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Last active August 4, 2020 16:03
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#include <map>
#include <limits>
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
template<typename K, typename V>
class interval_map {
std::map<K,V> m_map;
// constructor associates whole range of K with val by inserting (K_min, val)
// into the map
interval_map( V const& val) {
// Assign value val to interval [keyBegin, keyEnd).
// Overwrite previous values in this interval.
// Conforming to the C++ Standard Library conventions, the interval
// includes keyBegin, but excludes keyEnd.
// If !( keyBegin < keyEnd ), this designates an empty interval,
// and assign must do nothing.
void assign( K const& keyBegin, K const& keyEnd, V const& val ) {
using namespace std;
if ( !( keyBegin < keyEnd ) )
auto oldVal = m_map.rbegin()->second;
auto intervalBegin = m_map.insert_or_assign( keyBegin, val ).first;
auto intervalEnd = m_map.lower_bound( keyEnd );
if ( intervalEnd != m_map.end() ) {
if ( keyEnd < intervalEnd->first ) {
if ( intervalEnd != m_map.begin() && intervalEnd->second == val )
intervalEnd = m_map.insert( intervalEnd, make_pair( keyEnd, intervalEnd->second ) );
} else {
intervalEnd = m_map.insert( intervalEnd, make_pair( keyEnd, oldVal ) );
m_map.erase( ++intervalBegin, intervalEnd );
// look-up of the value associated with key
V const& operator[]( K const& key ) const {
return ( --m_map.upper_bound(key) )->second;
void print_map() const {
using namespace std;
for (auto kv: m_map) {
cout << kv.first << "=" << int(kv.second) << " ";
cout << endl;
// Many solutions we receive are incorrect. Consider using a randomized test
// to discover the cases that your implementation does not handle correctly.
// We recommend to implement a test function that tests the functionality of
// the interval_map, for example using a map of unsigned int intervals to char.
template<typename K, typename V>
void verify(const K &b, const K &e, const K &i, const V &ret, const V &v, int line) {
using namespace std;
if (ret != v) {
cerr << "error(" << line << ") (" << b << ", " << e << "] " << "for key=" << i << " " << int(ret) << "!=" << int(v) << endl;
#define VERIFY(b, e, i, ret, v) do { \
verify((b), (e), (i), (ret), (v), __LINE__); \
} while (false)
int main() {
using namespace std;
using key_type = unsigned int;
using val_type = unsigned char;
interval_map<key_type, val_type> im( 'A' );
default_random_engine generator;
uniform_int_distribution<key_type> kdist(numeric_limits<key_type>::lowest(), 100);
uniform_int_distribution<val_type> vdist(numeric_limits<val_type>::lowest(), numeric_limits<val_type>::max());
auto pk = make_pair(numeric_limits<key_type>::lowest(), key_type(2U));
auto pv = val_type('A');
for (;;) {
auto k = make_pair(kdist(generator), kdist(generator));
auto v = vdist(generator);
if ( k.second < k.first )
swap(k.first, k.second);
im.assign(k.first, k.second, v);
cout << "Testing k=(" << k.first << ", " << k.second << "] pk=(" << pk.first << ", " << pk.second << "] v=" << int(v) << " pv=" << int(pv) << endl;
VERIFY(k.first, k.second, 101U, im[101], val_type('A'));
for (auto i = k.first; i < k.second; ++i)
VERIFY(k.first, k.second, i, im[i], v);
// out of the interval
if (pk.first > k.second || pk.second < k.first)
for (auto i = pk.first; i < pk.second; ++i)
VERIFY(pk.first, pk.second, i, im[i], pv);
// outside
if (pk.first >= k.first && pk.second <= k.second)
for (auto i = pk.first; i < pk.second; ++i)
VERIFY(pk.first, pk.second, i, im[i], v);
// inside
if (k.first > pk.first && k.second < pk.second) {
for (auto i = pk.first; i < k.first; ++i)
VERIFY(pk.first, k.first, i, im[i], pv);
for (auto i = k.second; i < pk.second; ++i)
VERIFY(k.second, pk.second, i, im[i], pv);
if (k.first < pk.first && pk.second > k.first && pk.second < k.second)
for (auto i = k.second; i < pk.second; ++i)
VERIFY(k.second, pk.second, i, im[i], pv);
if (k.first > pk.first && k.first < pk.second && k.second > pk.second)
for (auto i = pk.second; i < k.second; ++i)
VERIFY(pk.second, k.second, i, im[i], v);
pk = k;
pv = v;
return 0;
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