}) {
if ($url =~ /gif$/) {
$url = qq<$url>;
} else {
$url = qq<$url>;
my $file_name = $url;
$file_name =~ s/\?.*$//s;
$file_name =~ /([0-9A-Za-z_.-]+)$/;
$file_name = $1;
print "<$url> => $file_name...\n";
my (undef, $res) = http_get url => $url;
open my $file, '>', $file_name or die "$0: $file_name: $!";
print $file $res->content;
defined wantarray ? json_bytes2perl $res->content : undef;
my $movies = save qq<$dsi_id\@DSi/movies.json?token=$token>;
for (@{$movies->{movies}}) {
save $_->{flv_uri};
save $_->{ppm_uri};
save $_->{animation_gif_uri}->{'192x144'};
$_->{uri} =~ m{([0-9A-Za-z_-]+)$};
my $comment_url = qq<$dsi_id\@DSi/movie.comment/$1.json?token=$token>;
my $comments = save $comment_url;
for (@{$comments->{comments}}) {
my $url = $_->{thumbnail}->{'256x192'} or next;
save $url;
$url =~ s{/qm/thumbnail/(.+)_o\.gif$}{/qm/$1.ppm}g;
save $url;
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2013 Wakaba <>.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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