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Created November 25, 2021 07:05
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  • Save walkure/c450f01ab0420a161e806cd90a200662 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save walkure/c450f01ab0420a161e806cd90a200662 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
zsh(Mac) configuration file
# home/end key
bindkey "^[[H" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^[[F" end-of-line
# git
autoload -Uz vcs_info
setopt prompt_subst
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' check-for-changes true
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' stagedstr "%F{magenta}!"
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' unstagedstr "%F{yellow}+"
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats "%F{cyan}%c%u[%b]%f"
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats '[%b|%a]'
precmd () { vcs_info }
# prompt
%F{yellow}$%f '
# GnuPG
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
# time command
TIMEFMT=$'\n\n========================\nProgram : %J\nCPU : %P\nuser : %*Us\nsystem : %*Ss\ntotal : %*Es\n========================\n'
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