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Created October 21, 2014 16:31
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log-likelihood estimation for simple Stochastic Block Model (SBM) (undirected, unweighted) based on Maximum Likelihood estimation.
function L = SBM_likelihood(A, z, varargin)
% usage: L = SBM_likelihood(A, z)
% feature: log-likelihood estimation for simple Stochastic Block Model (SBM)
% (undirected, unweighted) based on Maximum Likelihood estimation.
% input: A adjacency matrix (simple graph)
% z group membership
% optional_inputs: 'log'{default} returns log-likelihood
% 'nolog' returns likelihood
% 'dcsbm' returns log-likelihood for
% degree-corrected SBM
% output: L likelihood for z
% example: test against an example on p.10 of the Lecture note 6:
% A = [0 1 1 0 0 0; 1 0 1 0 0 0; 1 1 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 0 1 1; ...
% 0 0 0 1 0 1; 0 0 0 1 1 0];
% z = [1 1 1 2 2 2];
% L = SBM_likelihood(A, z); % L = 0.0433
% z = [1 1 1 1 2 2];
% L = SBM_likelihood(A, z); % L = 2.4414e-04
% % Additionally this function has been tested against the Zachary karate
% % club example on p.12 of Lecture Note 6.
% All calculations are based on the lecture note of Aaron Clauset's
% Network analysis and modeling class (Fall 2014).
% see
dolog = true;
do_dcsbm = false;
for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})
switch varargin{i}
case {'log'}
% do nothing
case {'nolog'}
dolog = false; % log-likelihood
case {'dcsbm'}
do_dcsbm = true; % degree-corrected SBM
z_uniq = unique(z);
[u,v] = find(tril(ones(length(z_uniq),length(z_uniq))));
if ~do_dcsbm
% Standard SBM
L = 1;
for i = 1:length(u)
% In this calculation, Nuv is the number of possible edges between
% group u and v, and Nu (or Nv) is the number of vertices with labe
% u (or v). Euv is the number of observed edges bewteen group u and
% v (or the number of observed edges within a group u when u = v).
if u(i) == v(i) % first, when u and v are in the same group
Nu = sum(z == z_uniq(u(i)));
if Nu == 1 % if Nu=1, then Nuu=1, Euu=0; (no self-loop)
Nuv = 1; Euv = 0;
Nuv = nchoosek(Nu,2);
Euv = sum(sum(A(z== z_uniq(u(i)),z==z_uniq(u(i)))))./2;
Nu = sum(z == z_uniq(u(i)));
Nv = sum(z == z_uniq(v(i)));
Nuv = Nu .* Nv;
Euv = sum(sum(A(z==z_uniq(u(i)),z==z_uniq(v(i)))));
L = L .* ((Euv/Nuv).^Euv.*(1-Euv/Nuv).^(Nuv-Euv)); % Eq. (3)
if dolog, L = log(L); end
% Degree Corrected SBM; ref) p.11 of the Lecture Note 6, or Karrer &
% Newman (2011) Stochastic blockmodels and community structure in
% networks
L = 0; % log L
m2 = sum(sum(A));
ki = sum(A);
for i = 1:length(u)
ku = sum(ki(z == z_uniq(u(i))));
kv = sum(ki(z == z_uniq(v(i))));
Euv = sum(sum(A(z == z_uniq(u(i)),z==z_uniq(v(i)))));
if Euv == 0
L = L + 0;
L = L + (Euv./m2) .* log((Euv.*m2)./(ku.*kv));
% Eq. (11) of Lecture Note 6
if ~dolog, L = exp(L); end
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