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Created September 5, 2018 17:20
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Maxima and minima
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Operators
module Collection=
let inline maximaBy (projection: 'T->'Key) (source: '``Collection<'T>``) : '``Collection<'T>``=
let sorted = sortByDescending projection source
match tryHead sorted with
| None -> sorted
| Some max -> takeWhile ((compare <| projection max) >> (=) 0 << projection) sorted
let inline minimaBy (projection: 'T->'Key) (source: '``Collection<'T>``) : '``Collection<'T>``=
let sorted = sortBy projection source
match tryHead sorted with
| None -> sorted
| Some min -> takeWhile ((compare <| projection min) >> (=) 0 << projection) sorted
module List=
let maxima l=
let sorted = List.sortDescending l
match sorted with
| []|[_] -> sorted
| max::_ -> List.takeWhile ((compare max) >> (=) 0) sorted
let minima l=
let sorted = List.sort l
match sorted with
| []|[_] -> sorted
| min::_ -> List.takeWhile ((compare min) >> (=) 0) sorted
let maximaBy projection l=
let sorted = List.sortByDescending projection l
match sorted with
| []|[_] -> sorted
| max::_ -> List.takeWhile ((compare <| projection max) >> (=) 0 << projection) sorted
let minimaBy projection l=
let sorted = List.sortBy projection l
match sorted with
| []|[_] -> sorted
| min::_ -> List.takeWhile ((compare <| projection min) >> (=) 0 << projection) sorted
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