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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Some userful shell commands

Command and arguments reuse

1.^r in bash begins a reverse-search-history with command completion

Press ctrl+r in a bash shell and type a few letters of a previous command

I can't imagine how much typing this has saved me.

2.history and !number

Run the specified command with it's history number

$ history
# will output like below
27  rvm install 2.0
28  ruby use 1.9.3
29  rvm remove 2.0.0
30  cd ../server
31  rvm remove 1.9.3
32  rvm install 1.9.3

# use the history number run specified command
$ !32
# is same as
$ rvm install 1.9.3

3.sudo !!

Run the last command as root

Useful when you forget to use sudo for a command.

"!!" grabs the last run command.


Runs previous command replacing foo by bar every time that foo appears

Very useful for rerunning a long command changing some arguments globally.

As opposed to ^foo^bar, which only replaces the first occurrence of foo, this one changes every occurrence.


Reuse all parameter of the previous command line

!* is all of the arguments to the previous command rather than just the last one.

This is useful in many situations.


Insert the last command without the last argument (bash)

$ /usr/sbin/ab2 -f TLS1 -S -n 1000 -c 100 -t 2
# then
# is the same as
$ /usr/sbin/ab2 -f TLS1 -S -n 1000 -c 100 -t 2


Insert the last argument of previous command (bash)

$ ping
# then
$ traceroute !$
# is the same as
$ traceroute
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