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プラグインを書かずにGoogle Play Game Servicesのランキングとアチーブメントを実装【Unity】【Android】【アセット】
// AndroidRankingUtility.cs
// Created by kan.kikuchi on 2016.04.01.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// Androidのランキング用便利クラス
/// </summary>
public static class AndroidRankingUtility {
private static Action<bool> _reportScoreCallBack;
private static Action<bool> _reportProgressCallBack;
/// <summary>
/// ユーザー認証
/// </summary>
public static void Auth(Action<bool> callBack = null){
if(callBack == null){
callBack = (success) => {
Debug.Log(success ? "認証成功" : "認証失敗");
GooglePlayManager.ActionScoreSubmited += ReportScoreCallBack;
GooglePlayManager.ActionAchievementUpdated += ReportProgressCallBack;
GooglePlayConnection.ActionConnectionResultReceived += (result) =>{
GooglePlayConnection.Instance.Connect ();;
/// <summary>
/// リーダーボードを表示する
/// </summary>
public static void ShowLeaderboardUI(){
GooglePlayManager.Instance.ShowLeaderBoardsUI ();
/// <summary>
/// リーダーボードにスコアを送信する
/// </summary>
public static void ReportScore (string leaderboardID, long score, Action<bool> callBack = null){
if(callBack == null){
callBack = (success) => {
Debug.Log(success ? "スコア送信成功" : "スコア送信失敗");
_reportScoreCallBack = callBack;
GooglePlayManager.Instance.SubmitScoreById (leaderboardID, score);
private static void ReportScoreCallBack(GP_LeaderboardResult result){
/// <summary>
/// 実績一覧を表示する
/// </summary>
public static void ShowAchievementsUI(){
GooglePlayManager.Instance.ShowAchievementsUI ();
/// <summary>
/// 実績の進捗状況を送信する
/// </summary>
public static void ReportProgress(string achievementKey, Action<bool> callBack = null){
if(callBack == null){
callBack = (success) => {
Debug.Log(success ? "進捗送信成功" : "進捗送信失敗");
_reportProgressCallBack = callBack;
private static void ReportProgressCallBack(GP_AchievementResult result){
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