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Created November 30, 2016 16:00
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1. install alembic
$ pip install alembic
2. initail a alembic [dir]
$ alembic init alembic
3. check [dir] structure
| # database model
|--alembic.ini # alembic config
|--alembic/ # alembic file folder
|--versions/ # versions (delete version = rm file)
| # env setting
| # template
4. update alembic.ini change sqlalchemy.url
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///:memory:
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:////test.db
sqlalchemy.url = mysql://username:password@hostname/database
5. new a version
# it will new a python in versions
# it include two method upgrade() and downgrade(), need to program it
$ alembic revision -m 'create a new table'
def upgrade():
# 追加するテーブル
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('name', sa.String(50), nullable=False),
sa.Column('description', sa.Unicode(200)),
# 追加するカラム
# op.add_column('account', sa.Column('last_transaction_date', sa.DateTime))
def downgrade():
# 削除するテーブル
# 削除する列 (not support to sqlite)
# op.drop_column('account', 'last_transaction_date')
6.upgrade latest database
# database will create a table alembic_version to record current version
$ alembic upgrade head
7.downgrade to origin database
$ alembic downgrade base
# upgrade two level
$ alembic upgrade +2
# downgrade one level
$ alembic downgrade -1
# upgrade to specific version
$ alembic upgrade xxxxxxx
# check current version
$ alembic current
""" [result]
$ 3715f217a003 (head)
# check history
alembic history --verbose
""" [result]
Rev: 3715f217a003 (head)
Parent: <base>
Path: /Users/data/Desktop/cindy/gomi/npp/alembic/t1/versions/
added two columns to person table
Revision ID: 3715f217a003
Create Date: 2016-11-09 15:54:15.280871
# -r options
$ alembic history -r1975ea:ae1027
$ alembic history -r-3:current
$ alembic history -r1975ea:
""" [result]
<base> -> 3715f217a003 (head), added two columns to person table
9. autogenerate
1. update
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../yourproject/tutorial/Db")))
from User import User
from Role import Role
from Models import Base
target_metadata = Base.metadata
2. create new version with auto code
$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "add user table"
10. Use different ini file for alembic.ini
# use [-c] option
# alembic -c /path/to/env.ini
$ alembic -c production.ini upgrade head
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