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Created April 13, 2018 17:28
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class Node {
constructor(area, itemCount, smallKeyCount, dungeonPrizeCount) {
this.area_ = area;
this.itemCount_ = itemCount;
this.smallKeyCount_ = smallKeyCount;
this.dungeonPrizeCount_ = dungeonPrizeCount;
this.edgesOut_ = [];
function N(a,b,c,d) {
return new Node(a,b,c,d);
class Edge {
constructor(nodeFrom, nodeTo, requirements, bidirectional) {
this.nodeFrom_ = nodeFrom;
this.nodeTo_ = nodeTo;
this.requirements_ = requirements;
this.bidirectional_ = bidirectional;
function E(nodeFrom, nodeTo, requirements, bidirectional) {
var e = new Edge(Nodes[nodeFrom], Nodes[nodeTo], requirements || [], bidirectional !== false);
if (bidirectional) {
return e;
let Items = [
let Enemies = {
'Popo': ['L1Sword', 'L2Sword', 'L3Sword', 'L4Sword', 'Hammer', 'FireRod', 'Bow'],
'Terrorpin': ['Hammer'],
'RedMimic': ['Bow'],
'GreenMimic': ['L1Sword', 'L2Sword', 'L3Sword', 'L4Sword', 'Bow', 'Hammer', 'FireRod'],
'ArmosKnights': ['L1Sword', 'L2Sword', 'L3Sword', 'L4Sword', 'Bow', 'Hammer'],
'HelmasaurKing': ['Hammer'],
'Bubble': [],
'GreenEyegore': ['L1Sword', 'L2Sword', 'L3Sword', 'L4Sword', 'Hammer', 'Bow'],
'RedEyegore': ['Bow'],
'Stalfos': [],
// N(area, num_items, num_small_keys, num_dungeon_prizes)
let Nodes = [
/* 0 */ N('A'),
/* 1 */ N('U', 1),
/* 2 */ N('LW'),
/* 3 */ N('U'),
/* 4 */ N('U'),
/* 5 */ N('U', 3),
/* 6 */ N('EP', 3),
/* 7 */ N('EP', 1),
/* 8 */ N('EP', 0, 1),
/* 9 */ N('EP', 1),
/* 10 */ N('EP'),
/* 11 */ N('EP', 0, 1),
/* 12 */ N('EP', 1, 0, 1),
/* 13 */ N('DW'),
/* 14 */ N('U'),
/* 15 */ N('U'),
/* 16 */ N('U'),
/* 17 */ N('POD', 1),
/* 18 */ N('POD', 2),
/* 19 */ N('POD', 2),
/* 20 */ N('POD', 1),
/* 21 */ N('POD', 1),
/* 22 */ N('POD', 1),
/* 23 */ N('POD', 2),
/* 24 */ N('POD', 2),
/* 25 */ N('POD'),
/* 26 */ N('POD', 1),
/* 27 */ N('POD', 1, 0, 1),
/* 28 */ N('A', 1)
// E(node_from, node_to, requirements)
let Edges = [
E(0, 1),
E(1, 2),
E(2, 3),
E(2, 4),
E(2, 5),
E(2, 6),
E(2, 13, [['Hammer', 'L1Gloves', 'MoonPearl'], ['Hammer', 'L2Gloves', 'MoonPearl']]),
E(6, 7, ['EPBigKey']),
E(6, 8, ['EPDarkRoom1']),
E(6, 10, ['EPDarkRoom2', 'EPBigKey']),
E(8, 9, ['GreenEyegore', 'Stalfos', 'Stalfos', 'Popo', 'Popo', 'Bubble', 'Bubble', 'Bubble', 'Bubble', 'EP Door']),
E(10, 11, ['GreenEyegore']),
E(10, 12, ['RedEyegore', 'RedEyegore', 'RedEyegore', 'Stalfos', 'Stalfos', 'Popo', 'Popo', 'Popo', 'Popo', 'Popo', 'Popo', 'EPDoor', 'ArmosKnights']),
E(13, 14),
E(13, 15),
E(13, 16),
E(13, 17),
E(17, 18, ['PODDoor']),
E(17, 19, ['RedMimic', 'GreenMimic', 'GreenMimic']),
E(18, 19, ['Hover'], false),
E(18, 20, ['PODDoor']),
E(18, 21, ['PODDoor']),
E(19, 18, ['Hammer'], false),
E(19, 27, ['PODDoor', 'PODBigKey', 'RedMimic', 'GreenMimic', 'GreenMimic', 'Bow', 'Hammer', 'Terrorpin', 'Terrorpin', 'Terrorpin', 'Terrorpin', 'Terrorpin', 'Terrorpin', 'PODDarkRoomFinal', 'HelmasaurKing']),
E(21, 22, ['PODDoor']),
E(21, 23, ['PODDark Basement']),
E(21, 24, ['PODDoor', 'PODDarkMaze']),
E(21, 25, [['PODHammerJump'], ['Hover']]),
E(24, 25, ['PODDarkMaze']),
E(25, 24, ['PODDarkMaze']),
E(25, 26, ['PODBigKey']),
E(0, 28, ['Crystal1', 'Crystal2'])
let map = {
items: new WeakMap([
[Nodes[ 1], ['L1Sword']],
[Nodes[ 5], ['L2Sword', 'L3Sword', 'L4Sword']],
[Nodes[ 6], ['Bow', 'Hammer', 'Lamp']],
[Nodes[ 7], ['L1Gloves']],
[Nodes[ 8], ['EPKey']],
[Nodes[ 9], ['L2Gloves']],
[Nodes[11], ['EPKey']],
[Nodes[12], ['MoonPearl']],
[Nodes[17], ['FireRod']],
[Nodes[18], ['PODKey', 'PODKey']],
[Nodes[19], ['PODKey', 'PODKey']],
[Nodes[20], ['PODKey']],
[Nodes[21], ['PODKey']],
[Nodes[22], ['PODMap']],
[Nodes[23], ['PODCompass', 'PODBigKey']],
[Nodes[24], ['EPMap', 'EPCompass']],
[Nodes[26], ['EPBigKey']],
[Nodes[27], ['Boots']],
[Nodes[28], ['Triforce']]
prizes: new WeakMap([
[Nodes[12], 'Crystal1'],
[Nodes[27], 'Crystal2']
function isValidMap(map) {
// this probably needs better logic.
// we need to support something that can handle very basic boolean logic
// like the dark world entrace below eastern requires:
// Hammer && MoonPearl && (L1Gloves || L2Gloves)
// in the current implementation, this is represented by this:
// ['Hammer', 'MoonPearl', ['L1Gloves', 'L2Gloves']]
// so the first level is assumed to be && and subsequent levels are assumed to be ||.
function isPassable(edge) {
function isPassableSingle(req) {
if (Array.isArray(req)) {
return req.some(isPassableSingle);
if (Items.includes(req) || req.match(/Crystal/)) {
if (!items.includes(req)) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (Enemies[req]) {
var foo = !Enemies[req].some((v, i, a) => {
return items.includes(v);
if (!Enemies[req].length || foo) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (req.match(/Dark/)) {
if (!items.includes('Lamp')) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (req === 'Hover') {
return false;
} else if (req.match(/Jump/)) {
return false;
} else if (req.match(/Door/)) {
return false;
} else {
throw Error('unknown requirement');
return true;
return edge.requirements_.every(isPassableSingle);
let items = [];
let visitedEdges = [];
let availableEdges = [];
let visitedNodes = [];
let availableNodes = [Nodes[0]];
while (true) {
while (availableNodes.length) {
let node = availableNodes.pop();
if (visitedNodes.includes(node)) {
if (map.items.has(node)) {
items = items.concat(map.items.get(node));
if (map.prizes.has(node)) {
for (let i = 0; i < node.edgesOut_.length; i++) {
let edgeOut = node.edgesOut_[i];
if (visitedEdges.includes(edgeOut)) {
if (visitedNodes.includes(edgeOut.nodeFrom_) && visitedNodes.includes(edgeOut.nodeTo_)) {
// need to account for small keys in this situation.
// this is an edge we haven't passed but don't need to because we have already visited both nodes.
// if it has a small key requirement, it needs to be accounted for.
if (node === edgeOut.nodeFrom_ && visitedNodes.includes(edgeOut.nodeTo_)) {
if (node === edgeOut.nodeTo_ && visitedNodes.includes(edgeOut.nodeFrom_)) {
if (isPassable(edgeOut)) {
if (node === edgeOut.nodeTo_) {
} else if (node === edgeOut.nodeFrom_) {
} else {
throw Error('weird edge thing just happened');
} else if (!availableEdges.includes(edgeOut)) {
let newAvailableEdges = [];
for (let i = 0; i < availableEdges.length; i++) {
let edge = availableEdges[i];
if (isPassable(edge)) {
if (!visitedNodes.includes(edge.nodeFrom_)) {
if (!visitedNodes.includes(edge.nodeTo_)) {
} else {
if (newAvailableEdges.length === availableEdges.length) {
availableEdges = newAvailableEdges;
return items.includes('Triforce');
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