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Last active January 31, 2020 11:15
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Save waleking/5477002 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
We implement gibbs sampling for LDA by Spark. This version performs much better than alpha version, and now can handle 3196204 words, 100 topics, 1000 sample iterations on server in 161.7 minutes. To solve the long time consuming in collect() process in alpha version, we utilize the cache() method as line 261 and line 262. We also solve a pile o…
package topic
import spark.broadcast._
import spark.SparkContext
import spark.SparkContext._
import spark.RDD
import scala.util.Random
import scala.math.{ sqrt, log, pow, abs, exp, min, max }
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* Implement the gibbs sampling LDA on spark
* Input file's format is: docId \t date \t words(splited by " ")
* Output the topic distribution of each file in "out/topicDistOnDoc" default
* and the topic in "out/wordDistOnTopic" default
* 2013-04-24
object SparkGibbsLDA {
* print out topics
* output topK words in each topic
def topicsInfo(nkv: Array[Array[Int]], allWords: List[String], kTopic: Int, vSize: Int, topK: Int) = {
var res = ""
for (k <- 0 until kTopic) {
val distOnTopic = for (v <- 0 until vSize) yield (v, nkv(k)(v))
val sorted = distOnTopic.sortWith((tupleA, tupleB) => tupleA._2 > tupleB._2)
res = res + "topic " + k + ":" + "\n"
for (j <- 0 until topK) {
res = res + "n(" + allWords(sorted(j)._1) + ")=" + sorted(j)._2 + " "
res = res + "\n"
* gibbs sampling
* topicAssignArr Array[(word,topic)]
* nmk: Array[n_{mk}]
def gibbsSampling(topicAssignArr: Array[(Int, Int)],
nmk: Array[Int], nkv: Array[Array[Int]], nk: Array[Int],
kTopic: Int, alpha: Double, vSize: Int, beta: Double) = {
val length = topicAssignArr.length
for (i <- 0 until length) {
val topic = topicAssignArr(i)._2
val word = topicAssignArr(i)._1
//reset nkv,nk and nmk
nmk(topic) = nmk(topic) - 1
nkv(topic)(word) = nkv(topic)(word) - 1
nk(topic) = nk(topic) - 1
val topicDist = new Array[Double](kTopic) //Important, not Array[Double](kTopic) which will lead to Array(4.0)
for (k <- 0 until kTopic) {
topicDist(k) = (nmk(k).toDouble + alpha) * (nkv(k)(word) + beta) / (nk(k) + vSize * beta)
val newTopic = getRandFromMultinomial(topicDist)
topicAssignArr(i) = (word, newTopic) //Important, not (newTopic,word)
//update nkv,nk and nmk locally
nmk(newTopic) = nmk(newTopic) + 1
nkv(newTopic)(word) = nkv(newTopic)(word) + 1
nk(newTopic) = nk(newTopic) + 1
(topicAssignArr, nmk)
// get nkv matrix
//List(((0,0),2), ((0,1),1),((word,topic),count))
//=> Array[Array(...)]
def updateNKV(wordsTopicReduced: List[((Int, Int), Int)], kTopic: Int, vSize: Int) = {
val nkv = new Array[Array[Int]](kTopic)
for (k <- 0 until kTopic) {
nkv(k) = new Array[Int](vSize)
wordsTopicReduced.foreach(t => { //t is ((Int,Int),Int) which is ((word,topic),count)
val word = t._1._1
val topic = t._1._2
val count = t._2
nkv(topic)(word) = nkv(topic)(word) + count
//get nk vector
//List(((0,0),2), ((0,1),1),((word,topic),count))
//=> Array[Array(...)]
def updateNK(wordsTopicReduced: List[((Int, Int), Int)], kTopic: Int, vSize: Int) = {
val nk = new Array[Int](kTopic)
wordsTopicReduced.foreach(t => { //t is ((Int,Int),Int) which is ((word,topic),count)
val topic = t._1._2
val count = t._2
nk(topic) = nk(topic) + count
* get a topic from Multinomial Distribution
* usage example: k=getRand(Array(0.1, 0.2, 0.3,1.1)),
def getRandFromMultinomial(arrInput: Array[Double]): Int = {
val rand = Random.nextDouble()
val s = doubleArrayOps(arrInput).sum
val arrNormalized = doubleArrayOps(arrInput).map { e => e / s }
var localsum = 0.0
val cumArr = doubleArrayOps(arrNormalized).map { dist =>
localsum = localsum + dist
//return the new topic
doubleArrayOps(cumArr).indexWhere(cumDist => cumDist >= rand)
def restartSpark(sc: SparkContext, scMaster: String, remote: Boolean): SparkContext = {
// After iterations, Spark will create a lot of RDDs and I only have 4g mem for it.
// So I have to restart the Spark. The thread.sleep is for the shutting down of Akka.
if (remote == true) {
new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA", "./", Seq("job.jar"))
} else {
new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA")
* start spark at if remote==true
* or start it locally when remote==false
def startSpark(remote: Boolean) = {
if (remote == true) {
val scMaster = "spark://db-PowerEdge-2970:7077" // e.g. local[4]
val sparkContext = new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA", "./", Seq("job.jar"))
(scMaster, sparkContext)
} else {
val scMaster = "local[4]" // e.g. local[4]
val sparkContext = new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA")
(scMaster, sparkContext)
* save topic distribution of doc in HDFS
* INPUT: doucments which is RDD[(docId,topicAssigments,nmk)]
* format: docID, topic distribution
def saveDocTopicDist(documents: spark.RDD[(Long, Array[(Int, Int)], Array[Int])], pathTopicDistOnDoc: String) = { {
case (docId, topicAssign, nmk) =>
val docLen = topicAssign.length
val probabilities = => n / docLen.toDouble).toList
(docId, probabilities)
* save word distribution on topic into HDFS
* output format:
* (topicID,List((#/x,0.05803571428571429)...(与/p,0.04017857142857143),...))
def saveWordDistTopic(sc: SparkContext, nkv: Array[Array[Int]], nk: Array[Int],
allWords: List[String], vSize: Int, topKwordsForDebug: Int, pathWordDistOnTopic: String) {
val topicK = nkv.length
//add topicid for array
val nkvWithId = Array.fill(topicK) { (0, Array[Int](vSize)) }
for (k <- 0 until topicK) {
nkvWithId(k) = (k, nkv(k))
//output topKwordsForDebug words
val res = sc.parallelize(nkvWithId).map { t => //topicId, Array(2,3,3,4,...)
val k = t._1
val distOnTopic = for (v <- 0 until vSize) yield (v, t._2(v))
val sorted = distOnTopic.sortWith((tupleA, tupleB) => tupleA._2 > tupleB._2)
val topDist = { for (v <- 0 until topKwordsForDebug) yield (allWords(sorted(v)._1), sorted(v)._2.toDouble / nk(k).toDouble) }.toList
(k, topDist)
* the lda's executing function
* do the following things:
* 1,start spark
* 2,read files into HDFS
* 3,build a dictionary for alphabet : wordIndexMap
* 4,init topic assignments for each word in the corpus
* 5,use gibbs sampling to infer the topic distribution of doc and estimate the parameter nkv and nk
* 6,save the result in HDFS (result part 1: topic distribution of doc, result part 2: top words in each topic)
def lda(filename: String, kTopic: Int, alpha: Double, beta: Double,
maxIter: Int, remote: Boolean, topKwordsForDebug: Int,
pathTopicDistOnDoc: String, pathWordDistOnTopic: String) {
//Step 1, start spark
System.setProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8")
System.setProperty("spark.serializer", "spark.KryoSerializer")
var (scMaster, sc) = startSpark(remote)
//Step2, read files into HDFS
val file = sc.textFile(filename)
val rawFiles = { line =>
val vs = line.split("\t")
val words = vs(2).split(" ").toList
(vs(0).toLong, words)
}.filter(_._2.length > 0)
//Step3, build a dictionary for alphabet : wordIndexMap
val allWords = rawFiles.flatMap { t =>
}.map{t=>(t,1)}.reduceByKey(_+_).map{_._1}.collect().toList.sortWith(_ < _)
val vSize = allWords.length
var wordIndexMap = new HashMap[String, Int]()
for (i <- 0 until allWords.length) {
wordIndexMap(allWords(i)) = i
val bWordIndexMap = wordIndexMap
//Step4, init topic assignments for each word in the corpus
var documents = { t => //t means (docId,words) where words is a List
val docId = t._1
val length = t._2.length
val topicAssignArr = new Array[(Int, Int)](length)
val nmk = new Array[Int](kTopic)
for (i <- 0 until length) {
val topic = Random.nextInt(kTopic)
topicAssignArr(i) = (bWordIndexMap(t._2(i)), topic)
nmk(topic) = nmk(topic) + 1
(docId, topicAssignArr, nmk) //t._1 means docId, t._2 means words
var wordsTopicReduced = documents.flatMap(t => t._2).map(t => (t, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect().toList
//update nkv,nk
var nkv = updateNKV(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
var nkvGlobal = sc.broadcast(nkv)
var nk = updateNK(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
var nkGlobal = sc.broadcast(nk)
//Step5, use gibbs sampling to infer the topic distribution in doc and estimate the parameter nkv and nk
var iterativeInputDocuments = documents
var updatedDocuments=iterativeInputDocuments
for (iter <- 0 until maxIter) {
iterativeInputDocuments.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)//same as cache
updatedDocuments.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)//same as cache
//broadcast the global data
nkvGlobal = sc.broadcast(nkv)
nkGlobal = sc.broadcast(nk)
updatedDocuments = {
case (docId, topicAssignArr, nmk) =>
//gibbs sampling
val (newTopicAssignArr, newNmk) = gibbsSampling(topicAssignArr,
nmk, nkvGlobal.value, nkGlobal.value,
kTopic, alpha, vSize, beta)
(docId, newTopicAssignArr, newNmk)
//output to hdfs for DEBUG
//updatedDocuments.flatMap(t => t._2).map(t => (t, 1)).saveAsTextFile("hdfs://"+iter)
wordsTopicReduced = updatedDocuments.flatMap(t => t._2).map(t => (t, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect().toList
iterativeInputDocuments = updatedDocuments
//update nkv,nk
nkv = updateNKV(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
nk = updateNK(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
println(topicsInfo(nkvGlobal.value, allWords, kTopic, vSize, topKwordsForDebug))
println("iteration " + iter + " finished")
//restart spark to optimize the memory
if (iter % 20 == 0) {
//save RDD temporally
var pathDocument1=""
var pathDocument2=""
var storedDocuments1=iterativeInputDocuments
var storedDocuments2=updatedDocuments
//restart Spark to solve the memory leak problem
sc=restartSpark(sc, scMaster, remote)
//as the restart of Spark, all of RDD are cleared
//we need to read files in order to rebuild RDD
//Step6,save the result in HDFS (result part 1: topic distribution of doc, result part 2: top words in each topic)
var resultDocuments = iterativeInputDocuments
saveDocTopicDist(resultDocuments, pathTopicDistOnDoc)
saveWordDistTopic(sc, nkv, nk, allWords, vSize, topKwordsForDebug, pathWordDistOnTopic)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//val fileName = "/tmp/ldasrc5000.txt"
val fileName="/tmp/ldasrc.txt"
//val fileName = "ldasrcSmall.txt"
val kTopic = 10
val alpha = 0.45
val beta = 0.01
val maxIter = 1000
val remote = true
val topKwordsForDebug = 10
var pathTopicDistOnDoc = ""
var pathWordDistOnTopic = ""
if (remote == true) {
pathTopicDistOnDoc = "hdfs://"
pathWordDistOnTopic = "hdfs://"
} else {
pathTopicDistOnDoc = "out/topicDistOnDoc"
pathWordDistOnTopic = "out/wordDistOnTopic"
lda(fileName, kTopic, alpha, beta, maxIter, remote, topKwordsForDebug, pathTopicDistOnDoc, pathWordDistOnTopic)
// def main(args: Array[String]) {
// if (args.length < 3) {
// println("usage: java -classpath jarname topic.SparkGibbsLDA filename kTopic alpha beta maxIter " +
// "remote[=true|false] topKWordsForDebug pathTopicDistOnDoc pathWordDistOnTopic")
// } else {
// val filename = args(0)//e.g. /tmp/ldasrc5000.txt
// val kTopic = args(1).toInt //e.g. 4
// val alpha = args(2).toDouble //e.g. 0.45
// val beta = args(3).toDouble //e.g. 0.01
// val maxIter = args(4).toInt //e.g. 1000
// val remote = args(5).toBoolean //true means run on db-PowerEdge-2970:7077 (, false mean run on local
// val topKwordsForDebug = args(6).toInt //e.g. 10
// val pathTopicDistOnDoc=args(7) //save topic distribution of each file, e.g. out/topicDistOnDoc
// val pathWordDistOnTopic=args(8) //save word distribution of toipc, e.g. out/wordDistOnTopic
// }
// }
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