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Last active February 14, 2021 22:41
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fzf snippets used with the zplugin, my favourite plugin-manager for zsh at the moment, after using prezto for a long time.
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Modified from:
# Depends on the `fzf` binary
# See:
if hash fzf &>/dev/null; then
############################ General examples
# vim **<TAB>
# vim ../fzf**<TAB>
# vim ~/**<TAB>
# vim ../**<TAB>
# cd **<TAB>
# cd ~/github/fzf**<TAB>
# Can select multiple processes with <TAB> or <Shift-TAB> keys
# kill -9 <TAB>
# ssh **<TAB>
# telnet **<TAB>
############################ Settings
# source "${0:r:r}.zsh" # antibody takes care of this
if hash ag &>/dev/null; then
# Set ag as the default source for fzf
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='ag -l -g ""'
# Apply the command to CTRL-T as well
############################ Opening files
# fe [FUZZY PATTERN] - Open the selected file with the default editor
# - Bypass fuzzy finder if there's only one match (--select-1)
# - Exit if there's no match (--exit-0)
fe() {
local file
file=$(fzf --cycle --query="$1" --select-1 --exit-0)
[ -n "$file" ] && ${EDITOR:-vim} "$file"
# Modified version where you can press
# - CTRL-O to open with `open` command,
# - CTRL-E or Enter key to open with the $EDITOR
fo() {
local out file key
out=$(fzf-tmux --query="$1" --exit-0 --expect=ctrl-o,ctrl-e)
key=$(head -1 <<< "$out")
file=$(head -2 <<< "$out" | tail -1)
if [ -n "$file" ]; then
[ "$key" = ctrl-o ] && open "$file" || ${EDITOR:-vim} "$file"
############################ Removing files
frm() {
local file
file=$(fzf --cycle +m) && rm -rfi "$file"
############################ Changing directories
# fd - cd to selected directory
fd() {
local dir
dir=$(find ${1:-*} -path '*/\.*' -prune \
-o -type d -print 2> /dev/null | fzf --cycle +m) &&
cd "$dir"
# fda - including hidden directories
fda() {
local dir
dir=$(find ${1:-.} -type d 2> /dev/null | fzf --cycle +m) && cd "$dir"
# FIXME: I am not sure this is working- always cd's to ~/Desktop on OS X
# cdf - cd into the directory of the selected file
cdf() {
local file
local dir
file=$(fzf --cycle +m -q "$1") && dir=$(dirname "$file") && cd "$dir"
############################ fasd
if hash fasd &>/dev/null; then
# fj - changing directory with fasd;
# like normal fasd if used with no arguements
fj() {
if [[ -z "$*" ]]; then
local dir
dir=$(fasd -Rdl | fzf --cycle --no-sort +m) && cd "$dir"
fasd_cd -d "$@"
alias j=fj
############################ z
# TODO: best way to test if z is installed?
if [[ -n "$_Z_CMD" ]]; then
unalias z 2> /dev/null
# like normal z when used with arguments
# but displays an fzf prompt when used without.
z() {
if [[ -z "$*" ]]; then
cd "$(_z -l 2>&1 | fzf --cycle +s --tac | sed 's/^[0-9,.]* *//')"
_z "$@"
# supports relaunching z with the arguments for the
# previous command as the default input by using zz
zz() {
cd "$(_z -l 2>&1 | sed 's/^[0-9,.]* *//' | fzf --cycle -q $_last_z_args)"
alias j=z
alias jj=zz
############################ Command history
# fh - repeat history
fh() {
print -z $( ([ -n "$ZSH_NAME" ] && fc -l 1 || history) | fzf --cycle +s --tac | sed 's/ *[0-9]* *//')
############################ Searching file contents
# with ag - respects .agignore and .gitignore
fs() {
if hash ag &>/dev/null; then
ag --nobreak --nonumbers --noheading . | fzf
grep --line-buffered --color=never -r "" * | fzf
############################ Processes
# fkill - kill process
fkill() {
pid=$(ps -ef | sed 1d | fzf --cycle -m | awk '{print $2}')
if [ "x$pid" != "x" ]
kill -${1:-9} $pid
############################ Git
# fbr - checkout git branch
fbr() {
local branches branch
branches=$(git branch) &&
branch=$(echo "$branches" | fzf --cycle +m) &&
git checkout $(echo "$branch" | sed "s/.* //")
# fbr - checkout git branch (including remote branches)
fbr() {
local branches branch
branches=$(git branch --all | grep -v HEAD) &&
branch=$(echo "$branches" |
fzf-tmux -d $(( 2 + $(wc -l <<< "$branches") )) +m) &&
git checkout $(echo "$branch" | sed "s/.* //" | sed "s#remotes/[^/]*/##")
# fco - checkout git branch/tag
fco() {
local tags branches target
git tag | awk '{print "\x1b[31;1mtag\x1b[m\t" $1}') || return
git branch --all | grep -v HEAD |
sed "s/.* //" | sed "s#remotes/[^/]*/##" |
sort -u | awk '{print "\x1b[34;1mbranch\x1b[m\t" $1}') || return
(echo "$tags"; echo "$branches") |
fzf-tmux -l30 -- --no-hcycle --ansi +m -d "\t" -n 2) || return
git checkout $(echo "$target" | awk '{print $2}')
# fcoc - checkout git commit
fcoc() {
local commits commit
commits=$(git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --reverse) &&
commit=$(echo "$commits" | fzf --cycle --tac +s +m -e) &&
git checkout $(echo "$commit" | sed "s/ .*//")
# fshow - git commit browser
fshow() {
local out sha q
while out=$(
git log --decorate=short --graph --oneline --color=always |
fzf --cycle --ansi --multi --no-sort --reverse --query="$q" --print-query); do
q=$(head -1 <<< "$out")
while read sha; do
[ -n "$sha" ] && git show --color=always $sha | less -R
done < <(sed '1d;s/^[^a-z0-9]*//;/^$/d' <<< "$out" | awk '{print $1}')
# fcs - get git commit sha
# example usage: git rebase -i `fcs`
fcs() {
local commits commit
commits=$(git log --color=always --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --reverse) &&
commit=$(echo "$commits" | fzf --cycle --tac +s +m -e --ansi --reverse) &&
echo -n $(echo "$commit" | sed "s/ .*//")
freb() {
local commit=$(fcs)
[[ -n "$commit" ]] && git rebase -i "$commit"
# fstash - easier way to deal with stashes
# type fstash to get a list of your stashes
# enter shows you the contents of the stash
# ctrl-d shows a diff of the stash against your current HEAD
# ctrl-b checks the stash out as a branch, for easier merging
fstash() {
local out q k sha
while out=$(
git stash list --pretty="%C(yellow)%h %>(14)%Cgreen%cr %C(blue)%gs" |
fzf --cycle --ansi --no-sort --query="$q" --print-query \
q=$(head -1 <<< "$out")
k=$(head -2 <<< "$out" | tail -1)
sha=$(tail -1 <<< "$out" | cut -d' ' -f1)
[ -z "$sha" ] && continue
if [ "$k" = 'ctrl-d' ]; then
git diff $sha
elif [ "$k" = 'ctrl-b' ]; then
git stash branch "stash-$sha" $sha
git stash show -p $sha
############################ tmux
# fsesh [FUZZY PATTERN] - Select selected tmux session
# - Bypass fuzzy finder if there's only one match (--select-1)
# - Exit if there's no match (--exit-0)
fsesh() {
local session
session=$(tmux list-sessions -F "#{session_name}" | \
fzf --cycle --query="$1" --select-1 --exit-0) &&
tmux switch-client -t "$session"
# ftpane - switch pane
ftpane () {
local panes current_window target target_window target_pane
panes=$(tmux list-panes -s -F '#I:#P - #{pane_current_path} #{pane_current_command}')
current_window=$(tmux display-message -p '#I')
target=$(echo "$panes" | fzf) || return
target_window=$(echo $target | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":|-"} {print$1}')
target_pane=$(echo $target | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":|-"} {print$2}' | cut -c 1)
if [[ $current_window -eq $target_window ]]; then
tmux select-pane -t ${target_window}.${target_pane}
tmux select-pane -t ${target_window}.${target_pane} &&
tmux select-window -t $target_window
############################ locate/mdfind
# ALT-I - Paste the selected entry from locate output into the command line
fzf-locate-widget() {
local binary
if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^(darwin)+ ]]; then
local selected
if selected=$($binary / | fzf --cycle -q "$LBUFFER"); then
zle redisplay
zle -N fzf-locate-widget
bindkey '\ei' fzf-locate-widget
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