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Created July 24, 2024 12:19
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This is accompany script for my own StackOverflow answer, see comment below for more info.
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Wappen.UI
/// <summary>
/// Similar to LayoutElement but with limiter.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu( "Layout/Layout Element Filter", 141 )]
public class LayoutElementFilter : LayoutElementBehaviour
public enum FitMode
[Tooltip("Must implement ILayoutElement.")]
[SerializeField] Component m_SourceElement = default;
[SerializeField] protected FitMode m_HorizontalFit = FitMode.Unconstrained;
[SerializeField] protected FitMode m_VerticalFit = FitMode.Unconstrained;
[Tooltip( "Max width." )]
[SerializeField] protected float m_MaxPreferredWidth = 0;
float m_PreferredWidth;
float m_PreferredHeight;
public override float preferredWidth => m_PreferredWidth;
public override float preferredHeight => m_PreferredHeight;
protected override void OnValidate( )
if( m_SourceElement != null && !(m_SourceElement is ILayoutElement) )
// When drag and drop, m_SourceElement could get RectTransform instead
// Make sure to reacquire if ILayoutElement is avilable
ILayoutElement nextAvailable = m_SourceElement.GetComponent<ILayoutElement>( );
if( nextAvailable != null && nextAvailable is Component c )
Helper.RecordUndo( this, "m_SourceElement route" );
m_SourceElement = c; // Change to that instead
Debug.LogWarning( $"{this.GetDebugPath( )} requires m_SourceElement to be component with ILayoutElement.", this );
base.OnValidate( );
private void HandleFittingAlongAxis( int axis )
FitMode fitting = (axis == 0 ? m_HorizontalFit : m_VerticalFit);
RectTransform.Axis ax = (RectTransform.Axis)axis;
ILayoutElement elm = m_SourceElement as ILayoutElement;
if( fitting == FitMode.Unconstrained || elm == null )
if( ax == RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal )
m_PreferredWidth = -1;
m_PreferredHeight = -1;
// Set size to min or preferred size
float s;
if( fitting == FitMode.MinSize )
if( ax == RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal )
s = elm.minWidth;
s = elm.minHeight;
//s = LayoutUtility.GetMinSize( r, axis );
if( ax == RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal )
s = elm.preferredWidth;
s = elm.preferredHeight;
//s = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredSize( r, axis );
// Apply limit
if( axis == 0 && m_MaxPreferredWidth > 0 ) // Horz
s = Mathf.Clamp( s, 0, m_MaxPreferredWidth );
if( ax == RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal )
m_PreferredWidth = s;
m_PreferredHeight = s;
public override void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal( )
HandleFittingAlongAxis( 0 );
public override void CalculateLayoutInputVertical( )
HandleFittingAlongAxis( 1 );
/// <summary>
/// Base class for class that want to control ILayoutElement.
/// </summary>
[RequireComponent( typeof( RectTransform ) )]
public abstract class LayoutElementBehaviour : UIBehaviour, ILayoutElement
/* ILayoutElement //////////////////////////////////*/
public virtual float minWidth => -1;
public virtual float preferredWidth => -1;
public virtual float minHeight => -1;
public virtual float preferredHeight => -1;
public virtual float flexibleWidth => -1;
public virtual float flexibleHeight => -1;
[SerializeField] private int m_LayoutPriority = 2;
public int layoutPriority => m_LayoutPriority;
public abstract void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal( );
public abstract void CalculateLayoutInputVertical( );
/* Unity ///////////////////////////////////////*/
protected override void OnValidate( )
SetDirty( );
/* Internal ///////////////////////////////////////////*/
[System.NonSerialized] RectTransform m_Rect;
protected RectTransform rectTransform
if( m_Rect == null )
m_Rect = GetComponent<RectTransform>( );
return m_Rect;
/* Dirtying stuff //////////////////////*/
protected override void OnEnable()
protected override void OnTransformParentChanged()
protected override void OnDisable()
protected override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties()
protected override void OnBeforeTransformParentChanged()
protected void SetDirty()
if (!IsActive())
LayoutRebuilder.MarkLayoutForRebuild(transform as RectTransform);
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Note: For readers coming from "flowlayoutgroup" StackOverflow question
The example image in first comment used HorizontalLayoutGroup for simplicity and for demonstrating the script.
To get the real "flowlayoutgroup" you are seeking, don't forget to replace to the real "flowlayoutgroup" controller you have.

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