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Created September 10, 2015 19:46
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lemonbar stuff
# Output information with formatted background colors in lemonbar format
# This script can take arguments for what bar information to display(meant to be the names of the functions)
# clickable area aliases
AC='%{A:' # start click area
AB=':}' # end click area cmd
AE='%{A}' # end click area
# %{R} # swap current bg/fg
# %{l} # aligns to left side
# %{c} # aligns to center
# %{r} # aligns to right
## Colors are formatted in hex (#aarrggbb) or symbolic name (eg. white, indianred,darkgray)
# %{B} # text BG color, reset with -
# %{F} # text FG color, reset with -
# %{T} # sets font used to draw following text, reset with -
# %{U} # set text underline color, reset with -
# %{A:command:} # start click area button
## Eg. %{A:reboot:} Click here to reboot %{A}
## Eg. %{A:reboot:}%{A3:halt:} Left click to reboot, right click to shutdown %{A}%{A}
# %{S} # change monitor where bar is rendered
## Eg. +/- next/prev f/l first/last 0-9 #monitor
## + attribute sets for following text
## - attribute unsets for following text
## ! attribute toggles for following text
## for o draw line over text
## and u draw line under
icon() {
echo -n -e "%{F$pIcon}\u$1 %{F$pFG}"
#weatherPanel() {
# icon f0c2
# WSTAT=$(weather --iconify)
# echo "$WSTAT"
# weatherURL=''
# wget -q -O- "$weatherURL" | awk -F\' '/acm_RecentLocationsCarousel\.push/{print $12"°F" }'| head -1
#cliweather | awk '{print $2}' | awk 'NR==4'
cal() {
#icon f073
# icon f133
# echo "${AC}~/.config/bspwm/panel/popup_cal &${AB} $(date +'%a %b%e')${AE}"
echo ${AC}'dzen_cal &'${AB}$(icon f133)${AE}$(date '+%a %b%e')
# new clock
clock() {
echo $(icon f017)$(date '+%l:%M %p')
#panel_clock() {
# echo "${AC}~/.config/bspwm/panel/popup_cal &${AB} $(date +'%a %b%e') ${AE}%{F-}"
#mail() {
# todo: this
# icon f0e0
# echo '0'
battery() {
icon f0e7
if [ -f $BATC ]; then
[ "`cat $BATS`" = "Charging" ] && echo -n '+' || echo -n '-'
cat $BATC
#no battery information found.
echo '+100'
volume() {
# display="$(icon f028) $(amixer get Master | sed -n 's/^.*\[\([0-9]\+%\).*$/\1/p')"
# command='termite -e "alsamixer"'
# echo ${AC}$command${AB}$display${AE}
volume=$(amixer -q | grep -A5 Master | grep '%' | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d'%' -f1)
playback=$(amixer -q | grep -A5 Master | grep 'Mono: Playback' | cut -d'[' -f4 | cut -d']' -f1)
if [ "$playback" == "off" ]
icon=" Mute" #Mute icon f05e
elif ((0 < volume && volume <= 33))
icon="" #No Soundbar icon f026
elif ((33 < volume && volume <= 66))
icon="" #One Soundbar icon f027
icon="" #Three Soundbars icon f028
echo "%{A4:amixer set Master 10%+ > /dev/null${AB}%{A5:amixer set Master 10%- > /dev/null${AB}${AC}~/.config/bspwm/panel/popup_sound &${AB}$icon${AE}${AE}${AE}"
network() {
read lo int1 int2 <<< `ip link | sed -n 's/^[0-9]: \(.*\):.*$/\1/p'`
if iwconfig $int1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
ip link show $eth0 | grep 'state UP' >/dev/null && int=$eth0 ||int=$wlan0
icon f1eb || icon f0ac
ping -W 1 -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
echo -e '\uf00c' || echo -e '\uf00d'
#mpd() {
# cur_song=$(basename "$(mpc current)" | sed "s/^\(.*\)\..*$/\1/" | cut -c1-30 )
# icon f025
# if [ -z "$cur_song" ]; then
# echo "Stopped"
# else
# paused=$(mpc | grep paused)
# [ -z "$paused" ] && toggle="${AC}mpc pause${AB}$(icon f04c)${AE}" ||
# toggle="${AC}mpc play${AB}$(icon f04b)${AE}"
# prev="${AC}mpc prev${AB}$(icon f049)${AE}"
# next="${AC}mpc next${AB}$(icon f050)${AE}"
# cur_song="${AC}'dzen_mpd'${AB}$cur_song${AE}"
# echo "$cur_song $prev $toggle $next"
# fi
yaourtUpdates() {
updates=$(eval yaourt -Qu | wc --lines)
command='termite -e "yaourt -Syua"'
echo ${AC}$command${AB}$(icon f062)$updates${AE}
themeSwitch() {
cur_theme=$(cat ~/.bspwm_theme | grep THEME_NAME | cut -c12-)
# icon f01e
echo ${AC}'dzen_theme &'${AB}$(icon f01e)$cur_theme${AE}
powerButton() {
echo ${AC}'popup_power &'${AB}$(icon f011)${AE}
#determine what to display based on arguments, unless there are none, then display all.
while :; do
[ -z "$*" ] && items="themeSwitch yaourtUpdates battery network volume cal clock powerButton" \
|| items="$@"
for item in $items; do
buf="${buf}$(block $($item))";
echo "$buf"
sleep 2 # update interval
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