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Created July 2, 2022 18:30
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from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def group_anagrams(self, strs):
:type strs: List[str]
:rtype: List[List[str]]
result = defaultdict(list)
char_to_index = {
"a": 0,
"b": 1,
"c": 2,
"d": 3,
"e": 4,
"f": 5,
"g": 6,
"h": 7,
"i": 8,
"j": 9,
"k": 10,
"l": 11,
"m": 12,
"n": 13,
"o": 14,
"p": 15,
"q": 16,
"r": 17,
"s": 18,
"t": 19,
"u": 20,
"v": 21,
"w": 22,
"x": 23,
"y": 24,
"z": 25,
for word in strs:
count = [0] * 26
for char in word:
count[char_to_index[char]] += 1
return result.values()
# Test cases
sol = Solution()
strs = ["eat", "tea", "tan", "ate", "nat", "bat"]
res = sol.group_anagrams(strs)
expected = sorted([["bat"], ["nat", "tan"], ["ate", "eat", "tea"]])
actual = sorted([[word for word in sorted(group)] for group in res])
assert len(expected) == len(actual) and expected == actual
strs = [""]
res = sol.group_anagrams(strs)
expected = sorted([[""]])
actual = [[word for word in sorted(group)] for group in res]
assert len(expected) == len(actual) and expected == actual
strs = ["a"]
res = sol.group_anagrams(strs)
expected = sorted([["a"]])
actual = [[word for word in sorted(group)] for group in res]
assert len(expected) == len(actual) and expected == actual
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