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Last active August 9, 2021 12:42
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Example of a complex business process to implement in Clojure. Alternative implementation using State Machine. Link to didibus original
(ns didibus-example.core
"A stupid example of a more complex business process to implement as a flowchart."
(:require [tilakone.core :as tk :refer [_]]))
;;;; Config
(def config
"When set to :test will trigger the not-boosted branch which won't write to db.
When set to :prod will trigger the boosted branch which will try to write to the db."
{:env :prod})
(def chance-of-failure
"The chances that any db read or write 'times out'.
1 means there is a 1 in 1 chance a read or write times out, always does.
2 means there is a 1 in 2 chance a read or write times out.
3 means there is 1 in 3 chance a read or write times out.
X means there is 1 in X chance a read or write times out."
;;;; Fake Databases
(def prod-db
"Our fake prod db, we pretend it has first-name -> last-name
mappings and some total of some business thing which is supposed
to reflect the total of all 'boost' events logged in boost-records.
This means boost-records and total must always reconcile.
eg: {john mayer
jane queen
:boost-records [{:first-name john, :last-name mayer, :boost 12}]
:total 12}"
(atom {"john" "mayer"
"jane" "queen"
:boost-records []
:total 0}))
(def test-db
"Same as prod db, but is for non prod environments.
Based on the rules and our example input, it should not be written too, but will
be read from"
(atom {"john" "doe"
"jane" "doee"
:boost-records []
:total 0}))
;;;; Utils
(defn prod?
"[pure] Returns true if end is :prod, false otherwise."
(boolean (#{:prod} env)))
;;;; Validation
(defn valid-bar-input?
"[pure] Returns true if input is valid for bar processing, false otherwise."
(every? number? (vals input)))
;;;; Pure business logic
(defn apply-credit
"[pure] Applies given credit using ridiculous business stakeholder requirements."
[credit env]
(if (prod? env)
(inc credit)
(dec credit)))
(defn apply-bonus-over-credit
"[pure] Applies given bonus over credit using ridiculous business stakeholder requirements."
[credit bonus env]
(if (prod? env)
(+ 10 credit bonus)
(- credit bonus 10)))
(defn apply-generous-bonus-over-credit
"[pure] Applies given generous bonus generously over credit using ridiculous business stakeholder requirements."
[credit bonus env]
(if (prod? env)
(+ 100 credit bonus)
(- credit bonus 100)))
(defn boost->first-name
"[pure] Given a boost amount, returns the first-name that should dictate boosting based on
ridiculous business stakeholder requirements."
[boost env]
(if (prod? env)
(if (pos? boost)
(if (neg? boost)
(defn boost?
"[pure] Returns true if we should boost based on ridiculous business stakeholder requirements."
(if (#{"mayer"} last-name)
;;;; Pretends to be impure blocking DB reads/writes
(defn impure-query-get-last-name
"Get last-name from db for given first-name.
Can throw based on chance-of-failure setting."
[db first-name]
(when (zero? (rand-int chance-of-failure))
(throw (ex-info "Timed out getting last-name from db" {:first-name first-name})))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(get @db first-name))
(defn impure-query-get-total
"Get total from db.
Can throw based on chance-of-failure setting."
(when (zero? (rand-int chance-of-failure))
(throw (ex-info "Timed out getting total from db" {})))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(get @db :total))
(defn impure-query-get-boost-records
"Get boost records from db.
Can throw based on chance-of-failure setting."
(when (zero? (rand-int chance-of-failure))
(throw (ex-info "Timed out getting boost-records from db" {})))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(get @db :boost-records))
(defn impure-write-total
"Write total to db, overwrites existing total with given total.
Can throw based on chance-of-failure setting."
[db total]
(when (zero? (rand-int chance-of-failure))
(throw (ex-info "Timed out writing total to db" {:total total})))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(swap! db assoc :total total))
(defn impure-write-boost-records
"Write boost records to db, overwrites existing boost records with given boost records.
Can throw based on chance-of-failure setting."
[db boost-records]
(when (zero? (rand-int chance-of-failure))
(throw (ex-info "Timed out writing boost-records to db" {:boost-records boost-records})))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(swap! db assoc :boost-records boost-records))
;;;; Business Processes
;;; Implemented using state machine via Tilakone library
(def process-bar-states
"These are all the states of the complex business logic."
[{::tk/name :start
::tk/transitions [{::tk/on :start
::tk/to :credit-applied
::tk/guards [:validate-input]}
{::tk/on _
::tk/to :invalid-input}]}
{::tk/name :invalid-input
::tk/enter {::tk/actions [:invalid-input]}}
{::tk/name :credit-applied
::tk/transitions [{::tk/on :apply-credit
::tk/to :boost-applied}]
::tk/enter {::tk/actions [:apply-credit]}}
{::tk/name :boost-applied
::tk/transitions [{::tk/on :apply-boost
::tk/to :with-first-name}]
::tk/enter {::tk/actions [:apply-boost]}}
{::tk/name :with-first-name
::tk/transitions [{::tk/on :get-first-name
::tk/to :with-last-name}]
::tk/enter {::tk/actions [:get-first-name]}}
{::tk/name :with-last-name
::tk/transitions [{::tk/on :get-last-name
::tk/to :boosted
::tk/guards [:should-boost?]}
{::tk/on _
::tk/to :not-boosted}]
::tk/enter {::tk/actions [:get-last-name]}}
{::tk/name :boosted
::tk/enter {::tk/actions [:boost]}}
{::tk/name :not-boosted
::tk/enter {::tk/actions [:not-boost]}}])
(def process-bar-fsm
{::tk/states process-bar-states
::tk/guard? (fn [{::tk/keys [guard process] :as fsm}]
(let [{:keys [input]} process]
(case guard
:validate-input (valid-bar-input? input)
:should-boost? (boost? (:last-name process)))))
::tk/action! (fn [{::tk/keys [action process] :as fsm}]
(let [{:keys [input]} process
;; 1. Gathers config and dependencies
env (:env config)
db (if (prod? env) prod-db test-db)]
(case action
:invalid-input (throw (ex-info "Invalid input bar."
{:type :invalid-input
:msg "All values of bar input must be numbers"}))
:apply-credit (let [credit (apply-credit (:credit input) env)]
(assoc-in fsm [::tk/process :credit] credit))
:apply-boost (let [credit (:credit process)
boost (if (pos? credit)
(apply-bonus-over-credit credit (:bonus input) env)
(apply-generous-bonus-over-credit credit (:generous-bonus input) env))]
(assoc-in fsm [::tk/process :boost] boost))
:get-first-name (let [first-name (boost->first-name (:boost process) env)]
(assoc-in fsm [::tk/process :first-name] first-name))
:get-last-name (let [first-name (:first-name process)
last-name (loop [retries [10 100 1000]]
;; This here is a good example of when try/catch doesn't play as well
;; with Clojure, since you can't call recur from inside a catch, which
;; is why I have to convert it to returning a command that indicates
;; I need to recur outside of the catch afterwards.
(let [res (try (impure-query-get-last-name db first-name)
(catch Exception e
(if retries
(do (Thread/sleep (first retries))
(println "Retrying to query last name after failure.")
(do (println "All attempts to query last name failed.")
(throw e)))))]
(if (#{:retry} res)
(recur (next retries))
(assoc-in fsm [::tk/process :last-name] last-name))
:boost (let [{:keys [first-name last-name boost]} process]
(loop [retries [10 100 1000 1250 1500 2000]]
(let [res (try
(let [boost-records (impure-query-get-boost-records db)
total (impure-query-get-total db)
new-boost-record {:first-name first-name
:last-name last-name
:boost boost}
new-boost-records (conj boost-records new-boost-record)
new-total (+ total boost)]
(impure-write-boost-records db new-boost-records)
(try (impure-write-total db new-total)
(catch Exception e
;; Rollback our transaction, trying a few times to do so, as a best effort to clean up and
;; leave the DB in a consistent state.
(loop [retries [10 100 200]]
(let [res (try (impure-write-boost-records db boost-records)
(catch Exception e
(if retries
(do (Thread/sleep (first retries))
(println "Retrying to rollback boost records after updating total, after failing to do so.")
;; Log that we failed to rollback, and log the boost-record which we failed to remove, so we might
;; manually be able to fix the DB state if we needed too.
(do (println "Failed to rollback boost records after updating total, out-of-sync boost record is: " new-boost-record)
(throw e)))))]
(if (#{:retry} res)
(recur (next retries))
(throw e)))))))
(catch Exception e
(if retries
(do (Thread/sleep (first retries))
(println "Retrying to update boost-records and total after failure.")
(do (println "All attempts to update boost-records and total failed.")
(throw e)))))]
(if (#{:retry} res)
(recur (next retries))
;; 8.2 Return that we applied a boost.
(do res
(println "Process bar boosted.")
(assoc-in fsm [::tk/process :result] {:result :boosted}))))))
:not-boost (do (println "Process bar did not boost.")
;; 8.3 Return that we did not apply a boost.
(assoc-in fsm [::tk/process :result] {:result :not-boosted})))))
::tk/state :start
:input nil
(def actions
(defn process-bar
(let [initial-fsm (assoc process-bar-fsm :input input)
(fn [fsm action]
(let [new-fsm (tk/apply-signal fsm action)]
(println "\n state: " (::tk/state new-fsm))
(catch Exception e
(let [edata (ex-data e)]
(case (:type edata)
;; 9. Return a validation error with details of what in the input was invalid.
(do (println "Invalid input passed to bar.")
(reduced {:result :invalid-input :msg (:msg edata)}))
;; 10. Return that we failed to perform the bar process with an unexpected issue and its details.
(do (println (str "Process bar failed unexpectedly with error: " e))
(reduced {:result :error})))))))
(if (#{:invalid-input :error} (:result final-fsm))
(:result final-fsm))))
;;;; REPL
;; Run our process to see it go in :prod
(process-bar {:credit 0
:bonus 1
:generous-bonus 2}))
;; Print the db to see if it had the effect we intended to it.
(if (prod? (:env config))
;; Run it with a wrong input
(process-bar {:credit "0"
:bonus 1
:generous-bonus 2}))
;; Run it again and see what happens to the DB
(process-bar {:credit 2
:bonus 12
:generous-bonus 23}))
;; Print the db to see if it had the effect we intended to it.
(if (prod? (:env config))
;; Change to :test env
(def config {:env :test})
;; Run our process to see it go in :test
(process-bar {:credit 0
:bonus 1
:generous-bonus 2}))
;; Print the db to see if it had the effect we intended to it.
(if (prod? (:env config))
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All the actions should be its own function, but I wanted to leave it all in the same place to follow the pattern of @didibus implementation

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