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This function conduct the greedy agglomerative algorithm to find community structure that maximizes the network's modularity (Q)
function [max_z, max_q, outinfo] = community_modularity(A, varargin)
% function [z, q, outinfo] = community_modularity(A, optional_inputs)
% feature: This function conduct the greedy agglomerative algorithm to find
% community structure that maximizes the network's modularity (Q).
% input: A adjacency matrix
% output: max_z a vector of community membership that maximize Q
% max_q the maximum modularity value
% outinfo saves max_z,max_q, and z and q for each merging step
% options: 'vis', 'visualize' visualizes the network using the webweb
% tool (
% example:
% A = [0 1 1 0 0 0; 1 0 1 0 0 0; 1 1 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 0 1 1; ...
% 0 0 0 1 0 1; 0 0 0 1 1 0];
% [z, q, outinfo] = greedy_agglo(A) % returns max z and q, and info
% [z, q, outinfo] = greedy_agglo(A, 'vis')
% All calculations are based on the lecture note of Aaron Clauset's Network
% analysis and modeling class (Fall 2014).
% see
dovis = false;
dogiven = false;
% Parse the optional inputs
for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})
switch varargin{i}
case {'vis', 'visualize'} % visualize the network (using Webweb)
dovis = true;
originalA = A; % keep the original A for its visualization
case {'given_solution', 'given'} % visualize the known category
dogiven = true;
z_given = varargin{i+1};
m = sum(sum(A))./2;
%% 1. initialize z, q values
z = 1:size(A,1); % Each vertex is in its own group.
q = modularity_wani(A, z); % Calculate the initial Q value
%% delta_q function handle
delta_q = @(A,m) A./m - 2.*(sum(A)'*sum(A)) .* (A~=0) ./ ((2*m)^2);
% Eq.(8) of Lecture note 5. In this implementation,
% A./m is 2*e_ij in Eq.(8), and ki./(2*m) is a_i.
% Multiplying (A~=0) is added because this calculation
% should be conducted only on the existing pairs.
% This value has been validated using a test against
% diff(q). They were same.
%% 2. greedy agglomeration
i = 1;
while size(A,1) > 2
dq = delta_q(A,m);
% get the indices for the pair that has the maximum delta q
[~, idx] = max(dq);
[~, idx2] = max(max(dq));
q_delta(i) = max(max(dq));
% merge the network: see the subfunction "merge"
[A, z(i,:)] = merge(A, z(i-1,:), sort([idx(idx2) idx2]));
q(i+1) = q(i) + q_delta(i);
% calculate the modularity of the merged network.
i = i + 1;
[max_q, maxidx] = max(q);
max_z = z(maxidx,:);
% save output values
outinfo.max_z = max_z;
outinfo.max_q = max_q;
outinfo.z = z;
outinfo.q = q;
outinfo.q_delta = q_delta;
%% 3. visualization using webweb (optional)
if dovis
webwebdir = '/Users/clinpsywoo/Documents/MATLAB/network_tools/webweb_v3.2';
disp('Please specify the directory that includes the Webweb tool in the code.');
dis.w = 300;
dis.h = 300;
% Increase the charge and the gravity
dis.c = 40;
dis.g = 0.05;
dis.l = 13;
dis.r = 4;
% Give the file a name = 'community_structure_modularity';
% Name the nodes
for i=1:size(originalA,1)
dis.nodeNames{i} = num2str(i);
end = originalA; = 'categorical'; = max_z;
if dogiven = 'categorical'; = z_given;
% ------------------------- SUBFUNCTION -------------------------
function [mA, mz] = merge(A,z,ij)
% This subfunction is merging the vertex pairs that has the largest
% q_delta value.
i = ij(1);
j = ij(2);
mA = A;
mA(i,:) = mA(i,:) + mA(j,:); mA(j,:) = [];
mA(:,i) = mA(:,i) + mA(:,j); mA(:,j) = [];
z2 = unique(z);
ii = z2(i);
jj = z2(j);
mz = z;
mz(z == jj) = mz(ii);
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wanirepo commented Oct 6, 2014

added more documentation.

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