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Last active December 26, 2017 04:04
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def convbits(self,new_target):
c = ("%064x" % int(new_target))[2:]
while c[:2] == '00' and len(c) > 6:
c = c[2:]
bitsN, bitsBase = len(c) // 2, int('0x' + c[:6], 16)
if bitsBase >= 0x800000:
bitsN += 1
bitsBase >>= 8
new_bits = bitsN << 24 | bitsBase
return new_bits
def convbignum(self,bits):
MM = 256*256*256
a = bits%MM
if a < 0x8000:
a *= 256
target = (a) * pow(2, 8 * (bits//MM - 3))
return target
def ltc(self, height, chain=None):
if height < 1056:
return 0x1e0ffff0, MAX_TARGET
# Litecoin: go back the full period unless it's the first retarget
first = chain.get(height - 1056 - 1 if height > 1056 else 0)
if first is None:
first = self.read_header(height - 1056 - 1 if height > 1056 else 0)
last = chain.get(height - 1)
if last is None:
last = self.read_header(height - 1)
assert last is not None
# bits to target
bits = last.get('bits')
target = self.convbignum(bits)
if height % 1056 != 0:
return bits, target
# new target
nActualTimespan = last.get('timestamp') - first.get('timestamp')
nTargetTimespan = 95040; #1.1 days 1.1*24*60*60
nActualTimespan = max(nActualTimespan, nTargetTimespan // 4)
nActualTimespan = min(nActualTimespan, nTargetTimespan * 4)
new_target = min(MAX_TARGET, (target*nActualTimespan) // nTargetTimespan)
# convert new target to bits
new_bits = self.convbits(new_target)
return new_bits, new_target
def kgw(self, height, chain=None): #from vertcoin thanks
if chain is None:
chain = {}
BlocksTargetSpacing = 90; # 1.5 minutes
TimeDaySeconds = 86400; #60 * 60 * 24
PastSecondsMin = 21600; #TimeDaySeconds * 0.25
PastSecondsMax = 604800; #TimeDaySeconds * 7
PastBlocksMin = PastSecondsMin // BlocksTargetSpacing;
PastBlocksMax = PastSecondsMax // BlocksTargetSpacing;
BlockReadingIndex = height - 1
BlockLastSolvedIndex = height - 1
TargetBlocksSpacingSeconds = BlocksTargetSpacing
PastRateAdjustmentRatio = 1.0
bnProofOfWorkLimit = MAX_TARGET
if (BlockLastSolvedIndex<=0 or BlockLastSolvedIndex<PastSecondsMin):
new_target = bnProofOfWorkLimit
new_bits = self.convbits(new_target)
return new_bits, new_target
last = chain.get(BlockLastSolvedIndex)
if last == None:
last = self.read_header(BlockLastSolvedIndex)
for i in range(1,int(PastBlocksMax)+1):
reading = chain.get(BlockReadingIndex)
if reading == None:
reading = self.read_header(BlockReadingIndex)
chain[BlockReadingIndex] = reading
if (reading == None or last == None):
raise BaseException("Could not find previous blocks when calculating difficulty reading: " + str(BlockReadingIndex) + ", last: " + str(BlockLastSolvedIndex) + ", height: " + str(height))
if (i == 1):
PastDifficultyAverage= float((self.convbignum(reading.get('bits')) - PastDifficultyAveragePrev) / float(i)) + PastDifficultyAveragePrev;
PastDifficultyAveragePrev = PastDifficultyAverage;
PastRateActualSeconds = last.get('timestamp') - reading.get('timestamp');
PastRateTargetSeconds = TargetBlocksSpacingSeconds * PastBlocksMass;
PastRateAdjustmentRatio = 1.0
if (PastRateActualSeconds < 0):
PastRateActualSeconds = 0.0
if (PastRateActualSeconds != 0 and PastRateTargetSeconds != 0):
PastRateAdjustmentRatio = float(PastRateTargetSeconds) / float(PastRateActualSeconds)
EventHorizonDeviation = 1 + (0.7084 * pow(float(PastBlocksMass)/float(144), -1.228))
EventHorizonDeviationFast = EventHorizonDeviation
EventHorizonDeviationSlow = float(1) / float(EventHorizonDeviation)
if (PastBlocksMass >= PastBlocksMin):
if ((PastRateAdjustmentRatio <= EventHorizonDeviationSlow) or (PastRateAdjustmentRatio >= EventHorizonDeviationFast)):
if (BlockReadingIndex<1):
BlockReadingIndex = BlockReadingIndex -1;
bnNew = PastDifficultyAverage
if (PastRateActualSeconds != 0 and PastRateTargetSeconds != 0):
bnNew *= float(PastRateActualSeconds);
bnNew //= float(PastRateTargetSeconds);
if (bnNew > bnProofOfWorkLimit):
bnNew = bnProofOfWorkLimit
# new target
new_target = bnNew
new_bits = self.convbits(new_target)
return new_bits, new_target
def dgsld(self, height, chain=None):
if chain is None:
chain = {}
nPowTargetTimespan = 95040 #1.1 days 1.1*24*60*60
nPowTargetSpacing = 90 #1.5 minute
nPowTargetSpacingDigisheld = 90 #1.5 minute
DifficultyAdjustmentIntervalDigisheld = nPowTargetSpacingDigisheld // nPowTargetSpacing #1
AdjustmentInterval = DifficultyAdjustmentIntervalDigisheld
blockstogoback = AdjustmentInterval - 1
if (height != AdjustmentInterval):
blockstogoback = AdjustmentInterval
last_height = height - 1
first_height = last_height - blockstogoback
TargetTimespan = nPowTargetSpacingDigisheld
first = chain.get(first_height)
if first is None:
first = self.read_header(first_height)
last = chain.get(last_height)
if last is None:
last = self.read_header(last_height)
nActualTimespan = last.get('timestamp') - first.get('timestamp')
nActualTimespan = TargetTimespan + int(float(nActualTimespan - TargetTimespan) / float(8))
nActualTimespan = max(nActualTimespan, TargetTimespan - int(float(TargetTimespan) / float(4)))
nActualTimespan = min(nActualTimespan, TargetTimespan + int(float(TargetTimespan) / float(2)))
bits = last.get('bits')
bnNew = self.convbignum(bits)
if height % AdjustmentInterval != 0:
return bits, bnNew
# retarget
bnNew *= nActualTimespan
bnNew //= TargetTimespan
bnNew = min(bnNew, MAX_TARGET)
new_bits = self.convbits(bnNew)
return new_bits, bnNew
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