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Created April 21, 2015 16:02
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Library associated with Code written by Zhenjiang Xu.
## Written by Zhenjiang Xu
## Replace with path to local ml_util.R
opt <- interface()
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
if (opt$verbose) {
cat("Running command with args:\n",
paste(commandArgs(), collapse = " "),
if (opt$split <= 0 & opt$split > 1) {
stop("The split arg should be greater than 0 and not greater than 1.")
if(is.null(opt$models)) {
models <- regression
} else {
models <- strsplit(opt$models, ',')[[1]]
if (opt$cores > 1) {
meta <- read.table.x(opt$metadata, quote='')
meta.col <- colnames(meta)
if (is.null(opt$fields)) {
## stop("No field is provided to do regression on.")
outcome.col <- names(meta)
boring <- c("#SampleID",
outcome.col <- outcome.col[! outcome.col %in% boring]
} else {
outcome.col <- strsplit(opt$fields, ',')[[1]]
x <- which(! outcome.col %in% meta.col)
if (length(x) > 0) {
stop("Field(s) ", paste(outcome.col[x], collapse=','), " do not exist in meta data")
## extract part of the samples by their meta data
if (! is.null(opt$category)) {
## e.g. "SITE::nostril,skin:_:SEX::male"
extract <- strsplit(opt$category, ':_:')[[1]]
extract <- strsplit(extract, '::')
for (x in extract) {
if (! x[1] %in% meta.col)
stop("The field ", x[1], " does not exist in meta data")
i <- meta[[ x[1] ]]
j <- strsplit(x[2], ',')[[1]]
if (! all(j %in% i)) {
## insanity check to avoid typos
stop("You specified non-existing values for field ", x[1], " in meta data")
meta <- meta[ i %in% j, ]
if (! is.null(opt$numeric)) {
## e.g. "PH::6,12:_:TEMP::,32"
extract <- strsplit(opt$numeric, ':_:')[[1]]
extract <- strsplit(extract, '::')
for (x in extract) {
if (! x[1] %in% meta.col)
stop("The field ", x[1], " does not exist in meta data")
## in case there is None, NA, etc in the column (R will read it into character
## instead of numerical)
i <- as.numeric(as.character(meta[[ x[1] ]]))
j <- as.numeric(strsplit(x[2], ',')[[1]])
## NA & TRUE -> NA
n <- rep(T, nrow(meta))
if (![1]))
n <- n & i > j[1]
if (![2]))
n <- n & i < j[2]
meta <- meta[n, ]
otus <- read.table.x(opt$input_otu_table)
tax.16s <- otus[, length(otus)]
tax.16s <- gsub("^Root; ", "", tax.16s)
## insert a newline for every three levels of taxonomy
tax.16s <- gsub("([^;]*); ([^;]*); ([^;]*); ", '\\1; \\2; \\3\n', tax.16s)
names(tax.16s) <- otus[[1]]
## remove the 6-digit suffix of the sample IDs in the mapping file.
## meta.sid <- gsub(".[0-9]{6}$", "", as.character(meta[[1]]))
meta.sid <- as.character(meta[[1]])
rownames(meta) <- meta.sid
sample.ids <- intersect(meta.sid, colnames(otus))
meta <- meta[sample.ids, ]
rownames(otus) <- otus[[1]]
otus <- data.frame(t(otus[, sample.ids]), check.names=FALSE)
## add the categorical fields in the meta data as predictors
if (! is.null(opt$add_numeric)) {
add.pred <- strsplit(opt$add_numeric, ',', fixed=TRUE)[[1]] <- which(! add.pred %in% colnames(meta))
if (length( > 0) {
stop(paste(c(add.pred[], "not in the meta data!!!"), collapse=' '))
otus <- cbind(as.numeric(meta[, add.pred]), otus)
colnames(otus)[1:length(add.pred)] <- add.pred
## add numeric fields as predictors
if (! is.null(opt$add_category)) {
add.pred <- strsplit(opt$add_category, ',', fixed=TRUE)[[1]] <- which(! add.pred %in% colnames(meta))
if (length( > 0) {
stop(paste(c(add.pred[], "not in the meta data!!!"), collapse=' '))
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
x <- meta[, add.pred, drop=FALSE]
dummy <- dummyVars(~., data=x)
otus <- cbind(predict(dummy, x), otus)
pdf(sprintf("%s.pdf", opt$output))
save.image(sprintf("%s.Rdata", opt$output))
min.sample.size <- 12
accuracies <- data.frame()
top.features <- data.frame()
big.tuned.list <- list()
for(label in outcome.col) {
cat("=========", label, ":\n")
outcome <- as.numeric(as.character(meta[[label]]))
if(opt$verbose) {
cat("---- a glimpse of outcome:\n")
print(head(outcome, n=30))
## remove NA values <-
## if more than half of the samples are not numeric
if(sum( > 0.5 * length(outcome)) {
cat("outcome has less than half of numeric values. skip it.\n")
outcome <- outcome[!]
if (length(outcome) < min.sample.size)
stop("There should be more than ", min.sample.size, " samples.")
## if there less than 3 uniq values in this category
if(length(unique(outcome)) < 2) {
cat("outcome has less than 2 distinctive values. skip it.\n")
train.set <- otus[!, ]
if (opt$split < 1) {
training.rows <- createDataPartition(outcome, p=opt$split, list=F)
} else {
training.rows <- 1:length(outcome)
train.full <- train.set[training.rows, ]
test.full <- train.set[-training.rows, ]
train.outcome <- outcome[training.rows]
test.outcome <- outcome[-training.rows]
nzv <- nearZeroVar(train.full)
if (length(nzv) > 0) {
train.full <- train.full[, -nzv]
test.full <- test.full[, -nzv]
tooHigh <- findCorrelation(cor(train.full), .9)
if (length(tooHigh) > 0) {
train.full <- train.full[, -tooHigh]
test.full <- test.full[, -tooHigh]
## save the test set results in a data.frame
if (length(test.outcome) > 0)
testResults <- data.frame(obs=test.outcome)
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
## benchmark the specified models
tuned.list <- list()
accu <- data.frame()
top.f <- data.frame()
for (model in models) {
if (opt$feature_selection) {
ctrl <- rfeControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 5, number=10,
saveDetails = TRUE)
ctrl$functions <- rfFuncs
tuned <- rfe(train.full,
sizes = seq(10, ncol(train.full)-10, by=10),
metric = "RMSE",
ntree = 1000,
rfeControl = ctrl)
} else {
tuned <- regression.tune(train.full, train.outcome, model)
## if( | is.null(tuned)) next
if (class(tuned) != 'train') {
cat("Warning message:\nModel ", model, " failed.\n")
tuned.list[[model]] <- tuned
if (opt$verbose) {
## add a new column - Model
accu <- rbind(accu, cbind(tuned$resample, Model=tuned$method))
if (length(test.outcome) > 0)
testResults[model] <- predict(tuned, test.full)
imp <- varImp(tuned)
top.f <- rbind(top.f,
## plot top features
pimp <- plot.imp(imp, tax.16s, main=paste(label, model))
print(pimp, position=c(0, 0, 0.56, 1))
save.image(sprintf("%s.Rdata", opt$output))
accu$Field <- label
accuracies <- rbind(accuracies, accu)
top.f$Field <- label
top.features <- rbind(top.features, top.f)
## if (opt$verbose) print(accuracies)
big.tuned.list[[label]] <- tuned.list
if (length(tuned.list) > 1) {
## compare the model performances
resamp <- resamples(tuned.list)
m.diff <- diff(resamp)
if (opt$verbose) print(summary(m.diff))
print(dotplot(m.diff, main=label))
## plot yhat vs. obs
if (length(test.outcome) > 0) {
method.names <- names(testResults)
obs <- testResults[,1]
for(i in 2:length(testResults)) {
pred <- testResults[,i]
plot(pred ~ obs, main = label,
xlab=method.names[1], ylab=method.names[i])
abline(0, 1, col="red")
## mtext(paste(c("RMSE=", "R^2="),
## c(RMSE())))
rmse <- format(round(caret::RMSE(pred, obs), 2), nsmall=2)
rsq <- format(round(caret::R2(pred, obs), 2), nsmall=2)
legend("topleft", text.col="blue", "ab",
paste(c("RMSE","R^2 "), c(rmse, rsq), sep='=', collapse='\n'))
save.image(sprintf("%s.Rdata", opt$output))
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