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Created April 16, 2020 18:40
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import boto3
import datetime
import statistics
import itertools
import jinja2
import os
list_of_templates = [
IO1_GB_PRICE = 0.125
GP2_GB_PRICE = 0.10
ST1_GB_PRICE = 0.045
IOPS_PRICE = 0.065
TEMPLATE_DIR = '/home/vagrant/work'
def get_spot_prices():
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
instance_types = ['m5.metal', 'm5d.metal', 'c5.metal', 'c5d.metal', 'r5.metal', 'r5d.metal']
resp = ec2.describe_spot_price_history(
StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(days=30),
EndTime =,
InstanceTypes = instance_types,
spot_prices = []
spot_prices.append((x['InstanceType'], float(x['SpotPrice'])) for x in resp['SpotPriceHistory'])
while resp['NextToken']:
resp = ec2.describe_spot_price_history(NextToken = resp['NextToken'])
spot_prices.append((x['InstanceType'], float(x['SpotPrice'])) for x in resp['SpotPriceHistory'])
spot_prices = list(itertools.chain(*spot_prices))
return {
instance_type: statistics.mean(price for it, price in spot_prices if it == instance_type)
for instance_type in instance_types
class InstanceConfig:
spot_prices = {
'm5.metal': 2.1333382333553064,
'm5d.metal': 2.2497,
'c5.metal': 2.7161,
'c5d.metal': 2.7699908235294117,
'r5.metal': 2.128372814910026,
'r5d.metal': 2.5997717747216766,
} # get_spot_prices()
def __init__(self, instance_type, number_of_tasks, disk_type=None, iops=None):
if instance_type.endswith('5d.metal'):
disk_type = 'ssd' = False
else: = True
if disk_type == 'io1' and iops is None:
raise ValueError('Disk type is io1 but Iops was not given')
if disk_type is None:
raise ValueError('Must provide a disk_type')
self.instance_type = instance_type
self.number_of_tasks = number_of_tasks
self.disk_type = disk_type
self.iops = iops
def disk_size(self):
return self.number_of_tasks * 40
def price(self):
if self.disk_type == 'gp2':
disk_price = self.disk_size() * GP2_GB_PRICE
elif self.disk_type == 'io1':
disk_price = self.disk_size() * IO1_GB_PRICE + self.iops * IOPS_PRICE
elif self.disk_type == 'st1':
disk_price = self.disk_size() * ST1_GB_PRICE
elif self.disk_type == 'ssd':
disk_price = 0
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized disk type {self.disk_type}')
return (self.spot_prices[self.instance_type] + disk_price / 730) / self.number_of_tasks
def worker_name(self):
# remove the '.metal' suffix
instance_name = self.instance_type[:self.instance_type.index('.')]
wn = f'metal-{instance_name}-{self.number_of_tasks}-{self.disk_type}-{self.disk_size()}'
if self.disk_type == 'io1':
wn += f'-iops-{self.iops}'
return wn
def __str__(self):
return self.worker_name()
def __repr__(self):
return self.worker_name()
def process_templates():
tasks = range(16, 29, 4)
iops = range(16000, 33000, 4000)
print('Instances prices:')
spot_instances = InstanceConfig.spot_prices.keys()
configs = [
InstanceConfig(i, t, 'io1', iops) for i, t, iops in itertools.product(
filter(lambda i: i.endswith('5.metal'), spot_instances),
configs.extend(InstanceConfig(i, t) for i, t in itertools.product(
filter(lambda i: i.endswith('5d.metal'), spot_instances),
configs.extend(InstanceConfig(i, 15, 'gp2') for i in
filter(lambda i: i.endswith('5.metal'), spot_instances)
configs = tuple(filter(lambda c: c.price() <= MAX_WORKER_PRICE, configs))
for c in configs:
print(f'{c}: $ {c.price()}')
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATE_DIR))
for tpl in list_of_templates:
template = env.get_template(tpl)
result = template.render(configs=configs, variants = ['opt', 'debug'])
output_name = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, os.path.splitext(tpl)[0])
with open(output_name, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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