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Created July 27, 2011 10:55
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module.exports = serial = (spec) ->
steps = (func for key, func of spec when key != 'catch')
raise = (err) -> if spec.catch then spec.catch err else throw err
next = (err, args...) ->
return raise(err) if err
steps.shift().apply(next, args) if steps.length > 0
next._count = 0
next._result = []
next.parallel = ->
(err, value) ->
return raise(err) if err
next._result.push value
if next._count == next._result.length and steps.length > 0
steps.shift().apply(next, next._result)
next null
after_a_while = (value, callback) ->
setTimeout ->
callback null, value
, 1000
1: ->
after_a_while 'Wow', @
2: (wow) ->
console.log wow
after_a_while 'Hello', @parallel()
after_a_while 'World', @parallel()
3: (sentence...) ->
console.log sentence
setTimeout (=> @ new Error 'Blah!'), 500
4: ->
console.log 'This is never printed!'
catch: (err) ->
console.log err.stack
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