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Created May 29, 2010 14:41
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import os/Terminal
import math
ProgressBar: class {
value: UInt = 0
maxval: UInt = 100
barwidth: UInt = 80
text := "Please wait..."
thorpe := "#" /* I wanted this to be a Char, but Chars don't have times() */
period := "."
thorpecolor := Color blue
periodcolor := Color grey
init: func() {
init: func ~withtext (=text) {
update: func() {
"\e[A" print() /* Go up one line */
"\b" times(999) print() /* Erase that line and go to the start of the line */
this text println() /* Print the status text */
ratio := (barwidth as Float/maxval as Float)
Terminal setFgColor(this thorpecolor)
this thorpe times(floor(value * ratio)) print()
Terminal setFgColor(this periodcolor)
this period times(barwidth - floor(value * ratio)) print()
Terminal reset()
update: func ~withVal (val: Int) {
if (val > maxval) {
} else if (val < 0) {
} else {
this value = val
finish: func() {
this update(maxval)
Terminal reset()
"\n" print()
import os/Time
import progress
import os/Terminal
pb := ProgressBar new("Reticulating splines...")
for (i in 0..10) {
pb update(i*10)
Time sleepMilli(200)
pb finish()
pb2 := ProgressBar new("Twiddling thumbs...")
pb2 thorpecolor = Color red
pb2 maxval = 200
for (i in 0..200) {
if ((i % 10) == 0) pb2 text = "Twiddling %d thumbs..." format(i)
pb2 update(i)
Time sleepMilli(20)
pb2 finish()
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