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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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## Mapping household income by ward in South Africa - data from the 2011 Census
## Author: Kyle Walker. Please share and re-use as much as you'd like!
# Data source:
xl <- "annual-household-income-for-the-national-province-district-municipality-ward.xls"
dat <- read_excel(xl, skip = 6)
nms <- c('ward', paste0('i', sapply(1:12, as.character)))
names(dat) <- nms
wards <- grep("Ward", dat$ward)
dat2 <- dat[wards, ]
dat2[, 11:13] <- sapply(dat2[, 11:13], as.numeric)
dat2 %<>% separate(ward, c("ward_id", "extra"), sep = ":", )
dat2$ward_id <- gsub(" ", "", dat2$ward_id, fixed = TRUE)
# pctlow: percent of households earning under R38200 annually (income bins 1-5).
# This cut-off was chosen due to the way the data were aggregated;
# the average household income for poor households in South Africa is R32911.
# See
dat2 %<>%
lowinc = i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 + i5,
totalhh = rowSums(dat2[, 3:14], na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
mutate(pctlow = round(100 * (lowinc / totalhh), 2)) %>%
# Spatial data source:
# Polygons simplified in QGIS before importing into R.
sp_wards <- readOGR(dsn = getwd(), layer = "sa_0001", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sp_wards@data <- merge(sp_wards@data, dat2,
by.x = "WARD_ID", by.y = "ward_id", sort = FALSE)
writeOGR(sp_wards, dsn = getwd(), layer = "sa_wards",
driver = "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE)
# Zip up your shapefile and upload to CartoDB!
# CartoDB map:
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