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Last active October 7, 2022 16:17
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  • Save wappenull/e5216bcf299a11bba35a84a432280abf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wappenull/e5216bcf299a11bba35a84a432280abf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wappen FB Blocker, blocks suggested post, reel, sponsored post in simple scripting.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Wappen FBlock
// @namespace
// @version 0.4
// @description Disable brain cell damaging content.
// @author Wappen
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
const CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = 2000;
const REEL_HEADER = "Reels and short videos";
const SUGGESTED_HEADER = "Suggested for you";
function _GetParent( node, upLevel )
let i = upLevel;
while( i-- > 0 && node != null )
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
function _IsBusted( el )
return el.getAttribute( "wappenrekted" ) == 1;
function _FoundNode( el, reason, rootLevel )
let contentRoot = _GetParent( el, rootLevel );
contentRoot.childNodes.forEach( function (el, i)
el.hidden = true;
} );
//el.outerText = "XXX";
el.setAttribute( "wappenrekted", 1 );
let span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = "Wappen FBlock - " + reason;
contentRoot.appendChild( span );
console.log( `Wappen FBlock found '${reason}'` );
function _SimplifyFbLink( link )
let a = link.split("__cft__",2);
return a[0];
function Validate()
'use strict';
NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
let foundSomeData = false;
// Find div>span to search for certain work
document.querySelectorAll( "div > span" ).forEach( function (el, i)
if( el.innerText == REEL_HEADER && !_IsBusted( el ) ) // This is part of Reels and short video
// Up some level to root div
_FoundNode( el, "REELZ", 8 );
foundSomeData = true;
else if( el.outerText.includes( SUGGESTED_HEADER ) && !_IsBusted( el ) ) // Stupid suggested post
const ROOT_DEPTH = 8;
let link2 = "";
let linkNode = _GetParent(el,18).querySelector("h4 > span > a");
if( linkNode != null )
link2 = _SimplifyFbLink( linkNode.href );
_FoundNode( el, `Suggested ${link2}`, ROOT_DEPTH );
foundSomeData = true;
} );
document.querySelectorAll( "span > a" ).forEach( function (el, i)
// Ads will not have comment form visible on start by default
const ADS_DEPTH = 18;
if( el.href.includes("#") && !_IsBusted( el ) )
let root = _GetParent( el, ADS_DEPTH );
if( root.querySelector("form") == null )
let linkNode = root.querySelector("h4 > span > a");
if( linkNode == null ) // Sometimes link is under strong node
linkNode = root.querySelector("strong > span > a");
if( linkNode == null ) return;
let link = linkNode.href;
if( link.length > 300 ) // Ads usually has exceptionally long tracking
let link2 = _SimplifyFbLink( link );
_FoundNode( el, `Sponzored ${link2} (len=${link.length})`, ADS_DEPTH );
foundSomeData = true;
} );
// In-page nav will not refresh the page, so use periodic check
let nextInterval = CHECK_INTERVAL_MS;
if( foundSomeData )
nextInterval /= 3; // Faster next check
setTimeout( Validate, nextInterval );
// It needs some delay before data-is_bought will popup
setTimeout( Validate, CHECK_INTERVAL_MS );
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