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Last active April 20, 2019 18:54
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Foundations Checkpoint Study Guide

Foundations Study Guide


  • 3 hours long (plus 5 minutes… as a safety buffer)
  • Via HackerRank
    • Sample/practice test – open and run as many times as you want, for reviewing the HackerRank platform
    • Test link will be sent to you by your instructor
    • Questions will be a mix of multiple choice and coding prompts
    • Questions will have varying difficulty and point values (out of 100)

What Is Allowed (and Not)

  • 🆗 You may refer to 3rd-party documentation (e.g. MDN) as much as you want
  • 🆗 You may ask your instructor(s) questions, e.g. in case of platform difficulties or confusion about the prompt; they may or may not be able to answer, depending on your question
  • 🚫 You may not refer to LearnDot problems / text / solutions
  • 🚫 Please remember our academic integrity policies (e.g. no cooperation during the checkpoint, no searching for previous students' test submissions)

Overview of Topics Covered

This list is a loose overview of material that you have seen to date, and which could therefore be represented on the checkpoint. Not everything here will necessarily be on the checkpoint, and some things on the checkpoint may be not be explicitly listed here (though they would still relate to these topics). Overall however we recommend using this outline to help plan your review:

  • Variables
    • const, let, var
  • Conditionals
  • Arithmetic operations
    • addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
    • modulus (%)
  • String concatenation
    • The + operator
  • Type coercion
    • Using the Number / Boolean functions
    • Truthy / falsy values
    • Equality operators (== vs ===)
  • Errors
    • Reference errors
  • Arrays
    • typeof vs Array.isArray
    • [] bracket access / assignment
    • .length
    • common methods
      • push
      • pop
      • shift
      • unshift
      • indexOf
      • slice
      • includes
      • reverse
  • for and while loops
  • Scope
    • Global, function, block scope
    • Variable lookup
    • Function parameters / passing values into functions
  • Objects
    • typeof
    • Accessing, adding, changing, and deleting values
    • The in operator
    • for-in loops
    • Object.keys()
    • Nested arrays and objects
  • Pass by reference / value
    • Primitive vs. complex data types
    • Shallow vs. deep copies
    • Equality operators (again)
    • Passing values into functions (again)
  • Higher-order functions
    • Taking functions as arguments (callbacks)
    • Returning functions from functions
    • Closure
    • Higher-order array methods
      • forEach
      • map
      • filter
      • reduce
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