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Last active June 6, 2024 02:21
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SUS Format v2.7 Specification (English)

SUS Format Specification v2.7 (rev2)

  • SUS stands for Sliding Universal Score, not SeaUrchin Score anymore.
    (Annotation: SUS files were originally the proprietary format of SeaUrchin, a tool to play custom chart)

1. Overview

  • Plain Text data, consisting entirely of printable characters.
  • File extension: *.sus
  • EOL: CRLF or LF
  • Encode: Always UTF-8
  • Lines beginning with # are meaningful as data; thus other lines are ignored as comments.
  • Use double quotes ("something") for parts specifying string data.

2. Metadata lines

  • The commands listed below must be prefixed with #. No space is allowed between the # and the commands.
  • For commands marked (ASCII), non-ASCII characters CANNOT be used for the content.
  • For commands marked (UTF-8), non-ASCII characters can be used for the contents.

#TITLE Song title (UTF-8)

  • #TITLE "Song Title"

#SUBTITLE Song Subtitle (UTF-8)

  • #SUBTITLE "Song Subtitle"

#ARTIST Song Artist (UTF-8)

  • #ARTIST "Artist"

#GENRE Song genre (UTF-8)

  • #GENRE "Genre"

#DESINGER Chart designer (UTF-8)

  • #DESIGNER "Designer"

#DIFFICULTY Chart difficulty category (ASCII/UTF-8)

  • An integer value or string specifying the category of difficulty of the chart.
  • The following five are reserved for numerical specifications.
  • It can also be specified as a string, but its processing varies from application to application.

#PLAYLEVEL Chart difficulty level (ASCII)

  • Specify the level of the chart by an integer value.
    • #PLAYLEVEL 10
  • Can also be suffixed with +.
    • #PLAYLEVEL 14+
      (Annotation: As for +, it is the specification of the rhythm game on which SeaUrchin is based.)


  • The processing of this value varies from application to application.
  • #SONGID "songid"

#WAVE Audio file

  • Specifies by relative path from SUS file.
  • Supported file formats vary from application to application.
  • #WAVE "filename.wav"

#WAVEOFFSET Audio file offset

  • Specifies the difference between the start of chart playback and the playback timing of the audio file.
  • Units are in seconds and can be specified as a decimal (float)
  • A positive value causes the chart to start first.
  • A negative value causes the audio to start first.

#JACKET Song jacket

  • Specifies by relative path from SUS file.
  • Supported file formats vary from application to application.
  • #JACKET "jacket.jpg"

#BACKGROUND Background image file

  • Specifies by relative path from SUS file.
  • Supported file formats vary from application to application.
  • #BACKGROUND "jacket.jpg"

#MOVIE Background movie file

  • Specifies by relative path from SUS file.
  • Supported file formats vary from application to application.
  • #MOVIE "movie.mp4"

#MOVIEOFFSET Background movie file offset

  • Specifies the difference between the start of chart playback and the playback timing of the movie file.
  • Units are in seconds and can be specified as a decimal (float)
  • A positive value causes the chart to start first.
  • A negative value causes the movie to start first.

#BASEBPM Base tempo for calculating scroll speed

  • Specifies the base tempo for scroll speed.
  • The actual scroll speed varies as a percentage of this value.
  • If not specified, it will be the value of the first BPM change.
  • #BASEBPM 120.0

#REQUEST Special attributes

  • Send special commands to the application.
  • It is described below in Chapter 4.
  • #REQUEST "ticks_per_beat 480"

3. Chart data lines

  • Each line is in the form "header part, :, data part".
  • The header part must be followed by :.
  • The data part is a set of two digits, and the measure is divided by the number of sets, each of which is a timing.
    • For example, 1111111111 will be placed at quarter note intervals.
    • The maximum number of divisions varies from application to application, but at least 512 divisions (1024 bytes of data part) should be supported.
    • For 2-digit data, the first digit is different for each data type. However, 0 is always unassigned.
    • The second digit always represents the width of the note, similarly 1 to z represents 1 to 35 widths.
    • Therefore, positions where no notes exist should be filled with 00.

mmmcxyzz: (number data)

  • mmm
    • If it is not numeric, it is special data.
    • For numerical values, this is general data and is the measure number.
      • Measure numbers start at 0 (i.e., 000).
        (Annotation: If you wish to create measures 1000 and beyond, see #MEASUREBS below.)
  • c
    • Specifies the type for each note.
    • Types are described below.
    • 0 is a special type. See below.
  • x
    • Specifies the leftmost lane of notes.
    • From left to right: 0, 1, 2, ... , 9, a, b, c, ... and so on.
    • It is case-insensitive.
  • y
    • Specifies the channel for each note. Not present for some note types.
    • Like x, it can be from 0 to z.
    • It is case-insensitive.
  • zz
    • Specifies the number of special data. Not present in many cases.
    • 01 to zz available in Base36.

#mmm02 Beat (measure length) designation

  • Specify the measure length after that measure number in beats per measure.
  • Decimal values can be specified. However, a value such that M / 2^n (M, n ∈ N) is preferred.
  • 00002: 4

#BPMzz, #mmm08 BPM definition/change

  • The tempo after that point is specified by referring to the BPM definition.
  • The tempo value can be a decimal value.
  • #BPM01: 140.0
  • #00008: 01

#ATRzz, #ATTRIBUTE zz, #NOATTRIBUTE Notes attribute definition

  • Define a set of notes attributes in ATR.
    • Defined as a string, with commas separating multiple values.
    • rh:<小数> Directional roll speed
    • h:<小数> Height of Notes
    • pr:<整数> Priority of drawing of notes
  • If #ATTRIBUTE zz is specified, the notes attribute of zz is applied to the data after that line.
  • If #NOATTRIBUTE is specified, the notes attribute will not be applied to the data after that line.
#ATR01: "pr:100, h: 1.5"
#00010: 14141414

#TILzz, #HISPEED zz, #NOSPEED Hi-Speed definition

  • Different speeds can be applied to each note (hereafter referred to as "hi-speed definition").
  • A hi-speed definition is defined as a string, with commas separating multiple values.
    • String in meas'tick:speed format.。
    • meas Measure number (integer) (Annotation: need not be zero-filled)
    • tick Tick (integer) (Unit to further divide a measure. By default, one beat is 480 ticks, so one measure is 1920 ticks)
    • speed Speed (float) (negative values are also possible)
  • If #HISPEED zz is specified, the hi-speed definition of zz is applied to the data after the line.
  • If #NOSPEED is specified, the hi-speed definition is not applied to the data after the line.
#TIL01: "0'0:1.0, 0'960:2.0"
#00010: 14141414

#MEASUREBS Measure number base value

  • The specified value is always added to the measure number of the data line from the time it is specified.
  • If specified multiple times, the last value specified will overwrite the added value.
... 0-999
... 1000-1999
... 2000-2999

#MEASUREHS Measure line speed change definition

  • If the application supports the display of bar lines, you can specify the speed change of those bar lines.
  • The value to be specified is the same as #TIL.

#mmm1x Tap

  • Single-pressed notes that do not move in position.
  • The following six specifications are reserved.
    • 1? Tap 1
    • 2? Tap 2
    • 3? Tap 3
    • 4? Tap 4
    • 5? Tap 5
    • 6? Tap 6
  • #00010: 2414141434141414

#mmm2xy Hold

  • Long-pressed notes that do not move in position.
  • The same width must be specified at all points.
  • Channels with the same channel are connected to each other.
    • 1? Start
    • 2? End
    • 3? Relay
  • #00020a: 14002400

#mmm3xy Slide 1

  • Long-pressed notes that move in position.
  • Different widths can be set for each point.
  • The Bézier curve allows the shape to be set smoothly.
  • As for the shape of the curve, it is defined by successive line segments connecting the centers of the notes at each relay point and control point.
  • Channels with the same channel are connected to each other.
    • 1? Start
    • 2? End
    • 3? Relay
    • 4? Bézier curve control
    • 5? Relay (Invisible)
  • #00030a: 14340024

#mmm4xy Slide 2

  • Long-pressed notes that move in position.
  • The basic specifications are the same as those on slide 1.

#mmm5x Directional

  • Notes Definition with Direction.
  • It does not necessarily have to be placed on top of other notes, but can be placed by itself.
    • 1? Upper
    • 2? Downer
    • 3? Upper Left
    • 4? Upper Right
    • 5? Downer Left
    • 6? Downer Right
  • #00050: 14241424

4. Special attributes that can be specified with #REQUEST

The following are defined as specifications.

ticks_per_beat: change the number of ticks per beat

  • #REQUEST "ticks_per_beat <integer>.
  • If nth notes are used in a chart, they should be specified to be an integral number of beats per measure * number of ticks.

enable_priority: enable/disable prioritized note drawing.

  • #REQUEST "enable_priority true/false"
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