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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Uses the Kernighan-Lin (KL) heuristic to optimize any partition score function.
function [bestL, bestP, info] = KL_heuristic_k2(A, varargin)
% usage: [bestL, bestP, info] = KL_heuristic_k2(A, varargin)
% feature: use the Kernighan-Lin (KL) heuristic to optimize any partition
% score function, e.g., modularity Q or stochastic block model's
% likelihood function. This works only for 2 partitioning problem.
% input: A adjacency matrix
% output: bestL maximum likelihood over all j, n-j paritioning.
% bestP the best partitioning that provides maximum likelihood
% info.L likelihood over t rounds.
% optional input:
% 'modularity' This option uses modularity Q as a partitioing
% score function.
% 'fixed' This option assigns a fixed partitioning membership
% to certain vertices (e.g., known vertices).
% 'fixed' should be followed by two vectors. One is the
% vertex index/number that to be fixed. Also you need to
% provide the partitioning.
% e.g., 'fixed', fixed, z (see the below example)
% 'dcsbm' This option uses degree-corrected SBM likelihood as
% a partitioing score function.
% 'run_to_n'{default} The algorithm is repeated n times.
% 'early_stop' The algorithm is terminated at the point where
% the score (e.g., log-likelihood) doesn't increase
% 'lag' The algorithm is terminated when the score does
% not increase lagn (which should be specified)
% times. e.g., KL_heuristic_k2(A, 'lag', 5)
% % example
% A = [0 1 1 0 0 0; 1 0 1 0 0 0; 1 1 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 0 1 1; ...
% 0 0 0 1 0 1; 0 0 0 1 1 0];
% fixed = [1,3];
% z = [1,2];
% [bestL, bestP] = KL_heuristic_k2(A, 'fixed', fixed, z)
% All calculations are based on the lecture note of Aaron Clauset's
% Network analysis and modeling class (Fall 2014).
% see
n = size(A,1);
P0 = ones(1,n);
fixed = false(n,1);
scoref = @(A,P) SBM_likelihood(A,P); % SBM is a default
run_to_n = true; % default
do_earlystop = false;
do_lag = false;
for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})
switch varargin{i}
% score function
case {'modularity'}
scoref = @(A,P) modularity_wani(A,P);
case {'fixed'}
fixed(varargin{i+1}) = true; % fixed some vertices
P0(varargin{i+1}) = varargin{i+2}; % assign groups
case {'dcsbm'}
scoref = @(A,P) SBM_likelihood(A,P, 'dcsbm');
case {'run_to_n'}
% do nothing
case {'early_stop'}
% stop at the point where L does not increase
do_earlystop = true; run_to_n = false;
case {'lag'} % stop if L does not increase lagn times.
do_lag = true; lagn = varargin{i+1};
run_to_n = false;
for j = 1:((n-sum(fixed))/2)
% t = 1
P{j,1} = rand_partition(n,j,fixed,P0); % random (j,n-j) partition
L(j,1) = scoref(A,P{j,1}); % initial log-likelihood of P
% t = from 2 to ...
t = 1;
continuing = true;
testn = [];
testm = -Inf;
while continuing
P1 = P{j,t};
t = t + 1;
[P{j,t}, L(j,t)] = swapping(A, P1, fixed, scoref);
if do_earlystop % stop at the point where L does not increase
continuing = L(j,t) > L(j,t-1);
elseif do_lag % stop if L does not increase lagn times.
testm = max(testm, L(j,t));
if L(j,t) < testm || L(j,t) == L(j,t-1)
testn(end+1) = 1;
testn = [];
continuing = (sum(testn) < lagn) && (t < n); % upper limit is n
elseif run_to_n
continuing = t < n;
L(L==0) = -Inf;
bestL = max(max(L));
[i,j] = find(L == bestL);
bestP = P{i,j};
% save P and L for t (the number of rounds)
% info.P = P;
info.L = L;
% =============== SUBFUNCTIONS ===============
function [P, P_idx] = rand_partition(n,j,fixed,P)
% CHOOSE a random (j, n-j)-partition
fn = sum(fixed);
temp_P_idx = datasample(1:(n-fn),j,'Replace',false);
P_idx = find(~fixed);
P_idx = P_idx(temp_P_idx);
P(P_idx) = 2;
function [P, L] = swapping(A, P0, fixed_s, scoref)
% GET possible pairs that can be swapped.
[~, min_idx] = min([sum(P0(~fixed_s)==1), sum(P0(~fixed_s)==2)]);
for i = 1:sum(P0(~fixed_s) == min_idx)
nonfix_idx = find(~fixed_s);
eta_i = datasample(nonfix_idx(P0(~fixed_s)==1), 1);
eta_j = datasample(nonfix_idx(P0(~fixed_s)==2), 1);
fixed_s(eta_i) = true;
fixed_s(eta_j) = true;
P_temp(i,:) = P0;
L_temp(i) = scoref(A, P_temp(i,:));
[~, max_idx] = max(L_temp);
L = L_temp(max_idx);
P = P_temp(max_idx,:);
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