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Created December 26, 2013 20:53
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Save walterdavis/8138585 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// this section is just a bunch of helper functions that get called by the Action
// you don't need to read through them right away
// later, if you're interested, they provide some useful techniques
<library-action name="functions">
* Create a CDN link to a JavaScript library.
* name: common filename for the library (prototype, scriptaculous, jquery)
* path: (optional) fully-qualified URL to the CDN-hosted file
* (path is not needed if you are linking to prototype or scriptaculous)
* WARNING! changes any existing link in the page to the library to the
* one specified in path or defaults
* returns reference to the script
var findOrCreateScriptLink = function(name, path){
var head = fwDocument.fwTags.fwFind('head');
var script = pageHasLinkToScript(name), load = '';
var libs = {
'prototype': '',
'scriptaculous': ''
libs[name] = path;
fwAbort('Please provide a URL for “' + name + '”. Publishing cannot continue.');
script = head.fwAdd('script', true);
//catch any load variables from scriptaculous
if(name == 'scriptaculous' && script.src && script.src.toString().match(/\?load=/)){
load = script.src.toString().match(/(\?load=.+?)"/)[1]; //"
//overwrite the path to the script to make it current
script.src = fwQuote(libs[name] + load);
script.type = fwQuote('text/javascript');
script.charset = fwQuote('utf-8');
return script;
var pageHasLinkToScript = function(name){
var script = false;
var scripts = fwDocument.fwTags.fwFindAll('script');
for(i in scripts){
if(scripts[i].src && scripts[i].src.toString().match(new RegExp(name + '.js'))){
script = scripts[i];
return script;
var findOrCreateStyleLink = function(name, path){
var head = fwDocument.fwTags.fwFind('head');
var styles = head.fwFindAll('link'), re = new RegExp(name + '\.css');
var findStyleLink = function(re){
for(i in styles){
if(styles[i].href && styles[i].href.toString().match(re)){
return styles[i];
var style = findStyleLink(re);
style = head.fwAdd('link', false);
style.href = fwQuote(path);
style.rel = fwQuote('stylesheet');
style.type = fwQuote('text/css');
style.charset = fwQuote('utf-8');
return style;
* Wrapper to simplify function call
* returns nothing
var addPrototype = function(){
* Add scriptaculous to the page, and load any modules needed if fewer than all.
* modules: comma-separated string or array of scriptaculous modules
* returns nothing
var addScriptaculous = function(modules){
var scriptaculousLibs = ["builder", "effects", "dragdrop", "controls", "slider", "sound"];
var load = [];
modules = modules.join();
var script = findOrCreateScriptLink('scriptaculous');
modules += script.src.toString().split(/\?load=/)[1];
for (var i=0; i < scriptaculousLibs.length; i++) {
var re = new RegExp(scriptaculousLibs[i]);
if(load.length > 0 && load.length < 6){
load = '?load=' + load.join(',');
script.src = script.src.toString().replace(/\?load=[^"]+/, '').replace(/"$/, load + '"'); //"
if(!'test'.strip) String.prototype.strip = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
if(undefined == FWTag.hasClassName){
FWTag.prototype.hasClassName = function(className) {
className = fwQuote(className,'','"'); //"
var elementClassName = (this["class"]) ? fwQuote(this["class"],'','"') : ''; //"
return ((elementClassName.length > 0) && (elementClassName == className || new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b").test(elementClassName)));
if(undefined == FWTag.addClassName){
FWTag.prototype.addClassName = function(className) {
className = fwQuote(className,'','"'); //"
if (!this.hasClassName(className)){
var elementClassName = (this["class"]) ? fwQuote(this["class"],'','"') : ''; //"
var out = (elementClassName + ' ' + className).strip();
this["class"] = fwQuote(out);
return this;
if(undefined == FWTag.removeClassName){
FWTag.prototype.removeClassName = function(className) {
var className = fwQuote(className,'','"');//"
var elementClassName = (this['class']) ? fwQuote(this['class'],'','"') : '';//"
elementClassName = elementClassName.replace(
new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ').strip();
this['class'] = (elementClassName.length > 0) ? fwQuote(elementClassName) : null;
return this;
// okay, done with the library
// this is the meat of the Action
// it's an item-action, which means it gets applied to an item rather than the page
<item-action name="com.wdstudio.scripty_lightbox_3" title="ScriptyLightbox3">
<action-appliesto graphic pass-through/>
<action-version version="0.3.0">
Copyright 2013 Walter Lee Davis
Yet another lighbox for Freeway Pro
// here's where the interface gets built
// the names of the fields become variables that get used later
<action-checkbox name="pages" title="Use Page/URL as Target" default="no" />
<action-file name = "original" title="Original File" />
<action-url name = "original_page" title="Page/URL" />
<action-checkbox name="autoplay" title="Auto-play QuickTime Movie" default="no" advance="no" />
<action-number name = "width" title="Width" />
<action-number name = "height" title="Height" />
<action-popup name = "radius" title="Corner Radius">
// essentially the same as a select tag in HTML
<value name="0">
<value name="3">
<value name="5">
<value name="7">
<value name="9">
<value name="11">
<value name="13" default>
<value name="15">
<value name="17">
<action-popup name="closer" title="Close Box Position">
<value name="left">
<value name="right">
<action-color name="borderColor" title="Border Color" default="#333333" />
<action-number name="percentage" title="Maximum size" default="80" />
<action-label name="%" advance="no" />
// end of the interface
// beginning of the program
// bring in the library
<action-include name="functions">
// run this function every time the interface changes
function fwInterface(){
// decide if a movie is selected as the "big" file
var has_a_movie = false;
if (fwParameters.original.fwHasFile){
var myFile = fwParameters["original"].fwFileName.toString();
has_a_movie = ( myFile.split('.').pop().toLowerCase().match(/(mov|m4v|mp4)/i) != null );
// the rest of this is just "nice" stuff -- switching between linking to a page
// or linking to a file of some sort (image, movie)
fwParameters['original'].fwVisible = ! fwParameters['pages'].fwBoolValue
fwParameters['original_page'].fwVisible = !! fwParameters['pages'].fwBoolValue
// further refinement, using a URL to a remotely-hosted movie will show the correct fields
has_a_movie = ( fwParameters.original_page.fwValue.toString().substr(fwParameters.original_page.fwValue.toString().lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase().match(/(mov|m4v|mp4)/) != null );
fwParameters['autoplay'].fwVisible = has_a_movie;
// run this function before the end of the HEAD tag
// these functions are defined in the library code
// they are "itempotent" -- you can call them over and over and they only do what you ask ONCE.
function fwBeforeEndHead(){
findOrCreateScriptLink('scripty_lightbox_3', '');
findOrCreateStyleLink('scripty_lightbox_3', '');
// run this function after the page is laid out
function fwBeforeEndBody(){
// normalize the border color variable
var borderColor = fwParameters['borderColor'].fwValue.fwHex;
if(borderColor != undefined){
borderColor = '#' + borderColor;
borderColor = '';
// get a reference to the thumbnail image
var myItem = fwDocument.fwTags.fwFind("img",fwItem);
// is the rest of the interface completely populated?
if(fwParameters.original && fwParameters.original.fwHasFile || fwParameters.original_page && fwParameters.original_page.fwValue){
// see if the image already is linked to something
var link = myItem.fwFindEnclosing('a');
// define an array to populate later
var relText = [];
// add a link if there isn't one
link = myItem.fwAddEnclosing('a',true);
// get either the path of the uploaded file or the URL of the page
var original = (fwParameters.original.fwHasFile ? fwParameters.original : fwParameters.original_page);
// set it to the link
link['href'] = fwQuote(original.toString());
// add data- attributes to send the interface variables to the JavaScript
if(borderColor) link['data-border'] = fwQuote(borderColor);
link['data-size'] = fwQuote(parseFloat(fwParameters['percentage'].fwValue) / 100);
link['data-radius'] = fwQuote(fwParameters['radius'].fwValue);
// movies have to have their dimensions spelled out for them -- we use the rel attribute for this
if(parseInt(fwParameters.width.fwValue,10) > 0 && parseInt(fwParameters.height.fwValue,10) > 0){
relText.push( fwParameters.width.fwValue.toString() + 'x' + fwParameters.height.fwValue.toString() );
// same, for auto-play
relText.push( 'autoplay:true' );
// combine the relText array into a string, add it to the link
link['rel'] = fwQuote(relText.join('; '));
// add a classname to the link to signal to the JavaScript
// add another classname if the closer button should be on the right
if(fwParameters['closer'].fwValue == 'right') link.addClassName('right');
// end of the Action
// now, the same Action over again, but as an inline "text" Action.
// this creates a text link with the same behavior as the thumbnail form (minus the thumbnail)
// I'm not going to go through it again, it's almost exactly the same code.
<action name="com.wdstudio.scripty_lightbox_3" title="ScriptyLightbox3" preview-text="&Text;" generates-link height="12" width="100">
<action-version version="0.3.0">
Copyright 2013 Walter Lee Davis
Yet another lighbox for Freeway Pro
<action-text name="Text" script default="link text"/>
<action-checkbox name="pages" title="Use Page/URL as Target" default="no" />
<action-file name = "original" title="Original File" />
<action-url name = "original_page" title="Page/URL" />
<action-checkbox name="autoplay" title="Auto-play QuickTime Movie" default="no" advance="no" />
<action-number name = "width" title="Width" />
<action-number name = "height" title="Height" />
<action-popup name = "radius" title="Corner Radius">
<value name="0">
<value name="3">
<value name="5">
<value name="7">
<value name="9">
<value name="11">
<value name="13" default>
<value name="15">
<value name="17">
<action-popup name="closer" title="Close Box Position">
<value name="left">
<value name="right">
<action-color name="borderColor" title="Border Color" default="#333333" />
<action-number name="percentage" title="Maximum size" default="80" />
<action-label name="%" advance="no" />
<action-include name="functions">
function fwInterface(){
var has_a_movie = false;
if (fwParameters.original.fwHasFile){
var myFile = fwParameters["original"].fwFileName.toString();
has_a_movie = ( myFile.split('.').pop().toLowerCase().match(/(mov|m4v|mp4)/i) != null );
fwParameters['original'].fwVisible = ! fwParameters['pages'].fwBoolValue
fwParameters['original_page'].fwVisible = !! fwParameters['pages'].fwBoolValue
has_a_movie = ( fwParameters.original_page.fwValue.toString().substr(fwParameters.original_page.fwValue.toString().lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase().match(/(mov|m4v|mp4)/) != null );
fwParameters['autoplay'].fwVisible = has_a_movie;
function fwBeforeEndBody(){
findOrCreateScriptLink('scripty_lightbox_3', '');
findOrCreateStyleLink('scripty_lightbox_3', '');
var borderColor = fwParameters['borderColor'].fwValue.fwHex;
if(borderColor != undefined){
borderColor = '#' + borderColor;
borderColor = '';
var myItem = fwDocument.fwTags.fwFind("",fwItem);
if(fwParameters.original && fwParameters.original.fwHasFile || fwParameters.original_page && fwParameters.original_page.fwValue){
var link = myItem.fwFindEnclosing('a');
var relText = [];
link = myItem.fwAddEnclosing('a',true);
var original = (fwParameters.original.fwHasFile ? fwParameters.original : fwParameters.original_page);
link['href'] = fwQuote(original.toString());
if(borderColor) link['data-border'] = fwQuote(borderColor);
link['data-size'] = fwQuote(parseFloat(fwParameters['percentage'].fwValue) / 100);
link['data-radius'] = fwQuote(fwParameters['radius'].fwValue);
if(parseInt(fwParameters.width.fwValue,10) > 0 && parseInt(fwParameters.height.fwValue,10) > 0){
relText.push( fwParameters.width.fwValue.toString() + 'x' + fwParameters.height.fwValue.toString() );
relText.push( 'autoplay:true' );
link['rel'] = fwQuote(relText.join('; '));
if(fwParameters['closer'].fwValue == 'right') link.addClassName('right');
link.fwAddRaw(fwEncode(fwParameters.Text, fwPage));
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