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Created January 12, 2009 01:24
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NoMethodError in Base#footer_content
Showing vendor/plugins/community_engine/app/views/activities/_activity.html.haml where line #5 raised:
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
Extracted source (around line #5):
2: %dt
3: =time_ago_in_words_or_date(activity.created_at)
4: %dd
5: =link_to activity.user.login.capitalize, user_path(activity.user.login_slug)
6: - if activity.item
7: - case activity.item_type
8: - when 'Post'
Trace of template inclusion: vendor/plugins/community_engine/app/views/shared/_footer_content.html.haml
RAILS_ROOT: /home/wallace/my_bliss_list
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