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Created April 26, 2019 08:30
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
pragma solidity >=0.4.21 < 0.6.0;
contract DocumentSigner {
mapping(bytes32=>string) public docs;
mapping(bytes32=>address[]) public signers;
modifier validDoc(bytes32 _docHash) {
require(bytes(docs[_docHash]).length != 0, "Document is not submitted");
event Sign(bytes32 indexed _doc, address indexed _signer);
event NewDocument(bytes32 _docHash);
function submitDocument(string memory _doc) public {
bytes32 _docHash = getHash(_doc);
if(bytes(docs[_docHash]).length == 0) {
docs[_docHash] = _doc;
emit NewDocument(_docHash);
function signDocument(bytes32 _docHash) public validDoc(_docHash) {
address[] storage _signers = signers[_docHash];
for(uint i = 0; i < _signers.length; i++) {
if(_signers[i] == msg.sender) return;
function getDetail(bytes32 _docHash) public validDoc(_docHash) view returns(string memory _doc, address[] memory _signers) {
_doc = docs[_docHash];
_signers = signers[_docHash];
function getHash(string memory _doc) public pure returns(bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_doc));
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