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Created January 8, 2014 02:42
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mod = angular.module('infinite-scroll', [])
mod.directive 'infiniteScroll', ['$rootScope', '$window', '$timeout', ($rootScope, $window, $timeout) ->
link: (scope, elem, attrs) ->
$window = angular.element($window)
# from jQuery UI (
$scrollParent = elem.parents()
.filter ->
console.log ($.css this, 'overflow') + ($.css this, 'overflow-y') + ($.css this, 'overflow-x')
(/(auto|scroll)/).test ($.css this, 'overflow') + ($.css this, 'overflow-y') + ($.css this, 'overflow-x')
.eq 0
console.log $scrollParent
$scrollParent = $window if $scrollParent.length == 0
# infinite-scroll-direction specifies whether the scroll is vertical or not.
scrollDirection = attrs.infiniteScrollDirection or 'vertical'
# infinite-scroll-distance specifies how close to the bottom of the page
# the window is allowed to be before we trigger a new scroll. The value
# provided is multiplied by the window height; for example, to load
# more when the bottom of the page is less than 3 window heights away,
# specify a value of 3. Defaults to 0.
scrollDistance = 0
if attrs.infiniteScrollDistance?
scope.$watch attrs.infiniteScrollDistance, (value) ->
scrollDistance = parseInt(value, 10)
# infinite-scroll-disabled specifies a boolean that will keep the
# infnite scroll function from being called; this is useful for
# debouncing or throttling the function call. If an infinite
# scroll is triggered but this value evaluates to true, then
# once it switches back to false the infinite scroll function
# will be triggered again.
scrollEnabled = true
checkWhenEnabled = false
if attrs.infiniteScrollDisabled?
scope.$watch attrs.infiniteScrollDisabled, (value) ->
scrollEnabled = !value
if scrollEnabled && checkWhenEnabled
checkWhenEnabled = false
elementPos = elem.position()
# infinite-scroll specifies a function to call when the window
# is scrolled within a certain range from the bottom of the
# document. It is recommended to use infinite-scroll-disabled
# with a boolean that is set to true when the function is
# called in order to throttle the function call.
handler = ->
console.log "scrolling"
if scrollDirection is not 'vertical'
elementBottom = + elem.height()
scrollBottom = $scrollParent.height() + $scrollParent.scrollTop()
remaining = elementBottom - scrollBottom
shouldScroll = remaining <= $scrollParent.height() * scrollDistance
elementRight = elementPos.left + elem.width()
console.log $scrollParent.width()
scrollRight = $scrollParent.width() + $scrollParent.scrollTop()
remaining = elementRight - scrollRight
shouldScroll = remaining <= $scrollParent.width() * scrollDistance
if shouldScroll && scrollEnabled
if $rootScope.$$phase
scope.$eval attrs.infiniteScroll
scope.$apply attrs.infiniteScroll
else if shouldScroll
checkWhenEnabled = true
$scrollParent.on 'scroll', handler
scope.$on '$destroy', ->
$ 'scroll', handler
$timeout (->
if attrs.infiniteScrollImmediateCheck
if scope.$eval(attrs.infiniteScrollImmediateCheck)
), 0
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