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Created October 7, 2023 05:10
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haskell practice: basic hangman
import Data.List
data Letter = Found (Char) | NotFound (Char) | Dash | None deriving Eq
type LetterSequence = [Letter]
data Hangman = Hangman {
word :: LetterSequence,
tries :: Int,
won :: Bool
data HangmanUpdate a = HangmanUpdate {
new :: a,
many :: Int
update_letter :: Char -> Letter -> HangmanUpdate Letter
update_letter _ (Found ch) = HangmanUpdate { new = (Found ch), many = -1 }
update_letter _ (Dash) = HangmanUpdate { new = (Dash), many = 0 }
update_letter comp (NotFound ch) =
if ch == comp
then HangmanUpdate { new = (Found ch), many = 1 }
else HangmanUpdate { new = (NotFound ch), many = 0 }
chain_letter_update :: HangmanUpdate LetterSequence -> HangmanUpdate Letter -> HangmanUpdate LetterSequence
chain_letter_update word_update letter_update =
| ((many letter_update) == -1 || (many word_update) == -1) = -1
| otherwise = (many letter_update) + (many word_update)
in HangmanUpdate { new = (new word_update) ++ [(new letter_update)], many = new_many }
update_word :: Char -> LetterSequence -> HangmanUpdate LetterSequence
update_word char word =
if length word == 0
then HangmanUpdate { new = [], many = 0 }
else foldl chain_letter_update HangmanUpdate { new = [], many = 0 } (map (update_letter char) word)
not_found :: Letter -> Bool
not_found (NotFound _) = True
not_found otherwise = False
update_hangman :: Hangman -> Char -> Hangman
update_hangman hangman guess =
let update = update_word guess (word hangman)
lose_life = if (many update) == 0 then -1 else 0
in Hangman {
word = (new update),
tries = (tries hangman) + lose_life,
won = (not (any not_found (new update))) }
init_letter :: Char -> Letter
init_letter char =
case char of {
'-' -> Dash;
'.' -> Dash;
'\'' -> Dash;
':' -> Dash;
'&' -> Dash;
' ' -> Dash;
'\n' -> None;
otherwise -> NotFound (char) }
stringify_letter :: Letter -> String
stringify_letter (Dash) = "-"
stringify_letter (NotFound _) = "_"
stringify_letter (Found x) = [x]
stringify_sequence :: LetterSequence -> String
stringify_sequence sequence = intercalate " " (map stringify_letter sequence)
print_hangman :: Hangman -> IO ()
print_hangman hangman = do
putStrLn ("Lives left: "++(show $ tries hangman)++" | Word: "++(stringify_sequence (word hangman)))
game_loop :: Hangman -> IO ()
game_loop hangman = do
print_hangman hangman
putStrLn "Try to guess a letter."
let input_loop = do
letter <- getLine
if (length letter) < 1
then do
putStrLn "Please write a letter!"
else if (length letter) > 1
then do
putStrLn "Please write only one letter!"
else do
let new_hangman = (update_hangman hangman (letter!!0))
if (won new_hangman) then
putStrLn "Congratulations!!!"
game_loop new_hangman
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Insert a word to hangman over!"
word <- getLine
game_loop (Hangman { word = (filter (\l -> l /= None) (map init_letter word)), tries = 7, won = False })
import Data.List
data Letter = Found (Char) | NotFound (Char) | Dash | None deriving Eq
type LetterSequence = [Letter]
data Hangman = Hangman {
word :: LetterSequence,
tries :: Int,
won :: Bool
data HangmanUpdate a = HangmanUpdate {
new :: a,
many :: Int
update_letter :: Char -> Letter -> HangmanUpdate Letter
update_letter _ (Found ch) = HangmanUpdate { new = (Found ch), many = -1 }
update_letter _ (Dash) = HangmanUpdate { new = (Dash), many = 0 }
update_letter comp (NotFound ch) =
if ch == comp
then HangmanUpdate { new = (Found ch), many = 1 }
else HangmanUpdate { new = (NotFound ch), many = 0 }
chain_letter_update :: HangmanUpdate LetterSequence -> HangmanUpdate Letter -> HangmanUpdate LetterSequence
chain_letter_update word_update letter_update =
| ((many letter_update) == -1 || (many word_update) == -1) = -1
| otherwise = (many letter_update) + (many word_update)
in HangmanUpdate { new = (new word_update) ++ [(new letter_update)], many = new_many }
update_word :: Char -> LetterSequence -> HangmanUpdate LetterSequence
update_word char word =
if length word == 0
then HangmanUpdate { new = [], many = 0 }
else foldl chain_letter_update HangmanUpdate { new = [], many = 0 } (map (update_letter char) word)
not_found :: Letter -> Bool
not_found (NotFound _) = True
not_found otherwise = False
update_hangman :: Hangman -> Char -> Hangman
update_hangman hangman guess =
let update = update_word guess (word hangman)
lose_life = if (many update) == 0 then -1 else 0
in Hangman {
word = (new update),
tries = (tries hangman) + lose_life,
won = (not (any not_found (new update))) }
init_letter :: Char -> Letter
init_letter char =
case char of {
'-' -> Dash;
'.' -> Dash;
'\'' -> Dash;
':' -> Dash;
'&' -> Dash;
' ' -> Dash;
'\n' -> None;
otherwise -> NotFound (char) }
stringify_letter :: Letter -> String
stringify_letter (Dash) = "-"
stringify_letter (NotFound _) = "_"
stringify_letter (Found x) = [x]
stringify_sequence :: LetterSequence -> String
stringify_sequence sequence = intercalate " " (map stringify_letter sequence)
print_hangman :: Hangman -> IO ()
print_hangman hangman = do
putStrLn ("Lives left: "++(show $ tries hangman)++" | Word: "++(stringify_sequence (word hangman)))
game_loop :: Hangman -> IO ()
game_loop hangman = do
print_hangman hangman
putStrLn "Try to guess a letter."
let input_loop = do
letter <- getLine
if (length letter) < 1
then do
putStrLn "Please write a letter!"
else if (length letter) > 1
then do
putStrLn "Please write only one letter!"
else do
let new_hangman = (update_hangman hangman (letter!!0))
if (won new_hangman) then
putStrLn "Congratulations!!!"
game_loop new_hangman
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Insert a word to hangman over!"
word <- getLine
game_loop (Hangman { word = (filter (\l -> l /= None) (map init_letter word)), tries = 7, won = False })
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