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Created June 29, 2018 06:46
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  • Save wangzuo/282b2cfe7143bbadd4a0f81e789caa51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wangzuo/282b2cfe7143bbadd4a0f81e789caa51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Github bot pr
GitHub.prototype.writeFile = function (filePath, data, branch, commitTitle) {
branch = branch || this.options.branch
commitTitle = commitTitle || 'Add Staticman file'
return this.api.repos.createFile({
user: this.options.username,
repo: this.options.repository,
path: filePath,
content: Buffer.from(data).toString('base64'),
message: commitTitle,
branch: branch
}).catch(err => {
try {
const message = err && err.message
if (message) {
const parsedError = JSON.parse(message)
if (
parsedError &&
parsedError.message &&
parsedError.message.includes('"sha" wasn\'t supplied')
) {
return Promise.reject(errorHandler('GITHUB_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS', {err}))
} catch (err) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty
return Promise.reject(errorHandler('GITHUB_WRITING_FILE', {err}))
GitHub.prototype.writeFileAndSendPR = function (filePath, data, branch, commitTitle, commitBody) {
commitTitle = commitTitle || 'Add Staticman file'
commitBody = commitBody || ''
return this.api.repos.getBranch({
user: this.options.username,
repo: this.options.repository,
branch: this.options.branch
}).then(res => {
return this.api.gitdata.createReference({
user: this.options.username,
repo: this.options.repository,
ref: 'refs/heads/' + branch,
sha: res.commit.sha
}).then(res => {
return this.writeFile(filePath, data, branch, commitTitle)
}).then(res => {
return this.api.pullRequests.create({
user: this.options.username,
repo: this.options.repository,
title: commitTitle,
head: branch,
base: this.options.branch,
body: commitBody
}).catch(err => {
return Promise.reject(errorHandler('GITHUB_CREATING_PR', {err}))
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