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Created September 1, 2020 08:35
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import logging
import pickle
import time
import numpy
from z3 import *
NODES, EDGES, LAYERS = None, None, None
def parse(edges, layers):
with open(edges, 'rb') as r: EDGES = pickle.load(r)
with open(layers, 'rb') as r: LAYERS = pickle.load(r)
nodes = [node for node, _ in LAYERS.items()]
assert len(nodes) == len(set(nodes))
NODES = set(nodes)
def Abs(x):
return If(x >= 0, x, -x)
def constraint_system():
solver = Solver()
n_vertices = len(NODES)
# ノードごとに Z3 の整数変数を用意し,そのリストを「代入 (Assignment)」と呼ぶ.
# i番目の要素がノードiに対応する変数.
Assignment = [Int('I{}'.format(i)) for i in NODES]
for Position in Assignment: solver.add(Position >= 0) # 制約の追加:各変数の値は非負整数
layers = set([layer for _, layer in LAYERS.items()])
nodes_of_layers = dict([(layer, set([])) for layer in layers]) # 層 -> 層に属するノード集合
for node, layer in LAYERS.items(): nodes_of_layers[layer] |= set([node])
for layer in layers: # 制約の追加:層内のノードに対する変数の値は一意(縦方向の順序が重ならないこと)
solver.add(Distinct([Assignment[node] for node in nodes_of_layers[layer]]))
# 最適化の目的関数は「(辺の長さ・重み)の和」の最小化
Distance = Sum([Abs(Assignment[_from] - Assignment[_to]) * int(abs(weight) * 1000 + 1) for _from, _to, weight in EDGES])
return {'Assignment': Assignment, 'solver': solver, 'Distance': Distance}
TIMEOUT = 1 * 60 * 1000 # 1 min time out set in milliseconds
def solve(problem):
info = dict()
t = time.time()
solver, Assignment, Distance = [problem[key] for key in ['solver', 'Assignment', 'Distance']]
history = []
max_distance = 1 << 31
while True:
print(f'Distance: {max_distance}')
solver.add(Distance < max_distance)
timeout = int((t + 60 - time.time()) * 1000)
if timeout < 0: break
solver.set('timeout', timeout)
result = solver.check()
if result != sat: break
current_best = solver.model()
max_distance = current_best.evaluate(Distance)
info['solution'] = [current_best[v].as_long() for v in Assignment]
info['distance'] = max_distance.as_long()
info['optimum'] = result == unsat
info['history'] = history'{} Distance reduction sequence: {}'.format('+' if result == unsat else '-', history))
return info
if __name__ == '__main__':
parse('edges_filtered.pkl', 'layers.pkl')
s = time.time()
info = solve(constraint_system())
print(f'Time: {time.time() - s}, 重みつき距離の合計: {info["distance"]}, 最適性: {info["optimum"]}')
print('Assignment: {info["solution"]}')
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wakita commented Sep 1, 2020


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