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Created March 7, 2012 02:36
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Base64 to Hex or Hex to Base64 encode and decode
' Base64 to Hex or Hex to Base64 encode and decode
' Website:
' Base64转16进制
Function B64ToHex(ByVal strContent)
Dim i,strReturned, b64pad, _
b64map, chTemp, intLocate, k , slop
strReturned = "" : k = 0
For i=0 To Len(strContent)-1
chTemp = Mid(strContent, i+1, 1)
If chTemp = b64pad Then Exit For
intLocate = InStr(1, b64map, chTemp, 0)-1
If intLocate > -1 Then
Select Case K
Case 0
strReturned = strReturned &_
Int2Char(Int(intLocate / 4))
slop = intLocate And 3 : k = 1
Case 1
strReturned = strReturned &_
Int2Char( (slop * 4) Or (Int(intLocate / 16)) )
slop = intLocate And &h0f : k = 2
Case 2
strReturned = strReturned &_
Int2Char(slop) & Int2Char(Int(intLocate / 4))
slop = intLocate And 3 : k=3
Case Else
strReturned = strReturned &_
Int2Char( (slop * 4) Or (Int(intLocate / 16)) ) &_
Int2Char(intLocate And &h0f)
k = 0
End Select
End If
If k=1 Then strReturned = strReturned & Int2Char(slop * 4)
B64ToHex = strReturned
End Function
' 16进制转Base64
Function HexToB64(ByVal strContent)
Dim i, c, strReturned, b64map, b64pad, intLen
intLen = Len(strContent)
For i=0 To intLen-3 Step 3
c=Clng("&h" & Mid(strContent,i+1,3))
strReturned = strReturned &_
Mid(b64map, Int(c / 64 +1), 1) &_
Mid(b64map, (c And 63)+1, 1)
If i+1=intLen Then
c =Clng("&h" & Mid(strContent,i+1,1))
strReturned = strReturned & Mid(b64map, c * 4 + 1, 1)
ElseIf i+2=intLen Then
c =Clng("&h" & Mid(strContent,i+1,2))
strReturned = strReturned & Mid(b64map, Int(c / 4) + 1, 1) &_
Mid(b64map, (c And 3)*16+1, 1)
End If
While (Len(strReturned) And 3) >0
strReturned = strReturned & b64pad
HexToB64 = strReturned
End Function
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