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// MockingServer.swift
// Frip
// Created by 최완복 on 2016. 1. 6..
// Copyright © 2016년 Wanbok. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import AMYServer
import SwiftyJSON
class MockingServer: AMYServer {
override var baseURL: NSURL! { return NSURL(string: Router.baseURLString) }
func waitForServiceRequest(serviceRequest: String, withJSONDataMatchingBlock block: ((json: JSON, error: NSErrorPointer) -> KIFTestStepResult)) -> AMYRequest? {
return waitForRequestMatchingBlock { [weak self] (request, error) -> KIFTestStepResult in
request.URL?.lastPathComponent == serviceRequest,
error: error,
errorMessage: "Could not find request for \(serviceRequest). Found request for \(self?.pendingURLRequests?.map { ($0 as? NSURLRequest)?.URL?.lastPathComponent })")
let json = JSON(request.HTTPBody ?? NSData())
return block(json: json, error: error)
extension AMYServer {
func KIFTestCondition(condition: Bool, error: NSErrorPointer?, errorMessage: String? = nil) -> KIFTestStepResult? {
if !condition { return nil }
error?.memory = NSError(domain: "KIFTest", code: Int(KIFTestStepResult.Wait.rawValue), userInfo: errorMessage != nil ? [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: errorMessage ?? ""] : nil)
return .Failure
func KIFTestWaitCondition(condition: Bool, error: NSErrorPointer?, errorMessage: String? = nil) -> KIFTestStepResult? {
if !condition { return nil }
error?.memory = NSError(domain: "KIFTest", code: Int(KIFTestStepResult.Wait.rawValue), userInfo: errorMessage != nil ? [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: errorMessage ?? ""] : nil)
return .Wait
func waitForStringValueAtKeyPath(value: AnyObject!, json: JSON, keyPath: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> KIFTestStepResult? {
let condition = value as? String == json[keyPath].string
return KIFTestCondition(condition, error: error, errorMessage: "Waiting for \(keyPath)=\(value) in \(json)")
func waitForRequestMatching(mocktail mocktail: String, inBundle bundle: NSBundle?, andRespondWithValues values: [String: AnyObject]?) {
waitForRequestMatching(mocktail: mocktail, inBundle: bundle, withHTTPBodyMatchingBlock: nil, andRespondWithValues: values)
func waitForRequestMatching(mocktail mocktail: String, inBundle bundle: NSBundle? = NSBundle.KIFTestBundle(), withHTTPBodyMatchingBlock block: ((NSData, NSErrorPointer) -> KIFTestStepResult)?, andRespondWithValues values: [String: AnyObject]?) {
let response: _AMYMocktailResponse?
let headers: [NSObject: AnyObject]?
let body: NSData?
var errorType = "load mocktail"
do {
response = try _AMYMocktailResponse(fromTail: mocktail, bundle: bundle)
errorType = "generate headers"
headers = try response?.headersWithValues(values)
errorType = "generate body"
body = try response?.bodyWithValues(values)
let request = waitForRequestMatchingBlock { [weak self] (req, error) -> KIFTestStepResult in
return self?.KIFTestWaitCondition(response?.matchesURL(req.URL, method: req.HTTPMethod, patternLength: nil) ?? false, error: error, errorMessage: "Could not find request matching mocktail.") ??
block?(req.HTTPBody ?? NSData(), error)
return .Success
request.respondWithStatusCode(response?.statusCode ?? 500, headerFields: headers)
} catch let error as NSError {
let errorToThrow = NSError(domain: "KIFTest", code: Int(KIFTestStepResult.Failure.rawValue), userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Failed to \(errorType): \(error.localizedDescription)", NSUnderlyingErrorKey: error])
failWithError(errorToThrow, stopTest: true)
extension XCTestCase {
func tester(file : String = __FILE__, _ line : Int = __LINE__) -> KIFUITestActor {
return KIFUITestActor(inFile: file, atLine: line, delegate: self)
func system(file : String = __FILE__, _ line : Int = __LINE__) -> KIFSystemTestActor {
return KIFSystemTestActor(inFile: file, atLine: line, delegate: self)
func server(file : String = __FILE__, _ line : Int = __LINE__) -> MockingServer {
return MockingServer(inFile: file, atLine: line, delegate: self)
extension KIFTestActor {
func tester(file : String = __FILE__, _ line : Int = __LINE__) -> KIFUITestActor {
return KIFUITestActor(inFile: file, atLine: line, delegate: self)
func system(file : String = __FILE__, _ line : Int = __LINE__) -> KIFSystemTestActor {
return KIFSystemTestActor(inFile: file, atLine: line, delegate: self)
func server(file : String = __FILE__, _ line : Int = __LINE__) -> MockingServer {
return MockingServer(inFile: file, atLine: line, delegate: self)
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wanbok commented Jan 6, 2016

AMYServer for Swift

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wanbok commented Jan 6, 2016

inspired by ExampleServer

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