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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Applying robust PCA on an example dataset (to download this dataset, see
% load an example data
X = dat.dat;
SS = svd(X, 'econ'); % can decompose x or x', but faster when rows >> cols
% 3 solvers (5 variants)
% 1) constrained
% 2) lagrangian: two versions: sum of L, S, or
% max L,S. two params: lambda L,S
% 3) SPGL1: fixed epsilon (SSE bound), get rid of
% one parameter
% Pick SSE cutoff for epsilon
% - We can choose based on how much residual
% variance unexplained we want
cutoff = max(find(cumsum(SS.^2)./sum(SS.^2)<.95));
% choose the cutoff - less than 95% explained variance
epsilon = sqrt(sum(SS(cutoff:end).^2));
% choose lower eps in practice
clear opts;
%opts = [];
opts.max = true; % max or sum method.
% max method preferred in general because more stable
% solution...for algorithmic reasons...
opts.tau0 = 1193.62;
% opts.tol: tolerance for convergence. higher tol is faster
% higher epsilon : faster...
opts.L1L2 = 'cols';
A_cell = []; % this is for partial observations (missing data) or
% partial weights for noisy data/outliers
lambda_S = 50; % constraint parameter:
% larger lambda_S, more sparsity; smaller lambda_S, less
% 0 to Inf... 0 should be no penalty (don't do it)
% Other considerations:
% try different lamda_S values.
% once you find good tau value, use it to initialize
% sparsity in output -> if 0%, then S is zero, all sparse, reduce lambda_S...
% could use AIC/BIC to optimize sparseness approximately...
% Output
% L is 'denoised' data matrix (run SVD to get distributed components)
% S is sparse data matrix of excluded from L
% complexity/slowness: m^2 * v
[L,S,errHist,tau] = solver_RPCA_SPGL1(X,lambda_S, epsilon, A_cell, opts);
% sparsity 25.3% with lambda_S = 200
imagesc(dat.dat, [-1 1]);
title('original dataset')
imagesc(L, [-1 1]);
title('L: denoised data matrix')
imagesc(S, [-1 1]/100);
title('S: sparse data matrix')
%% Test prediction -------------------------
wh_folds = reshape(repmat(1:30,5,1), 150, 1);
[~, loso.stats] = predict(dat, 'algorithm_name', ...
'cv_lassopcr', 'nfolds', wh_folds, 'error_type', 'mse');
dat1 = dat;
dat1.dat = L;
[~, loso.stats1] = predict(dat1, 'algorithm_name', ...
'cv_lassopcr', 'nfolds', wh_folds, 'error_type', 'mse');
dat2 = dat;
dat2.dat = S;
[~, loso.stats2] = predict(dat2, 'algorithm_name', ...
'cv_lassopcr', 'nfolds', wh_folds, 'error_type', 'mse');
dat3 = dat;
L(:,sum(S)~=0) = [];
wh_folds(sum(S)~=0) = [];
dat3.dat = L;
dat3.Y(sum(S)~=0) = [];
[~, loso.stats3] = predict(dat3, 'algorithm_name', ...
'cv_lassopcr', 'nfolds', wh_folds, 'error_type', 'mse');
disp(['Prediction-outcome correlation with original data: ' num2str(loso.stats.pred_outcome_r)]);
disp(['Prediction-outcome correlation with L: ' num2str(loso.stats1.pred_outcome_r)]);
disp(['Prediction-outcome correlation with S: ' num2str(loso.stats2.pred_outcome_r)]);
disp(['Prediction-outcome correlation with L (after removing entire columns using S: ' num2str(loso.stats3.pred_outcome_r)]);
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Original data matrix and L/S matrices


25.3% sparsity
38 columns of S are not zeros.

LOSO results

Prediction-outcome correlation with original data: 0.42183
Prediction-outcome correlation with L: 0.11021
Prediction-outcome correlation with S: -0.19335
Prediction-outcome correlation with L (after removing entire columns using S: 0.17709

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