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Created June 26, 2014 06:35
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Feature: Discovering
Scenario: Visitors are enticed into reading a book # features/discovering.feature:3
Given there is a book called "Redpoint" # features/step_definitions/discovering_steps.rb:1
And an administrator has entered details about the concept # features/step_definitions/discovering_steps.rb:5
When I visit the home page # features/step_definitions/discovering_steps.rb:10
Frame number: 0/49
From: /Users/Gaston/dev/pigeonhole/pigeonhole/features/step_definitions/discovering_steps.rb @ line 15 :
10: When(/^I visit the home page$/) do
11: visit '/'
12: end
14: Then(/^I should see details about the book$/) do
=> 15: binding.pry
17: page.should have_content(@book.title)
18: page.should have_content(
19: page.should have_content(@book.short_description)
20: end
[1] pry(#<Cucumber::Rails::World>)> (0..0).each {|i| puts i}
=> 0..0
[2] pry(#<Cucumber::Rails::World>)> ^D
And I should see details about the book # features/step_definitions/discovering_steps.rb:14
Frame number: 0/185
From: /Users/Gaston/dev/pigeonhole/pigeonhole/app/views/books/_storyboard.html.haml @ line 3 ActionView::CompiledTemplates#_app_views_books__storyboard_html_haml__2141557123062597328_70198736916000:
1: = render partial:'countdown', locals: {book: @book}
2: - tile_order = !@book.tile_order.nil? ? @book.tile_order.split(',') : (0..@book.chapters_count)
=> 3: - binding.pry
4: .grid#b{:isotope => true}
5: .gutter-sizer
6: - tile_order.each do |i|
7: .item.col-2
8: .item-wrapper
[1] pry(#<#<Class:0x007fb0d7071608>>)> (0..0).each {|i| puts i}
=> 0..0
Then(/^I should see details about the book$/) do
page.should have_content(@book.title)
page.should have_content(
page.should have_content(@book.short_description)
= render partial:'countdown', locals: {book: @book}
- tile_order = !@book.tile_order.nil? ? @book.tile_order.split(',') : (0..@book.chapters_count)
- binding.pry
.grid#b{:isotope => true}
- tile_order.each do |i|
= render partial:'img_tile', locals: {:index => (i.to_i) - 1}
- if @book.slug == 'redpoint'
- if i.to_i == 2
.item.col-2{:trackable => "clicked on 'about the author' tile"}
= render partial:'author', locals: {book: @book}
- if i.to_i == 1 && @book.slug == 'redpoint'
.item.col-2{:trackable => "Clicked on 'join the discussion' tile"}
= render partial:'join_disc', locals: {book: @book}
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