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Last active July 17, 2021 10:08
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Markdown in Use

[inner headline](#inner-headline)

Use Headers

# Head Level-1 (biggest)
## Head Level-2
### Head Level-3 (no subline anymore)
#### Head Level-4
##### Head Level-5
###### Head Level-6 (smallest)

Use Emphasis

*italic with \*-pair*
_italic with \_-pair_
**bold with \*\*-pair**
__bold with \_\_-pair__
**_mixed usage_**
~~strikethrough with \~-pair~~

see below:

italic with *-pair

italic with _-pair

bold with **-pair

bold with __-pair

mixed usage

strikethrough with ~-pair

Use Lists

  • indent 0
    • indent 2
      • indent 4
        • indent 6
  1. indent 0
    1. indent 3
      1. indent 6
  • indent 0
    • indent 3
      • indent 5
        1. indent 7
          1. indent 10
  1. lay0 indent 0
    1. lay1 indent 4
  2. lay0 indent 0
    • lay1 indent 4
      • indent 4+2
  3. lay0 indent 0
    1. lay1 indent 4
      1. lay2 indent 4+3
* indent 0
  * indent 2
    * indent 4
      * indent 6

1. indent 0
   1. indent 3
      1. indent 6

> * indent 0 
>   * indent 3
>     * indent 5
>       1. indent 7
>          1. indent 10

> 1. lay0 indent 0
>    1. lay1 indent 4
> 1. lay0 indent 0
>    - lay1 indent 4
>      * indent 4+2
> 1. lay0 indent 0
>    1. lay1 indent 4
>       1. lay2 indent 4+3

task list

add [x] or [] to show you complete a task or not.
  • done
  • undone

Quoting Text




End Layer3

End Layer2

End Layer1

Quoting Code

within sentence

use `code` to quote code in sentence.

see here code


## shell style block


int main(){
  return 0;

Use Tables

| blank cell | column1 | column 2 | 
| :----------|:-------:|---------:|  <--only below first row,indicating alignment 
| row1       |cell-1,1 |cell-1,2  | 
| row2       |cell-2,1 |cell-2,2  | 
blank cell column1 column 2
row1 cell-1,1 cell-1,2
row2 cell-2,1 cell-2,2
row3 cell-3,1 cell-3,2

Use Links

this format will create a link to the website [referece](

see github falovered markdown referece here

this format will create a link to inner section [Use Headers](#use-headers).

Use Headers

Use Images

![image name](image-url "image title") no support for image size

Other Usages

create bold line ---

create thin line # or ##(actually empty title)

currently doesn't support footnote with [^num]

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