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Last active December 12, 2015 02:58
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Save walterdavis/4703410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<library-action name="style_accessors">
<action-version version="1.2.6">
Style Accessors
Get and set styles on any element, regardless where they were initially defined.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2013 Walter Lee Davis
* Does this page use a root-based Resources folder?
* @return boolean
if(undefined == FWPage.hasRootResourcesFolder){
FWPage.prototype.hasRootResourcesFolder = function(){
var head = fwDocument.fwTags.fwFind('head');
if(!head) fwAbort('Please call hasRootResourcesFolder from fwBeforeEndHead or later.');
var links = head.fwFindAll('link', 'href');
for(var i in links){
var link = links[i].href.toString();
var page = this.fwFileName.toString().split('.').shift();
if(link.match('../css') && link.indexOf(page) > 0){
return true;
return false;
* Does this page use a Resources folder?
* @return boolean
if(undefined == FWPage.hasNoResourcesFolder){
FWPage.prototype.hasNoResourcesFolder = function(){
return (! fwClearGif.toString().match('Resources/'))
* Find the folder where the style should be saved
* @return string
if(undefined == FWPage.styleFolder){
FWPage.prototype.styleFolder = function(){
var rootFolder = fwDocument.fwPages.fwItems[0].fwFolder.fwHttpPath();
return '/' + this.fwFolder.fwHttpPath();
return rootFolder + '/css/';
return '/' + this.fwFolder.fwHttpPath() + 'css/';
* Define a URL for the override sheet for this page
* @return string relative URL to override sheet
if(undefined == FWPage.styleOverrideURL){
FWPage.prototype.styleOverrideURL = function(){
var folder = this.styleFolder();
return folder + this.basename() + '_override.css';
* Define a path to the override sheet for this page.
* @return string root-relative path to the override sheet
if(undefined == FWPage.styleOverridePath){
FWPage.prototype.styleOverridePath = function(){
var rootFolder = fwDocument.fwPages.fwItems[0].fwFolder;
if(!rootFolder) fwAbort('Could not locate the root folder. Make sure there is at least one page in it.')
var rootFolderPath = rootFolder.fwHttpPath(null, true);
return (rootFolderPath + this.styleOverrideURL()).replace(/\//g, ':');
* Basename for the override sheet
* @return string page filename without extension
if(undefined == FWPage.basename){
FWPage.prototype.basename = function(){
var filename = this.fwFileName.toString().split('.');
filename = this.fwHttpPath().toString().replace(/\//g,'_').split('.');
return filename.join('.');
* Add a link to an override stylesheet, and create the file for that sheet.
* Only alters the page once per publish cycle.
* Must be called from fwBeforeEndHead() or later.
* @return link to sheet
if(undefined == FWPage.addOverride){
FWPage.prototype.addOverride = function(){
if(this.overrideLink) return this.overrideLink;
var head = fwDocument.fwTags.fwFind('head');
if(!head) fwAbort('Please call addOverride from fwBeforeEndHead or later.')
var lastLink = head.findLast('link');
var link = head.fwAddOpt('link', lastLink);
head.fwAddRawOpt('', lastLink);
var myFile = new FWFile();
link.rel = fwQuote('stylesheet');
link.href = fwQuote(fwParameters['styleOverride'].toString());
link.type = fwQuote('text/css');
this.overrideLink = link;
return link;
* Erase or initialize the reset stylesheet.
* @return FWFile
if(undefined == FWPage.resetOverride){
FWPage.prototype.resetOverride = function(){
if (this.overrideReset)
var myFile = new FWFile();
myFile.fwOpenWrite(this.styleOverridePath(), true);
this.overrideReset = true;
return myFile;
* Announce our existence so we only publish a file from the last Action on the page
* Must be called in fwBeforeStartHTML()
* @void
if(undefined == FWPage.announce){
FWPage.prototype.announce = function(){
if (!fwPage.style_accessors_use)
fwPage.style_accessors_use = 1;
fwPage.style_accessors_use += 1;
* Renounce our existence so the last Action can run addOverride
* Must be called in fwAfterEndHTML()
* @void
if(undefined == FWPage.renounce){
FWPage.prototype.renounce = function(){
fwPage.style_accessors_use -= 1;
// We're the last one...
if (fwPage.style_accessors_use == 0 && fwDocument.fwExternalStylesheets && fwPage.currentRules !== undefined)
* Convert a string of CSS into a hash.
* @return object JSON of styles
if(undefined == cssToHash){
var cssToHash = function(string){
var out = {}, string = string.toString().replace(/^"\s*(.+?)\s*"$/, '$1');
var pairs = string.split(/\s*;\s*/);
for (var i in pairs){
var pair = pairs[i].split(/\s*:\s*/);
out[pair[0]] = pair[1];
return out;
* Convert a JSON object of style definitions into CSS.
* @return string CSS style rules
if(undefined == hashToCSS){
var hashToCSS = function(hash){
var out = [];
for (var i in hash){
var pair = i + ': ' + hash[i];
return out.join('; ').toString();
* Get the CSS selector for a single tag.
* @return string
if(undefined == FWTag.getSelector){
FWTag.prototype.getSelector = function(){
var id = '#' +,-1);
if(id.length > 1){
return id + ', ' + id + '.f-ms';
classes = this['class'].toString().slice(1,-1).split(/\s+/);
return '.' + classes.join('.');
if(undefined == FWTag.findLast){
FWTag.prototype.findLast = function(type) {
var els = this.fwFindAll(type);
for(var i = els.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
if(els[i].fwEnclosing != "!--" && !lastEl)
var lastEl = els[i];
return lastEl;
* Write CSS into the override sheet.
* @return void
if(undefined == FWTag.setOverride){
FWTag.prototype.setOverride = function(content){
fwPage.currentRules = fwPage.currentRules || "";
var overwrite = false;
var selector = this.getSelector();
if(new RegExp(selector).test(fwPage.currentRules)){
var re = new RegExp(selector + ' \\{ (.+?) \\}');
fwPage.currentRules = fwPage.currentRules.replace(re, content);
overwrite = true;
fwPage.currentRules += content + "\n";
} = null;
* Read the content of the entire override sheet.
* @return object JSON of styles
if(undefined == FWTag.getOverride){
FWTag.prototype.getOverride = function(){
var content = fwPage.currentRules || "";
var re = new RegExp(this.getSelector() + ' \\{ (.+?) \\}');
if( re.test(content) )
return( cssToHash(content.match(re)[1]) );
return {};
* Get one CSS attribute of a single tag.
* attributeName is an attribute (width, padding...) returns value (if set) or null.
* @return mixed
if(undefined == FWTag.getStyle){
FWTag.prototype.getStyle = function(attributeName){
var styles = this.getAllStyles();
return styles[attributeName] || null;
* Get override CSS attributes of a single tag, in format for writing to external stylesheet.
* attributeName is an attribute (width, padding...) returns value (if set) or false.
* @return string or false
if(undefined == FWTag.getStyleAsRule){
FWTag.prototype.getStyleAsRule = function(){
return this.getSelector() + ' { ' +,-1) + ' }';
return false;
* Get all CSS attributes of a single tag, regardless where they were set.
* @return JSON object
if(undefined == FWTag.getAllStyles){
FWTag.prototype.getAllStyles = function(){
if (this==null) return null;
var styles = {}, overrides = {};
styles = cssToHash(fwPage.fwElementStyle(this));
overrides = this.getOverride();
for(var i in overrides){
styles[i] = overrides[i];
var inline = cssToHash(;
for (var i in inline) {
styles[i] = inline[i];
return styles;
* Sets a CSS attribute such as "position:absolute" in a tag value
* Passing an attribute value of null resets that attribute to default
* @return void
if(undefined == FWTag.setStyle){
FWTag.prototype.setStyle = function(){
if(this == null || arguments.length == 0)
var stylesObj = {};
// If we have two strings, objectify them
if(arguments.length == 2 && arguments[0].constructor == String)
stylesObj[arguments[0]] = arguments[1];
stylesObj = arguments[0];
for(var i in stylesObj) {
var attributeName = i,
value = stylesObj[i];
if(typeof value == 'string' && value.toLowerCase() == 'null')
value = null;
var styles = {}, external = {};
var reset = { /* BACKGROUND */ 'background': 'none', 'background-attachment':
'scroll', 'background-clip': 'border-box', 'background-color': 'inherit',
'background-image': 'none', 'background-origin': 'padding-box',
'background-position': '0% 0%', 'background-repeat': 'repeat', 'background-size':
'auto', /* BORDERS */ 'border-collapse': 'separate', 'border': 'none',
'border-width': '0', 'border-style': 'none', 'border-color': '#000000',
'border-width': 'none', /* top */ 'border-top': 'none', 'border-top-color':
'#000000', 'border-top-style': 'none', 'border-top-width': '0', /* right */
'border-right': 'none', 'border-right-color': '#000000', 'border-right-style':
'none', 'border-right-width': '0', /* bottom */ 'border-bottom': 'none',
'border-bottom-color': '#000000', 'border-bottom-style': 'none',
'border-bottom-width': '0', /* left */ 'border-left': 'none', 'border-left-color':
'#000000', 'border-left-style': 'none', 'border-left-width': '0', /* border-image */
'border-image': 'none', 'border-image-outset': '0', 'border-image-repeat': 'stretch',
'border-image-slice': '100%', 'border-image-source': 'none', 'border-image-width':
'1', /* border-radius */ 'border-radius': '0', 'border-top-left-radius': '0',
'border-top-right-radius': '0', 'border-bottom-left-radius': '0',
'border-bottom-right-radius': '0', /* BOX ATTRIBUTES */ 'height': 'auto',
'max-height': 'none', 'min-height': '0', 'width': 'auto', 'max-width': 'none',
'min-width': '0', 'position': 'static', 'display': 'block', 'visibility': 'visible',
'top': 'auto', 'right': 'auto', 'bottom': 'auto', 'left': 'auto', 'float': 'none',
'clear': 'none', 'margin': '0', 'margin-top': '0', 'margin-right': '0',
'margin-bottom': '0', 'margin-left': '0', 'padding': '0', 'padding-top': '0',
'padding-right': '0', 'padding-bottom': '0', 'padding-left': '0', 'opacity': '1',
'overflow': 'visible', 'overflow-x': 'visible', 'overflow-y': 'visible', 'z-index':
'auto', 'zoom': '1', 'filter': 'none', 'cursor': 'auto', 'box-shadow': 'none',
'box-sizing': 'content-box', /* TEXT */ 'color': 'inherit', 'font': 'inherit',
'font-family': 'inherit', 'font-size': '1em', 'font-style': 'inherit',
'font-variant': 'inherit', 'font-weight': 'inherit', 'letter-spacing': 'inherit',
'line-height': 'inherit', 'list-style-image': 'none', 'list-style-position':
'outside', 'list-style-type': 'disc', 'list-style': 'disc', 'text-decoration':
'none', 'text-indent': '0', 'text-shadow': 'none', 'vertical-align': 'baseline',
'white-space': 'normal'
external = cssToHash(fwPage.fwElementStyle(this));
styles = this.getOverride();
var inlines = cssToHash(;
for(var i in inlines){
styles[i] = inlines[i];
if(value == null){
if(reset[attributeName] && external[attributeName]){
styles[attributeName] = reset[attributeName];
delete styles[attributeName];
styles[attributeName] = value;
} = fwQuote(hashToCSS(styles));
// write styles to override
this.setOverride(this.getStyleAsRule()); = null;
Copy link

This version fixes the republish problem. There are added requirements in this version:

fwPage.announce() must be called in the fwBeforeStartHTML() callback.
fwPage.renounce() must be called in the fwAfterEndHTML() callback.

These will ensure that the page does not get republished when not dirty.

And the existing requirements:

<action-include name="style_accessors" /> and <action-file name="styleOverride" var /> must be included at the root of the Action.

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