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Last active October 2, 2017 21:16
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Python decorator that runs function only if argument test passes
The `only_if_test_passes` decorator can be used to run a function if and
only if the argument test (unbound `TestCase` method) passes.
import inspect
from unittest import TestCase, TestResult
class TestError(Exception):
class MyTests(TestCase):
def test_pass(self):
# This passes because nothing went wrong
def test_fail(self):'This test will always fail')
def only_if_test_passes(test_method):
# Comments are computed values when passed MyTests.test_pass
test_case_class = inspect._findclass(test_method) # MyTests
test_case_name = test_case_class.__name__ # 'MyTests'
test_name = test_method.__name__ # 'test_pass'
# Introspection for Python 2:
# test_case_class = test_method.im_class
# test_case_name = test_case_class.__name__ # Same as for Python 3
# test_name = test_method.if_func.func_name
def decorator(fn):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
test_result = TestResult()
case = test_case_class(test_name) # MyTests('test_pass')
if test_result.wasSuccessful():
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
raise TestError('Unit test failed: {}.{}'.format(
test_case_name, test_name))
return decorated
return decorator
def this_will_run():
print('This should output')
def this_wont_ever_run():
print("Don't bother; you'll never see this.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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