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Created July 11, 2017 16:38
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Purrfect Insane Cats
# Title and Rules of the Game
puts "Welcome to the Purrfect Game of Insane Cats =ˆ.ˆ= "
puts "Rule 1: Choose your cat"
puts "Rule 2: Type A or B only to select an option"
puts "Ready? Here we go"
# Starting the actual game
puts "Choose your cat (Type just the name):"
puts "Vivaldi =ˆ.ˆ="
puts "Adele =ˆ.ˆ="
puts "Freddie =ˆ.ˆ="
# To get the name of the cat choosen by user
name_vivaldi = gets.chomp.capitalize
# To let the user know to type only cat names used for this game
until name_vivaldi == "Vivaldi" || name_vivaldi == "Adele" || name_vivaldi == "Freddie"
puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= choose one of the names shown above please"
puts "Try again please:"
name_vivaldi = gets.chomp.capitalize
# Vivaldi case 1
case name_vivaldi
when "Vivaldi"
puts "Vivaldi finds a small box, what should Vivaldi do?"
puts "Option A: Peek his head to see what is inside."
puts "Option B: Ignore the box and go steal the dog's bed."
vivaldi_cat = gets.chomp.capitalize # To get Option 'A' or 'B' from user
if vivaldi_cat == "A" # If the user type A: See what is inside"
puts "It´s dark in here! WT…Paw???!!! Why is my head not coming out of this box, I can´t see.!!"
puts "Option A: Meow for a human servant to help me.!!"
puts "Option B: Sulk and run around backwards till the box comes off my head."
vivaldi_cat_box_getout = gets.chomp.capitalize # To get Option A or B from user AGAIN
if vivaldi_cat_box_getout == "A" # Human servant help
puts "'Hey crazy kitty let me get you out of there:' said the human servant."
puts "About time! Don't let it happen again! Purr...Go get me my food, said the insane cat."
elsif vivaldi_cat_box_getout == "B" # sulk and run around
puts "Wow, I am so dizzy...definitely taking a nap!"
puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= enter A or B only"
# puts "Try again please:"
# vivaldi_cat_box_getout = gets.chomp.capitalize # To get Option A or B from user AGAIN
# until vivaldi_cat_box_getout == "A" || vivaldi_cat_box_getout == "B"
# vivaldi_cat_box_getout = gets.chomp.capitalize # get input and RETURN to 'A' or 'B' vivaldi_cat_box_getout choice
# puts vivaldi_cat_box_getout
# end
elsif vivaldi_cat == "B" # If the user type B: Ignore the box"
puts "This bed was bought with me in mind anyway, time for a 3 hour nap =ˆ.ˆ= "
puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= enter A or B only"
puts "Try again please:"
# Case 2 for the Adele cat
when "Adele"
puts "Adele find herself alone and bored at 3am…"
puts "Option A:"
puts "Jump on human servant´s bed, meow and play with the bed sheets till servant wakes up to play with me."
puts "Option B:"
puts "Go to the kitchen, jump on counter to see if there´s anything yummy to eat."
adele_cat = gets.chomp.capitalize # To get Option 'A' or 'B' from user
until adele_cat == "A" || adele_cat == "B"
puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= type only A or B"
puts "Try again please:"
adele_cat = gets.chomp.capitalize
if adele_cat == "A"
puts "Human servant throws insane kitty off the bed, but kitty comes back 4 more times throughout the night."
puts "'Meow meow meow...get up, you lazy human and play with me' says the insane kitty."
elsif adele_cat == "B"
puts "Insane kitty finds that her servant humans apparently have no food."
puts "'Oh look…a mouse, I can catch that for them!! They´ll be happy in the morning to see that I got them breakfast' said the insane kitty"
# puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= enter A or B only"
# puts "Try again please:"
until adele_cat == "A" || adele_cat == "B"
puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= type only A or B"
puts "Try again please:"
adele_cat = gets.chomp.capitalize
# Case 3 for the Freddy cat
when "Freddie"
puts "Freddy is busy licking himself on the couch, he decides he needs some exercise after grooming for an hour"
puts "Option A:"
puts "Take a walk and scratch my human servant´s favorite reclining chair."
puts "Option B:"
puts "Lay on my human servant´s computer and help him debug a few lines of Ruby code."
freddie_cat = gets.chomp.capitalize # To get Option 'A' or 'B' from user
until freddie_cat == "A" || freddie_cat == "B"
puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= type only A or B"
puts "Try again please:"
freddie_cat = gets.chomp.capitalize
if freddie_cat == "A"
puts "Scratch scratch scratch!!"
puts "'I know my human servants are always so grateful when I give them a helping paw around the house' said the insane kitty"
elsif freddie_cat == "B"
puts "Insane kitty says to human servant:"
puts "'Hello dummy, did´t I tell you that every IF needs an END, and how could you forget that you can´t duplicate keys, they´re unique like me!!'"
# puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= enter A or B only"
# puts "Try again please:"
until freddie_cat == "A" || freddie_cat == "B"
puts "Hiss... =ˆ.ˆ= type only A or B"
puts "Try again please:"
freddie_cat = gets.chomp.capitalize
end # general end of case
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