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Last active November 14, 2020 01:09
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These are the major features we’re looking for at each code review, in addition to your other progress.



If a route has a (*) next to it, it means that it should require a logged in user to be present, if a route has a (**) next to it, the logged in user should be the owner of the modified object. If a route has (*admin) next to it, the logged in user must be an admin user (user.isAdmin === true). Any (**) route should also be accessible by any (*admin) user.


Using the same notation above. If a user is authorized, show the component. If the user is not authorized, either (1) display an error message or (2) redirect the user to a different route/component (any component that would be appropriate)

Tiers, in Vertical Slices

BASIC Database Models: users, products, orders, order_products, admin functionality

Review 1: Start of Day 2 - Table Definitions, Products vertical slice

Table Definitions

products table

  • Create a products table definition with the following information:
    • id - serial; primary key
    • name - not null
    • description - not null
    • price - not null
    • imageURL - with a default value
    • inStock - not null; default value false
    • category - not null

users table

  • Create a users table definition with the following information:
    • id - serial; primary key
    • firstName - not null
    • lastName - not null
    • email - unique; not null; must be a valid email format
    • imageURL - with a default value
    • username - unique; not null
    • password - unique; not null
    • "isAdmin" - not null; default value false

orders table

  • Create an orders table definition with the following information:
    • id - serial; primary key
    • status - default value 'created'. (can be created, cancelled, completed) - also optionally, processing
      • NOTE: An order with an orders.status = 'created' is synonymous with a "cart"
    • "userId" - references users(id)
    • "datePlaced" - date

order_products table

  • Create an order_products table definition with the following information:
    • id - serial; primary key
    • "productId" - references products(id)
    • "orderId" - references orders(id)
    • price - not null
    • quantity - not null; default value 0



Database Adapters

  • getProductById
    • getProductById(id)
    • return the product
  • getAllProducts
    • select and return an array of all products
  • createProduct
    • createProduct(product)
    • return the new product

API Routes

  • GET /products
    • Send back a list of all products in the database
  • GET /product/:productId
    • Look up a product by id and send it back


  • Write a component for a single product
  • Display the single product component when the url matches /product/:productId
  • Add links to the navbar that can be used to navigate to the /product/:productId route
  • Write a component to display a list of all products (you might be able to reuse the single product component)
  • Display the all-products component when the url matches /products
  • Add links to the navbar that can be used to navigate to the /products route

Congrats! You have completed your first vertical slice! Make sure to commit -m "feat(products): Add All Products and Single Products" before moving on!

Review 2: Start of Week 2 - Users, Orders



Database Adapters

  • createUser
    • createUser({ username, password })
    • make sure to hash the password before storing it to the database
  • getUser
    • getUser({ username, password })
    • this should be able to verify the password against the hashed password
  • getAllUsers
    • getAllUsers()
    • select all users. Return the user objects.
    • do NOT return the passwords
  • getUserById
    • getUserById(id)
    • select a user using the user's ID. Return the user object.
    • do NOT return the password
  • getUserByUsername
    • getUserByUsername(username)
    • select a user using the user's username. Return the user object.

API Routes

  • POST /users/register
    • Create a new user. Require username and password, and hash password before saving user to DB. Require all passwords to be at least 8 characters long.
    • Throw errors for duplicate username, or password-too-short.
  • POST /users/login
    • Log in the user. Require username and password, and verify that plaintext login password matches the saved hashed password before returning a JSON Web Token.
    • Keep the id and username in the token.
  • GET /users/me (*)
    • Send back the logged-in user's data if a valid token is supplied in the header.


  • Write a component for login
  • Write a component for register
  • Display the login/register components when the user is not logged in (either when url matches /account/login or /account/register OR as a modal, or just at the top of the page).
  • Add links to the navbar that can be used to navigate to the /account/login or /account/register components
  • Add a logout button that removes the token/user data from state and localstorage.
  • Write a component for a single user's data
  • Display the single user component when the url matches /account (*)

Nice! You have completed another vertical slice! Make sure to commit -m "feat(users): Login/Register" before moving on!



Database Adapters

  • getOrderById
    • getOrderById(id)
    • return the order, include the order's products
  • getAllOrders
    • select and return an array of orders, include their products
  • getOrdersByUser
    • getOrdersByUser({ username })
    • select and return an array of orders made by user, include their products
  • getOrdersByProduct
    • getOrdersByProduct({ id })
    • select and return an array of orders which have a specific productId in their order_products join, include their products
  • getCartByUser
    • getCartByUser({ id }) or getCartByUser(user)
    • select one user's order (look up by orders."userId")
    • order that that has status = created
    • return the order, include the order's products
  • createOrder
    • createOrder({ status, userId })
    • create and return the new order

API Routes

  • GET /orders (*admin)
    • Return a list of orders, include the products with them
  • GET /orders/cart (*)
    • Return the current user's order with status='created' (synonymous to a 'cart'). Use database adapter getPendingOrderByUser
  • POST /orders (*)
    • Create a new order. Should initially be status = created.
  • GET /users/:userId/orders (**)
    • Get a list of orders for a particular user.


  • Write a component for a single order's data
  • Display the single order component when the url matches /orders/:orderId (**)
  • Display the cart (using the single order component with the current user's in-progress order. Use the api call GET /orders/cart) when the url matches /cart (*)
  • Add "view cart" button to the navbar that can be used to navigate to the /cart route (*)
  • Add Cart persistence
    • for authenticated (logged in) users, using the database.
    • for unauthenticated (guest) using localStorage.
    • bonus: add ability to "merge" the localStorage cart with the database cart once a user logs in.

Review 3: Start of Week 3 - Order_Products, Checkout, Stripe Integration

Order Products


Database Adapters

  • getOrderProductById
    • getOrderProductById(id)
    • return the order_products
  • addProductToOrder
    • addProductToOrder({ orderId, productId, price, quantity })
    • if the productId is NOT on the order yet, create a new order_products
    • update the order_products quantity (add passed-in quantity to the current order_products quantity)
    • update the order_products price
    • return the order_products
  • updateOrderProduct
    • updateOrderProduct({ id, price, quantity })
    • Find the order with id equal to the passed in id
    • Update the price or quantity as necessary
  • destroyOrderProduct
    • destroyOrderProduct(id)
    • remove the single identified order_products from database

API Routes

  • POST /orders/:orderId/products (**)
    • Add a single product to an order (using order_products). Prevent duplication on ("orderId", "productId") pair. If product already exists on order, increment quantity and update price.
  • PATCH /order_products/:orderProductId (**)
    • Update the quantity or price on the order product
  • DELETE /order_products/:orderProductId (**)
    • Remove a product from a order, use hard delete


  • For each product NOT in cart
    • Create add-to-cart button
      • Up to you if you want this to increment previously-existing product quantity.
      • Up to you if you want this to increment previously-existing product quantity.
  • For each product CURRENTLY in cart
    • Create remove-from-cart button
    • Create edit quantity drop-down



Orders - Database Adapters

  • updateOrder
    • updateOrder({ id, status, userId })
    • Find the order with id equal to the passed in id
    • Don't update the order id, but do update the status and/or userId, as necessary
    • Return the updated order
  • completeOrder
    • completeOrder({ id })
    • Find the order with id equal to the passed in id
    • Only update the status to completed
    • Return the updated order
  • cancelOrder
    • cancelOrder(id)
    • Update the order's status to cancelled

Orders - API Routes

  • PATCH /orders/:orderId (**)
    • Update an order, notably change status
  • DELETE /orders/:orderId (**)
    • Update the order's status to cancelled


  • Write a component to display a checkout experience
    • Display user data (perhaps reusing the single-user component)
    • Display cart data (perhaps reusing the single-order component)
    • Create a "Complete Order" button
      • Updates the order status to completed
      • Credit Card integration is in a future tier
      • Display a success message, confirming the order status is now completed.
    • Create a "Cancel Order" button
      • Updates the order status to cancelled
      • Display a success message, confirming the order is cancelled.
      • Optionally, redirect user to another route (home?)
  • Display the checkout component when the url matches /cart/checkout (*)



  • Integrate Stripe
    • For client side, use Stripe's prebuilt Checkout form, ideally with the "Custom" strategy. We recommend react-stripe-checkout in this case. Build a custom form and communicate with Stripe & your server via Stripe.js.
    • For server side, use the stripe npm library (API docs here, tutorial here) to accept tokens from your front-end app and send charges via the Stripe API.

Review 4: Start of Week 4 - Admin, Reviews



Database Adapters

  • destroyProduct
    • destroyProduct({ id })
    • hard delete a product.
    • make sure to delete all the order_products whose product is the one being deleted.
    • make sure the orders for the order_products being deleted do not have a status = completed
  • updateProduct
    • updateProduct(product)
    • don't try to update the id
    • do update the other fields (name, description, etc)
    • return the updated product
  • updateUser
    • updateUser(user)
    • don't try to update the id
    • do update the other fields (name, email, "isAdmin" etc)
    • return the updated user

API Routes

  • GET /users (*admin)
    • Send back all users
  • POST /products (*admin) Only admins can create a new product
  • DELETE /products/:productId (*admin) Only admins can delete a product
  • PATCH /products/:productId (*admin) Only admins can update a product
  • GET /products/:productId/orders (*admin) Get a list of all orders which have that product in them
  • PATCH /users/:userId (*admin) Only admins can update a user


  • Admin - Users
    • Write a component to display a list of all users
      • Display the all-users component when the url matches /users (*admin)
      • Add links to the navbar that can be used to navigate to the /users component (*admin)
    • Write a component to display a single user
      • Add a form to update the user in the component (notably, add ability to change "isAdmin" on any user)
      • Display the single-user component when the url matches /users/:userId (*admin)
      • Make a username clickable in the users list that can be used to navigate to the /users/:userId component (*admin)
    • Write a form component to add a single user
      • Display the add-user component when the url matches /users/add (*admin)
  • Admin - Orders - Display the multiple orders component (already written) when the url matches /orders, this time showing ALL users' orders (*admin)
  • Admin - Products
    • Write and display a component to create a new product
    • Write and display a component to edit a product
    • Add "delete product" button to products list

Product Reviews

reviews table

  • Create a reviews table definition with the following information:
    • id - serial; primary key
    • title - not null
    • content - not null - must be at least x characters and no longer than y characters
    • stars - integer not null (0 through 5)
    • "userId" - references users(id)
    • "productId" - references products(id)


  • Ability to create/update/delete reviews for authenticated users
  • For each product, in list view
    • Display number ofreviews
    • Display average stars
  • For each product, in single view
    • Display list of reviews, each showing title, content, user, stars

Other Functionality



  • Loading messages for all fetches
  • Paginate product data
  • Logged In Users - Orders
    • Write a component to display all orders pertaining to the user (order history)
    • Display the all-orders component when the url matches /orders (*)
    • Email Confirmation
    • Filter products with a search field
  • Admin
    • Trigger password reset for user
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