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Last active July 4, 2018 06:11
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calculate degree, eigenvector, harmonics, and betweenness centrality
function cent = centrality_wani(A, varargin)
% function cent = centrality_wani(A, varargin)
% feature: This function calculate four different centrality measures,
% including degree, eigenvector, harmonics, and betweenness
% centrality measures. This only works for undirected/unweighted
% graph for now.
% input: A adjacency matrix
% options: 'all' returns all four centrality measures
% 'degree' returns a degree centrality
% 'eigenvector' returns a eigenvector centrality
% 'harmonics' returns a harmonics centrality
% 'betweenness' returns a harmonics centrality
% 'add', cent add centrality values into an existing cent
% example:
% A = [0 1 1; 1 0 0; 1 0 0];
% cent = centrality_wani(A, 'degree') % returns degree centrality
% cent = centrality_wani(A, 'betweenness', 'add', cent) % add betweenness centrality into cent
% cent = centrality_wani(A) % returns all centrality measures
% All calculations are based on the lecture note of Aaron Clauset's Network
% analysis and modeling class (Fall 2014).
% see
doall = true;
dodeg = false;
doeig = false;
dohar = false;
dobet = false;
for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})
switch varargin{i}
% functional commands
case {'all'}
doall = true;
case {'degree', 'deg'}
dodeg = true; doall = false;
case {'eigenvector', 'eig', 'eigen'}
doeig = true; doall = false;
case {'harmonics', 'har'}
dohar = true; doall = false;
case {'betweenness', 'bet', 'between'}
dobet = true; doall = false;
case {'add'}
cent = varargin{i+1};
N = size(A,1);
%% 1. degree centrality
if dodeg || doall = sum(A,2)./(sum(sum(A))/2); % get # of degree / m
%% 2. eigenvector centrality
if doeig || doall
x = ones(N,1); % the initial condition
for t = 1:100000
x(:,t+1) = (A*x(:,t))./norm(A*x(:,t),1);
% eq. 1 of the lecture note (Ch.3) p.4 with normalization
if sum(abs(x(:,t+1) - x(:,t))) < .00001, break, end
% repeat the previous line until the change of values becomes minimal
cent.eigenvector = x(:,end);
%% 3. harmonic centrality
if dohar || doall
if issparse(A)
D = all_shortest_paths(A); % calculate the shortest paths (D) using matlab_bgl toolbox
D = all_shortest_paths(sparse(A)); % calculate the shortest paths (D) using matlab_bgl toolbox
cent.harmonics = sum(triu(1./D,1) + tril(1./D,-1),2)./(N-1);
% eq. 8 of the lecture note (Ch.3) p.10
%% 4. betweenness centrality
if dobet || doall
between_cent = zeros(N,1); % init betweenness_centrtrality, N = # of vertices
if issparse(A)
D = all_shortest_paths(A); % calculate the shortest paths (D) using matlab_bgl toolbox
D = all_shortest_paths(sparse(A)); % calculate the shortest paths (D) using matlab_bgl toolbox
for j = 1:N
for k = 1:N
i = find(D(j,:)+D(k,:)==D(j,k)); % finding i mediating the geodesic paths from j to k
between_cent(i) = between_cent(i) + (1/numel(i))./(N^2); % add betweenness coefficients to vertex i
cent.betweenness = between_cent;
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