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Last active January 11, 2019 09:03
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A code for a simulation in Hong et al., in prep
% In this simulation we examined how reliable peak distance and pattern correlation
% by comparing two simulated data with the same ground truth patterns of signal.
% define SNR levels
snr_all = [.1 .3 .5 .7 .9 1.1];
% create ground truth pattern
pattern = [0.4 1.7 0.5 0.7 0.2
0.3 0.3 1.1 1.4 0.7
0.4 0.8 1.8 1.3 0.1
1.2 2.0 0.3 1.0 0.3
0.8 0.5 1.3 0.6 1.6];
% make 100 x 100 data matrix with the defined pattern
dat = zeros(100,100);
sig = ones(20,20);
for i = 1:5
for j = 1:5
dat((i-1)*20+1:i*20, (j-1)*20+1:j*20) = sig.*pattern(i,j);
for snr_i = 1:numel(snr_all)
for iter = 1:10000
snr = snr_all(snr_i);
% Working on the first data
% noise was created using random numbers drawn from a normal distribution with
% mu = 0 and sigma = max of pattern / snr (e.g., when max = 1.8 and snr = 0.5, sigma becomes 3.6)
noise = normrnd(0,max(max(pattern))/snr,100,100);
% add the created noise to the data
dat_noise = dat + noise;
% smoothing
sdat = imgaussfilt(dat_noise,2);
% record the peak location of data 1
idx1 = [];
[~, idx1(1,1)] = max(max(sdat(3:98, 3:98)));
[~, idx_temp] = max(sdat(3:98, 3:98));
idx1(2,1) = idx_temp(idx1);
% Working on the second data
noise = normrnd(0,max(max(pattern))/snr,100,100);
dat_noise = dat + noise;
sdat2 = imgaussfilt(dat_noise,2);
% record the peak location of data 2
idx2 = [];
[~, idx2(1,1)] = max(max(sdat2(3:98, 3:98)));
[~, idx_temp] = max(sdat2(3:98, 3:98));
idx2(2,1) = idx_temp(idx2);
% record euclidean peak distance for an iteration
measure{snr_i}.dist(iter,1) = sqrt(sum((idx1-idx2).^2));
% record pattern similarity for an iteration
measure{snr_i}.corr(iter,1) = corr(sdat(:), sdat2(:));
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