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Last active November 13, 2019 06:20
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Import path in TypeScript



In the recent project, we've mentioned about one question:

why do we do our imports as relative paths rather than absolute paths? It's not easy to figure out what's the correct path.

We then start discussing what the pros and cons are for using an absolute path or relative path. To my best knowledge, I always voted for the relative path, cause that won't cause a problem when we try to deploy the service into different file paths. But the con is that we need first to figure out what's the correct import path. But using an absolute import path is the contrary.

In the project, you might sometimes find this:

import { Service1 } from '../../../../core/services/service1';
import { Service2 } from '../../../../services/service2';
import { Service3 } from '../../../../data/service3';

I admit it's tough to get understanding what the real path for a service is.


So, we are trying to find a better solution than this way. According to the TypeScript handbook, it seems we can use baseUrl to solve our problem. Here is an example:


  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".", // This must be specified if "paths" is.
    "paths": {
      "short_name": ["the/folder/path/you/want/to/map"] // This mapping is relative to "baseUrl"

You can set up the baseUrl and paths these two properties. It would look like the following code:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "src", // Setup the src folder as base URL
    "paths": {
      "@core/*": ["app/core/*"] // mapping to core folder
      "@services/*": ["app/services/*"] // mapping to services folder

after setting up this in your project, you can use it in this way:

import { Service1 } from '@core/services/service1.ts';
import { Service2 } from '@services/service2.ts';

That makes life lots more comfortable. Happy coding, enjoy.


  1. Module Resolution · TypeScript
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