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Created April 30, 2021 20:20
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us_median_age <- get_acs(
geography = "state",
variables = "B01002_001",
year = 2019,
survey = "acs5",
geometry = TRUE,
resolution = "20m"
) %>%
shift_geometry() %>%
mutate(tooltip = paste(NAME, estimate, sep = ": "))
gg <- ggplot(us_median_age) +
geom_sf_interactive(aes(fill = estimate,
tooltip = tooltip,
data_id = NAME),
size = 0.3) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdPu",
direction = 1) +
labs(title = "Median Age by State, 2019",
caption = "Data source: 2019 1-year ACS, US Census Bureau",
fill = "ACS estimate") +
girafe(ggobj = gg) %>%
girafe_options(opts_hover(css = "fill:cyan;"))
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