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Last active March 4, 2019 21:08
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calculate modularity Q
function q = modularity_wani(A,z,varargin)
% function q = modularity_wani(A,z, [optional 'scalar' or 'degree'])
% feature: This function calculates the modularity (same with
% assortativity), q. It works for categorical and continuous
% (needs optional input, 'scalar') attributes.
% input: z attributes or category membership
% A adjacency matrix
% optional input:
% 'scalar' calculate the assortativity coefficient (which is a
% network-based generalization of the Pearson correlation
% coefficient).
% 'degree' calculate the degree assortativity coefficient (a special
% case of scalar assortativity coefficient. In this case,
% you don't need z. eg) q = modularity_wani(A,[],'degree')
% output: q modularity or assortativity coefficient
% All calculations are based on the lecture note of Aaron Clauset's Network
% analysis and modeling class (Fall 2014).
% see
doscalar = false;
dodegree = false;
docateg = true;
for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})
switch varargin{i}
% functional commands
case {'scalar'}
doscalar = true;
docateg = false;
case {'degree'}
dodegree = true;
docateg = false;
% examine the data
if ~dodegree
if length(z) ~= size(A,1)
error('The length of z should be same with the network size. Check the data.');
m2 = sum(sum(A)); % 2m
% 1. categorical attributes
if docateg
u = unique(z);
q = 0;
for i = 1:numel(u)
% Eq. (4) of Lecture note 5
q = q + sum(sum(A(z==u(i),z==u(i))))./m2 - (sum(sum(A(z==u(i),:)))./m2)^2;
% 2. scalar attributes
elseif doscalar
k = sum(A);
kikj = k'*k;
if size(z,2)<size(z,1), z = z'; end
zizj = z'*z;
% Eq. (6) of Lecture note 5
q = sum(sum((A - kikj ./ m2) .* zizj)) ./ ...
sum(sum(((repmat(k,length(k),1) .* eye(length(k))) - (kikj ./ m2)) .* zizj));
% 3. degree assortativity coefficient
elseif dodegree
k = sum(A);
kikj = k'*k;
q = sum(sum((A - kikj ./ m2) .* kikj)) ./ ...
sum(sum(((repmat(k,length(k),1) .* eye(length(k))) - (kikj ./ m2)) .* kikj));
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wanirepo commented Oct 5, 2014

Matrix-based calculation is much faster!!

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